From nightmare to hell - When CPS, judges and doctors team up to destroy lives. Julie’s story part 1

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

First I’d like to start with saying that I have nothing against the medical profession as a whole.
It is a fact that doctors and nurses save lives every day and that they do a lot of good.

This story is not about them, it’s about the others that don’t…

It is also the story of a young girl, my best friend but not long enough, who’s life was destroyed and eventually ended and that of her family, by a system that was meant to protect her.
It is a tough one to write, because it was the first time in my life that I experienced up close what evil CPS in Holland can do, and at the time I wasn’t even sure why they were there and what their function was.
I know now.

For Julie, Sam and Leon: I will never forget...

Julie's family

I met Julie after her mother started talking to me at the park when I was walking our family dog. I was 15 at the time and Julie was 14. The mother Alicia, told me that they just moved to the area and that her daughter and I would get on well. Not long after that, I met Alicia again in the park. This time she had Julie with her. I was shy and quiet, while Julie was quite the opposite. Somehow, however, we connected and became inseparable very quickly. Her mother became like a second mother to me and their home became my second home. Julie's brothers started to call me sis or cousin whenever anyone asked, and everyone that didn't know us thought we were related. Her family was Italian and their house was a noisy but happy home.
But of course, like in other homes, this family also had their problems. But there was never any aggression and if anyone ever got angry, this would never last. There was more laughter in their house than I had ever experienced in my life, and everyone who ever visited didn’t want to leave and always came back. However, they had one incident where the police was called. Little did they know that it would change their lives forever....


Julie's story

Julie's eldest brother Leon was in his first year in college and had just moved out on his own. Their parents had asked him to leave because there had been some trouble with some of his (wrong) friends and they had brought trouble to their home.
The incident happened after he had come home and brought his friends after a night out. To cut a long story short:
There was a disagreement that ended in two of the boys fighting and the police were called.
Julie had a large family, she had 2 older and 2 younger brothers and one older sister, all still living at home. Her sister's husband and their little toddler were also living with them. Because the parents didn't want any more trouble to upset their home and children, they had asked Leon to find a place and move out, since he had no intentions to drop his friends.

One day, Julie was having a bad day. You know: the usual teen stuff, nothing major, and usually that would mean we would meet up and have good long talks, but this time I wasn't around. She decided to ride her bicycle to see Leon. Julie and Leon were two peas in a pod, Leon adored his little sister and always stood up for her whenever there was something going on.

She arrived at his house where she found his friend sitting on the couch, Leon wasn't there.
His friend told her she could wait for him there if she liked, he'd be back shortly.
Julie never liked this friend, but because her brother would come home soon, she decided to wait. From what she told me afterwards, there was an awkward silence for about an hour, in which he only asked her if she wanted to have a drink while he helped himself to another beer from the fridge. After that long hour of silence and waiting, she decided to go home but was stopped by Leon’s friend. He came on to her, and when she didn’t want anything to do with him, he overpowered her.

Julie had just turned 16 when she was raped.

Fast forward - The nightmare becomes reality

Three months went by in which Julie kept all of this to herself. To her horror, she discovered that she was pregnant. One night, I was at their house and all of us were playing a board game. I will never forget how Julie broke down and told us everything. I still hear her sobbing in my head when I think of her. It was the first time I’d seen this family sad and angry at the same time. We all shed tons of tears but at the same time, there was an immense amount of love. It was the hardest thing to hear for all, but I believe Julie’s father Lou suffered the most. In the months to come, we saw him decline from a vibrant, sunny man to a heap of sadness, suffering in silence.
And Leon...he changed. He wanted to kill this guy. And I think he would have, if Alicia wouldn’t have made him stay with them and made him promise not to take matters into his own hands.

The normal route was taken, police reports and statements were filed and eventually this led to the arrest of the man who shook a family’s life to the core.
When they let him out on bail, he found his things outside of the house he, Leon and another friend were sharing. He didn’t take this lightly and demanded to be let in. Instead, the whole thing escalated into a fight between him and Leon.
The police were called again.
In the next few weeks, Julie had to undergo some tests at the hospital, as was the usual protocol. As there was no physical proof, besides her pregnancy, that she had been raped, this didn’t do any good in regards to the prosecution.
Julie went into a depression and her family doctor recommended a psychologist and offered antidepressants. She declined both. Her family was tough and very close and they had always worked through any issues without help from outside.

The family was Catholic and abortion was not considered an option. In all of the chats that I had with Julie, I never really had the impression that even if it was, she had any intention of having an abortion although she did mention giving the child up for adoption once. You see, Julie was one of the kindest people I knew and she never put the blame on the child, if anything: she blamed herself.

Because of the nature of the offence the police kept in touch a lot and because Julie was a minor and the rapist was an adult, social workers got involved in the case as well.
I don’t know why she felt it was her place to even mention this, but at some stage the social worker sat down at their dinner table and said that abortion was an option and that no one would ever judge her for taking that route. This didn’t go down well with Julie’s father and he got angry.
The social worker apologized for being so blunt and then went on to ask Julie what she wanted. At the time, all Julie could do was cry and she didn’t really want to talk.
However, later somehow the social worker managed to talk to her alone and that is when she mentioned she was considering giving the child up for adoption.
This would come back to haunt her for a long time to come.

Fast forward - the nightmare continues and the system's ugly claws

Leon partly moved back in with the family, he still maintained his house but wanted to be closer to his family for support. He was also afraid that the ‘friend’ would pull some tricks out of his sleeve as he was vindictive and had a bad temper.
With everything going on, her pregnancy, the police investigation that got nowhere and desperation setting in about the choices she had to make, it all got too much for Julie. She slowly slipped into a deeper depression. She was losing weight when she should have gained. She barely ate, barely spoke. I think at the time I was the only one she truly confided in, but not as much as I hoped. Besides this, maybe I wasn’t the right person for her to talk to at the time as I was only young myself and could impossibly offer any answers.
I tried to be there for her as much as I could, but this meant that I had to lie to my parents a lot, because they didn’t agree with me going to her house so often. So I sneaked around a lot, behind their backs, I did all that out of love for her, but I couldn’t be there all the time.
And to top it all off: The one who should be held accountable for all the misery pressed charges against Leon. During the fight they had just after the police had released him, Leon had punched him in the face a few times and this had caused a small tear in the eye socket.
Now the tables were turned once more and this became a huge problem.
A few days after Leon found out that he was charged the social worker came to the house once more and this time, she brought a colleague.

From what I heard later on, they had the following to say:
They pulled out the two police reports about the two fights that happened between Leon and his friend. Because they felt that Leon had anger issues (something that’s logical behavior if you just find out that your little sister got raped) they felt that the home was not a safe environment for the younger children in the house, especially Julie.
Of course the family disagreed but the social workers were very clear with their message:
Leon had to stay away or they would take the younger children, including Julie’s little nephew. In shock, they reluctantly agreed to having to cut Leon out of their family for the time being.

But their nightmare had only just begun….

Please support @familyprotection, the work they do is for the protection of families who are dealing with CPS. The authors share their personal experiences with CPS, or that of friends/family and expose what these government agencies do all over the world. Since I heard of it first, I now believe we finally have the possibility to change something and help those who are targeted. I am donating 50% of SBD to @familyprotection.




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Governments around the world are using "Child Protection Agencies" to take children away from loving families and place them in foster care or group homes, or put them up for adoption.

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Thanks for sharing this heartbreaking story with us.

The story is already so awful, but I believe that you are gong to tell us how it got much much worse, due to CPS and their evil ways.

Yes, it did get much worse. Their case worker was immensely evil and the judge and doctor involved....well, close to the devil is all I can say.

Wow. I can't believe how fast the tables turned around and it became a big mess. Poor family, my heart goes up to them.
So much love within the family and so much laughter and out of the sudden the family is broken and not by their choice.

I can't believe how cps gets involved in everything and makes the rules to destroy the families. Sickening.

Yes, you're absolutely right. And this was quite a long time ago. The end of the '80's. I'm not sure if they got more evil now, or if they were then. What I do know is that the church was very much involved in their business then and they were playing games a lot. The social worker they had was an absolute evil witch, but that will become very clear later on in the rest of the story. I don't even think she liked kids, because when my friend's little nephew, who was 2-3 at the time, would come up to her or the other kids and try to talk to her, she would fake a smile and ignore them. She wasn't a people person, didn't like teen behaviour and even asked once what I was doing there. And wanted to know where I lived....Luckily the family was smart enough to tell her it was none of her business. But I swear that she followed me once...It was a they never recovered from.

It is quite awful how the system works, sometimes making the victim to suffer over and over, together our voices must be heard we must put a stop to all this nonsense.

Yes, in this case the victim's family were made into the villain. The court case was an outrage and if you read the next post I am making, you will find that the judge seemed like he was biased to say the least. We even thought that someone bought him.

What a horrific story, I had no idea there were more people from Holland writing down the stories of that corrupt government. I am afraid of the ending of this story.. :(

@anouk.nox: Yes, I've been writing about my own experiences here in Ireland, but also about my family in Holland. I've dealt with cps in Holland too, not long before I left (about a year or so) but haven't written anything about that yet. This story is quite personal, because it was one of my best friends and her family and I were very close. They always said that I adopted them :) I was very young and didn't understand how far this system reached. I thought for a long time that they were singled out, but now I know there are so many more...too many. The thing is about Holland, most people will say: But why did you leave Holland, it is such a great country, so liberal. And I always smile about that. Yes, the country seems liberal and it seems like the people are free. But I actually think that it is one of the worst countries. Worse, because people are made to believe they have a lot of freedom, when in reality the opposite is the case. We're all numbers in the big book of control. Just the fact that the headquarters of the Bilderberg group is located in Holland, should say enough. And no, this story does not have a happy ending. It has haunted me for a long time and it still does. But I had it hidden away in a dark corner of my mind, I have barely told anyone about it, only bits and pieces, because I didn't even know where to start. This is the first time I am writing all of it.

oh my, thats hard to read, so i know must have been really hard for you to write.. you are a hero!

This is the problem with rules as we know them.. they don't take anything else into account.. its all black and white, and when the colours don't match up, there are the most dire consequences.

I do wonder what kind of training CPS staff have for their jobs.. it really sounds like they don't give this kind of thing any consideration.. They sound like robots 'just doing their job'

I think this notion of just doing you job is something that might be good to look at, and tackle. People say it all the time, as some kind of justification for horrific acts. WE don't have to look too far back to see what history has shown us.


exactly, we don't have to look very far back. Just the horror that happened here in Ireland alone with mothers and their children is enough to know, and that only ended in the late '90's! About their training: there was a documentary in Holland a few years back (late '90's early 2000 I think) with a hidden camera that showed that at the time they were hiring just about anyone. If someone applied for the job, and said that they didn't have any credentials they were asked what they did have. Some guy mentioned that he studied communication. The interviewer said to him: close enough! So that should tell ya. They would sit outside in the car, then go into someone's house for the first time and make up stuff. It was unreal. If I can find it somewhere, I'll post a link.

Just realised I am not following you yet! Don't ask me why, thought I had done that a long time ago.
Gonna have a read later but just wanted to check in with you and let you know I got your msg on discord. Will have to chat soon and hope you are ok. I'll be online all night so anytime is good.

  • Simplemente me encanto, muy reflectivo y a la vez un poco triste, pero estas cosas nos ayudan para bien en todo momento y en todo lugar.

  • Gracias por publicar este tipo de contenido tan reflectivo y que nos ayuda para saber que nuestra situacion no es nada comparada con la situacion de otras personas en el mundo.

  • Dios te bendiga enormemente en tu vida amiga mia

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection

What time are you going to be in Dublin tomorrow?

I am taking the train at 1 pm, so should be at Heuston station around 4 pm.

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