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RE: Foster and Adoptive Parents Don't Care About the Corrupt CPS and Foster 'Care' System

in #familyprotection6 years ago

This whole system is just completely backwards. I can't believe there are parents out there who's children's security is at jeopardy because the parent smokes cannabis to treat medical conditions... Yet a child can be born with prescribed (to the mother) opiates in its system and everything's fine. Why? Because it was never about the protection of children. It was only ever about profit.

The pieces all add up.

Thank you for taking the time to write about this. It fills me with joy to know there are others out there who are on the same page around this subject. I enjoy your posts. Keep doing what you do!


True when it comes to States where marijuana is illegal... It's not necessarily the system's fault it's illegal in certain States I guess is what I'm saying. It's not really nearly as big of an issue here as it is in you know midwest states I'm sure.

That being said, the system is a mess and maybe that's because they're taking away kids that don't need to be get taken away it's just not what I've seen.

Im glad you live in a place that's not as scary as the written post above. I think my state might be better too but I can't speak from experience. All the scary experiences I had were in Arizona and can speak on the cannabis topic personally. I don't trust the system. And I don't trust the feds. I absolutely believe they are capable of ripping children from perfectly loving homes for their own twisted benefit.

Furthermore I was recently reading that here in my state, where cannabis is legal recreationally, a parent known by the state to use cannabis is called into CPS by state law. I just think it's so messed up.

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