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RE: Heaven: I would suggest that the person flagging @familyprotection watches this video.

in #familyprotection7 years ago

Hi mindhawk. I came across this comment yesterday, and after mulling this over, I've decided that I would like to respond. I'm sorry you are SO disappointed with familyprotection, and so my intention here is to be a bridge to a bit more understanding between each other. I am not here to try to convince you of this or that, but instead I want to respond to your individual comments so that we can get some clarity on them all. I have read and understand some of your concerns and I can feel your angst, it's clear you are busy taking on many people who you don't approve of. I am a protector myself, so i get what you are doing, and that is why I am writing this comment!

So to begin with I want to separate one comment you made from the rest of the criticisms you have.

"Further, they took the side of the abuser against all evidence. As such family protection is a scam and is not helping anyone other than the whales using it to vote themselves SP/sbd to cash out."

Perhaps you have made some assumptions that make things appear as something that they are not? I don't think it is fair to call @familyprotection a scam at All. I consider myself to be a pretty impartial person, and I have been helping them for some weeks now. So let me just say that I can vouch that Linda and Mark are in this for ALL the right reasons, and really do their best to get the right messages heard. I think you are right that there are many posts that are not verified. You are also right that Family Protection are not able to authenticate most of these stories. That is also not the aim, that is a job for the courts! We are just four people each with our own lives. Whilst there are plenty of stories that we can’t verify, there are also plenty that we can. There are stories from first hand accounts, often from people we know, and there is no doubt that their stories are true, and often quite shocking. You can find 2 such stories just from yesterday, and I share these links below:

But, even right now @familyprotection are also helping. There is a conspiracy side to this, but there is also a community side to it, and @familyprotection are a community of quite a few people, and many of them are well supported by the Steemit ecosystem. @familyprotection are also giving people knowledge about their rights, and how to handle CPS when they turn up. This is important information that does need to be shared, because I can promise you that every day 100s of children are unethically removed from their families, in the most uncompassionate way, and often (not always!) for all the wrong reasons.

As far as what happens in the future, that is a discussion that is ongoing, and when the time comes we will see what happens! I am supporting them, because I do see great value in what they are doing. Personally speaking, I can think of nothing more soul destroying then to have your child torn from you, just because you homeschool them, or because you have a different way of living to the norm... or even worse that you are just too poor to be able to handle life.

I do understand some of the battles you pick on Steemit, but this is one that I have a hard time understanding. SO i Hope this comment maybe helps in some way to help you see things in a different light, and maybe we can be a little more accommodating of each other's passions and missions.

You final comment was:
"I have been extremely disappointed with every interaction I have had with steemit's 'familyprotection' "

I think the potential for better interactions will come when we can ALL cool down a bit and actually ask the right questions and listen to each other. I'm sure Linda and Mark are upset at being called 'scammers, or thereabouts', and also to hear someone say that they are not helping anyone, when all they do day in and day out is to try and make this work.

So since I am a part of the familyprotection team, i hope that if nothing else, i have given you a decent interaction! We are not perfect, mistakes happen every day, but our intentions are on point!

thanks for listening mindhawk!


Both of those posts are utter crap. I am convinced by neither of them that they are real.

Also, your many paragraphs here say next to nothing. In general, the most consistent thing about @familyprotection is the horrible, horrible writing. Not just the broken english, but because all of the important details are left out and there is endless needless backstory written at the 3rd grade level. It is consistent across all posts, which could be written by the same 3 people because they are so similar.

My posts on the subject are investigative, I prove beyond any doubt that Arizona's system is intentionally putting children in the hands of known abusers and that Lori Handrahan was gang-stalked so that her daughter could be stolen and abused.

Not a one of you who are obsessed with family protection can even correctly restate what I wrote, and when faced with tremendous evidence that the father of Lori Handrahan's child was stalking and harassing her with fake websites and accounts, you ignore this completely and restate his case.

You are disgusting, stop what you are doing, it's evil and stupid.

Don't contact me again, I'm muting you because you are just like the other jackasses. I wouldn't be surprised if you had made up both those posts because the broken english is the same.

So, you disgust me, rethink your life because you are a scumbag who is clearly on the side of the abusers, helping them get away with their abuse by running a smoke screen for profit.

You must be sick in the head, seek mental help scumbag.

im sorry i dont know the details of your story.. but perhaps that doesnt matter now.. ALl i can say is that you made a LOT of assumptions in your response!

your response started out coherently.. i was going to respond .. then the ending.. oh my! oh well i tried! ill seek help as you advise

Recently i was reading comments after listening to a Lori Handrahan interview and one comment really hit a nerve. It was brutal and full of hatred, but something didn't seem right after just hearing her talk for more than an hour. After weeks of digging into her case there isn't any doubt the lady is telling the truth. Anyone prepared to actually study this case will walk away feeling the same as i do. She has been through hell and back and still keeps fighting. One very tough determined lady i have nothing but admiration for. This impacted on me like nothing before and the most important rabbit hole i've been down.

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