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RE: They Nailed Us

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

No, YOU please STOP speaking to me this way. You have been extremely rude to me and others several times. For example, you told somebody that I want poor children to live on the streets in Venezuela and you spammed my post with many rude comments underneath other people's comments to me -- on this post here.

You just said this:

Your deceit and dishonesty can be seen ...

I do not have a problem with people pointing out perceived errors in my posts/comments, but to assign 'deceit and dishonesty' as my motivating factors is going too far.

You don't know me and you have not read all of Snowpea's posts (you think he is her boyfriend when it is her husband and the father of her children.)

Because of your pattern of behaviour, I am not going to continue a conversation with you as it is pointless. I want you to stop commenting on my posts/comments and since I can't ban you, I will use my flag on you if you keep it up.


It sickens me to see your character attacked as what you and Mark have put together here is humbling. Both of you could choose to squeeze every drip of profit from your stake, and I watch as your efforts seek to both educate as well as give some sort of financial relief to families in crises. Your efforts here give me the desire to be a better person, as I am sure it does for many.

There is no reasoning with this person. I tried to on another thread, where her constant attacks on this effort to help others in crises was combined with an attack on indigenous Americans being mostly alcoholics in her words. I tried to be very diplomatic with her, hoping that if I was to engage in a non threatening way she might put her anger aside and be able to look through more open eyes. I saw then that there would be no meeting of the minds and do not engage with her now.

She is so desperate to discredit all of this that she even misquoted my simple asking if Miranda rights had been read to twist it into

Just like in a comment further down someone said did you contact a lawyer about if your Miranda rights were given to you.

I never mentioned a lawyer, mentioned contacting one period. I simply asked if they had been read so I could have more knowledge. She has a sick need right now to lash out and twist, and I hope she one day works past her anger. Hopefully she will find another cause soon to direct her anger away from the project here.

thank-you. I should discuss with Mark if we should simply flag all the comments that she leaves on any @familyprotection related posts from now on.

I am looking forward to the day when Steemit Inc finally finishes their community feature, so that we can disallow people like her from interacting with us in such a troublesome way.

It is deceitful to cherry pick a statue to fit a agenda. Every single post here I comment on I go fact check before replying. I just backed up one posters facts and reaffirmed the facts to those who were doubting it. (the politician who advocates pedophilia and other assertions that were made were founded) So don't say I am negative to everyone. I don't consider the remarks I make to be negative, these people are involved with the system for whatever reason or however they got there sympathies and hostilities towards the system isn't going to help at that juncture. Sometimes we don't always like hearing the truth, doesn't matter how someone got there it's the rationalization of the truth that will get them out, in this case it's her husband (and I never said I read all her post, two or three, two on her family and one on another subject she wrote about), technically it really doesn't matter what I called him, I could have said significant other, they are all one in the same and they will all point back to the same person. Flagging me will only let other people on here realize that you don't really want to get at the truth or the facts of the matter which places everything posted on here in doubt as to whether it is even the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, it's all about a hate agenda and quite frankly these people need support not a driven agenda. I am not saying don't hate the system, don't fight the system, give these people the advice they need to get out of the system, to out maneuver them, it's to late for just sympathies and hate. When someone writes and it's so obvious what that person needs to do it doesn't hurt to give them your opinion, they may not like it, they may not take it but I do know of another women who writes on here how she didn't leave her significant other and how she had wished she did. She doesn't have her daughter anymore, she went up for adoption, she's fighting it, she got her son's back but not her daughter. That speaks volumes for what I am trying to convey to her.

You want to be flag happy go ahead people can still see the comment so I want to get this straight with everyone to where you accused me of you wanting to see children out in the street.

[-]cortexx (57) · 3 months ago
I heard that the US government will take of the children if the family can't be able to sustain their needs. But here in the Philippines the government don't care about the children here, if the parents are poor and uneducated they just leave their children on streets and will become drug addict, criminals, slave and they beg for money to the people, what do you think @canadian-coconut?

4 votes
[-]sunlit7 (46) · 3 months ago
One cannot expect that someone who is against child protection agencies to step forward and say anything positive about them. It's a shame that your country allows that to happen to innocent children, even if you look at child protection services in the most negative way surely being under the hospice of child protective custody would be better than what the children in your country suffer.

$0.00Reply did you step forward with a reply to this man and admit there's times when children are better off in protective care? No you didn't so there is only one conclusion that can be drawn from this. You didn't want to reply to him because he said I hear the government will take care of children when parents can't, obviously he was under the impression that that was a good thing versus living in the streets, you don't even want to admit any possibility of any child being better off in care and that's why you ignored him. Go ahead and flag away but people will still see your false accusation against me.

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