They Nailed Us

in #familyprotection6 years ago

I'm balling my eyes out right now. I don't even know where to start! I went to talk with the social worker and detective today at 8:30 this morning, and Jared went at 2:00 this afternoon.

We are seriously like nails being hammered!


The whole conversation is a blur. I chickened out on taping it. They asked if things are getting better and I told them that I made the calls needed to help Jared. We went around and around over a bunch of dumb questions. The social worker said that she was worried that if she drops the case, she would find out a couple months later that things are even worse. They couldn't understand why this whole thing is stressful on us. The police officer said that since Jared has been incarcerated before, the constant visits to watch us pee should be no more than a bit of an inconvenience...They asked how homeschooling is going and truth be told, I'm taking a break with everything that's going on.

They asked why I'm so resistant to their "services," and I told them what happened before when I went to them for "services". I told them how the tables were turned on me and there was a CHIPS order and they even took issue with my 3 year old wetting the bed. I had to jump through hoops just to keep my kids. Laura, the social worker, brought up submitting to voluntary services instead. I hesitated, and told her that I think things will just get better with time. That Jared's actually gotten worse since this all started. The police officer said that the more we resist services, the more they will be done to us. Laura asked if I would talk to Jared about it. I told her I would talk to him, and that I'd think about it as well.

I came home and told Jared about the meeting. He was to go meet them at 2pm. Jared pointed out that if we didn't submit, there would be a CHIPS (CHild In need of Protective Services) order, the whole court, a judge, a guardian ad litem, ect. We would be forced into these things anyway.

When he came back from his appointment, he said he agreed to getting voluntary services on behalf of both of us, and that Laura would draw up the paperwork, and come by to have us sign it tomorrow.

That's not even the worst part though.

After we took Naomi out of school, we stopped giving her her adhd medication. We refilled it one more time to help Jared. He functioned better when he took mine, and we thought it wouldn't hurt if he took hers since she wasn't taking it anymore. The detective searched out the prescription history, and found out that we refilled it after I said she wasn't taking it anymore.

The detective is putting in a recommendation to the DA that he presses charges on both of us for diverting medication. She said she has not yet determined if she will recommend that he presses charges on obstruction of justice for not being forthcoming about this. Jared asked her, "How does this help anyone!?" She told Jared there are consequences to actions. This kind of thing has never happened to me before. I can't believe this!!! That's when they sold him on a voluntary agreement...She said the DA is less likely to press charges if we have entered into a voluntary agreement... After Laura comes tomorrow to have us sign the papers, we will be switched to a social worker named Jill. Laura told Jared that Jill is great, and kind, she gets you stuff for your house when you need it, she mostly deals with voluntary services, and she is just a wonderful person. Oh I am so swept away by this description. Lollipops and rainbows from here on out.

Seriously, I am usually very sweet, but I must say, I am HATING my mom right now! I wonder if she realizes what she's done. I want her to die so I can spit on her grave, and I hope she finds this post so she can read this and DESPAIR. I am usually a peaceful person, but I have never felt so betrayed in my whole life. That STUPID BITCH! She is never seeing her grandkids ever again!!!!!!! Hope she's happy! Yes, out of character for me I know. I'm just sweet little snowpea, I love everyone! Push me like this though, and I go nuclear. FUCK HER! She's the one who started all this, and now I might be arrested on top of everything. You see, she didn't know about Naomi taking ADHD medication, because she was ardently against it when I had brought it up in the past, so I didn't tell her about it.


Now look what you've done mom! What about your husband and your son smoking pot? I almost want to name names. I almost want to call their employers and tell them. Then what??? Oh no the man you are in a relationship with because he supports you because you can't make it on your own, the man who abused us, the man who you don't even love...what happens if he loses his job? What will happen then? No more meal ticket for you! YOU DUMB BITCH!!!!

But I won't do that though. I will not fight evil with evil. What will I do? I will ignore you so hard, that you will wonder if you even exist. You call CPS out of one side of your mouth, and with the other side, "This would be a good weekend for the kids to spend the night!" Oh no, I am never trusting you again, I am never seeing you again, I am never talking to you again. You are a TWO-FACED, MANIPULATIVE, HYPOCRITICAL, OVER-IMAGINATIVE DEMONIC WASTE OF SKIN!

If you haven't already, you will come across my Steemit articles. HERE THEY ARE MOM! I would never do this to my own children!!! I would be understanding and helpful. I wouldn't throw them under the bus and try to destroy their loving family.

Yes, on top of all this, I might be arrested. Me. A non-criminal. As if my name hasn't already been dragged through the mud with this whole thing. I am in a vice here. There is no way out. I have to sign the papers.

This is what happens when you let them in. Nip it in the bud and stand up for your constitutional rights! Your rights are GONE when they step foot into your house! I've seen so many stories of CPS going away when you turn them away at the very first encounter! We did not do this! These are the consequences!!! They rake you over the coals and use any dirt they can find against you!! It doesn't matter if you're a good parent. It doesn't matter if you think you have nothing to hide! You may think, "Well I don't do this, or I don't do that!" They are doing their job, and their job is to scrutinize everything. If they don't find something, they will dig and dig, and dig. This is their job!!! Nobody is safe!!!!

Sorry for the rant.

Love, snowpea ❤

Family Protection.png


Maybe you should check with a criminal lawyer about whether that cop is bluffing or not about pressing charges for "diverting medication."

In the State of Texas it appears that it is only a crime if the medication/drugs were acquired due to your employment

Diversion of Controlled Substance

Under Texas Code §481.1285 states that a person commits this offense if he or she knowingly does any of the following:
Converts to the person's own use or benefit a controlled substance to which the person has access by virtue of the person's profession or employment; or
Diverts to the unlawful use or benefit of another person a controlled substance to which the person has access by virtue of the person's profession or employment.

and this website says this:

  1. Definition of Diversion of Licit, Legally Prescribed Drugs
    "'Drug diversion' is best defined as the diversion of licit drugs for illicit purposes. It involves the diversion of drugs from legal and medically necessary uses towards uses that are illegal and typically not medically authorized or necessary."

... and then goes on to talk about insurance fraud, etc.
It's hard for me to imagine using another family member's prescription (who no longer needed it) as being illicit or illegal.

Unfortunately I think that they CAN charge you with "obstruction of justice" because you willingly allowed them in the house and to investigate everybody WITHOUT a court order.

My friend, Anna, got her first criminal charge ever for "obstruction of justice" simply for writing in her diary while her daughter was in foster care. Her daughter knew where her mom kept her diary, and during a supervised visit at her home, the daughter wrote in her mom's diary (in the bathroom) and Anna wrote back.
They found the diary and said that this communication was forbidden and criminally charged her.

I am so, so sorry that all this is happening. Unfortunately this is the way that they operate and it is disgusting.

Please stop, you are not helping her by pacifying the situation. Anyone can go to the Texas penal code and find the list of prescription drugs that are illegal to consume if not prescribed to that person. Yes it's common that people do it, and ADHD medicines are widely known to be abused. Your deceit and dishonesty can be seen when you try to by pass the severity of the situation also by trying to wave off the consequences of possible insurance fraud, she could lose her much need medical care for her children. Let's not beat around the bush and try and help her, it's obvious that one of two things happened here, he or she or both refused a drop or dropped and the ADHD med was found, hence the confrontation with a social worker and the police. What she needs to realize is that her boyfriend is not helping himself let alone her, it should be he making phone calls not her, he should be striving to get better not make things worse for her. As in my last comment to her in another thread I told her to stop being a enabler to him. Until she realizes that she cannot help him that he has to want to help himself and take the initiative himself there is nothing she can do to make him change. This situation has gone from bad to worse and I am afraid she will lose her kids before she finally realizes that even such a loss will have no effect on his ability to care at all. It will be a cold hard slap of reality for her when she sitting there with just him and realizes that even that loss will not motivate him to change. Then and only then will she realize that to him everything has just always been about him and how he feels, not how she feels losing her children, not how her children feel about losing her. Eventually she will have to choose what will be the worse for her, losing her children or losing him, he's playing on her emotions, jeopardizing her children, acting like a child throwing a tantrum threatening to harm himself instead of seeking the help he needs to stabilize and help get his family out of this mess. She cannot continue to let him drag her down, find ways to "make him feel better" did the medication make him feel better enough to find a job?...look for work?...even make those phone calls? I highly doubt it, just another way to abuse. I was horrified when I seen that headline, I just knew this was going to get worse before it got better. If she got half as angry at him as she did her mother her situation would start to improve because he'd finally do one of two things: get up and get moving or he'd realize his gig is up and he'd show her his true colors. I am sorry this sounds really harsh but there is nothing else now that the situation is where it is at, being angry at mom, making excuses for him that is going to help, you and I both know they will end up taking those kids as the situation stands, she needs to be strong for those kids not him and demand he get off his ass and get moving. She finally really needs to know where she stands with him and she won't find out until she does. We can cry all day about the invaders in their life but that isn't going to get them out of her life, that will take a genuine effort on his part.

No, YOU please STOP speaking to me this way. You have been extremely rude to me and others several times. For example, you told somebody that I want poor children to live on the streets in Venezuela and you spammed my post with many rude comments underneath other people's comments to me -- on this post here.

You just said this:

Your deceit and dishonesty can be seen ...

I do not have a problem with people pointing out perceived errors in my posts/comments, but to assign 'deceit and dishonesty' as my motivating factors is going too far.

You don't know me and you have not read all of Snowpea's posts (you think he is her boyfriend when it is her husband and the father of her children.)

Because of your pattern of behaviour, I am not going to continue a conversation with you as it is pointless. I want you to stop commenting on my posts/comments and since I can't ban you, I will use my flag on you if you keep it up.

It sickens me to see your character attacked as what you and Mark have put together here is humbling. Both of you could choose to squeeze every drip of profit from your stake, and I watch as your efforts seek to both educate as well as give some sort of financial relief to families in crises. Your efforts here give me the desire to be a better person, as I am sure it does for many.

There is no reasoning with this person. I tried to on another thread, where her constant attacks on this effort to help others in crises was combined with an attack on indigenous Americans being mostly alcoholics in her words. I tried to be very diplomatic with her, hoping that if I was to engage in a non threatening way she might put her anger aside and be able to look through more open eyes. I saw then that there would be no meeting of the minds and do not engage with her now.

She is so desperate to discredit all of this that she even misquoted my simple asking if Miranda rights had been read to twist it into

Just like in a comment further down someone said did you contact a lawyer about if your Miranda rights were given to you.

I never mentioned a lawyer, mentioned contacting one period. I simply asked if they had been read so I could have more knowledge. She has a sick need right now to lash out and twist, and I hope she one day works past her anger. Hopefully she will find another cause soon to direct her anger away from the project here.

thank-you. I should discuss with Mark if we should simply flag all the comments that she leaves on any @familyprotection related posts from now on.

I am looking forward to the day when Steemit Inc finally finishes their community feature, so that we can disallow people like her from interacting with us in such a troublesome way.

It is deceitful to cherry pick a statue to fit a agenda. Every single post here I comment on I go fact check before replying. I just backed up one posters facts and reaffirmed the facts to those who were doubting it. (the politician who advocates pedophilia and other assertions that were made were founded) So don't say I am negative to everyone. I don't consider the remarks I make to be negative, these people are involved with the system for whatever reason or however they got there sympathies and hostilities towards the system isn't going to help at that juncture. Sometimes we don't always like hearing the truth, doesn't matter how someone got there it's the rationalization of the truth that will get them out, in this case it's her husband (and I never said I read all her post, two or three, two on her family and one on another subject she wrote about), technically it really doesn't matter what I called him, I could have said significant other, they are all one in the same and they will all point back to the same person. Flagging me will only let other people on here realize that you don't really want to get at the truth or the facts of the matter which places everything posted on here in doubt as to whether it is even the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, it's all about a hate agenda and quite frankly these people need support not a driven agenda. I am not saying don't hate the system, don't fight the system, give these people the advice they need to get out of the system, to out maneuver them, it's to late for just sympathies and hate. When someone writes and it's so obvious what that person needs to do it doesn't hurt to give them your opinion, they may not like it, they may not take it but I do know of another women who writes on here how she didn't leave her significant other and how she had wished she did. She doesn't have her daughter anymore, she went up for adoption, she's fighting it, she got her son's back but not her daughter. That speaks volumes for what I am trying to convey to her.

You want to be flag happy go ahead people can still see the comment so I want to get this straight with everyone to where you accused me of you wanting to see children out in the street.

[-]cortexx (57) · 3 months ago
I heard that the US government will take of the children if the family can't be able to sustain their needs. But here in the Philippines the government don't care about the children here, if the parents are poor and uneducated they just leave their children on streets and will become drug addict, criminals, slave and they beg for money to the people, what do you think @canadian-coconut?

4 votes
[-]sunlit7 (46) · 3 months ago
One cannot expect that someone who is against child protection agencies to step forward and say anything positive about them. It's a shame that your country allows that to happen to innocent children, even if you look at child protection services in the most negative way surely being under the hospice of child protective custody would be better than what the children in your country suffer.

$0.00Reply did you step forward with a reply to this man and admit there's times when children are better off in protective care? No you didn't so there is only one conclusion that can be drawn from this. You didn't want to reply to him because he said I hear the government will take care of children when parents can't, obviously he was under the impression that that was a good thing versus living in the streets, you don't even want to admit any possibility of any child being better off in care and that's why you ignored him. Go ahead and flag away but people will still see your false accusation against me.

Dear @sunlit7 Usually I stay out of this kind of thing but I would like to say that I think you are very rude for picking on ca-co's advice the way you did.

She clearly cares and wants the best possible outcome for @snowpea which is why she went out of her way to look into the situation and try to offer the best advice she could give.

Instead of picking on ca-co, why didn't you just offer YOUR advice and give YOUR perspective on the situation.

@snowpea is sharing her life with this community because she needs help, she's scared and she wants to get all the advice and support she can, it's up to her to decide what advice she takes if any at all.

None of us truly know how to resolve this situation because we are not in it, we are all just watching from a FAR and hoping that no children get legally kidnapped, chewed up and spat out buy the system.

None of us are qualified to give @snowpea advice but we want to help, so we do our best, that's what @familyprotection is all about, ordinary people coming together to lend a helping hand in times of crisis.

Giving the wrong advice on the legally involved in the article is not helping someone. Some people, and I've seen snowpea's stuff and I don't consider this to apply to her, can't differentiate that that may not be the only statue involved and take her seriously. Just like in a comment further down someone said did you contact a lawyer about if your Miranda rights were given to you. She wasn't under threat of arrest her husband was and when you are probation/parole they don't have to give you a Miranda warning for violating your probation/parole. People take these things seriously and waste time and energy on useless endeavors then focusing their attention on the matters at hand. Then again the advice given is to try and buck the system their stuck in then to offer advice, that I've stated they don't have to take, to help them think more critically about the situation they are in. She is crying out for help, any advice to ponder is better than no advice, even if it's critical, sometimes we can be blinded by our despair so much we can't think logically for ourselves.

My point was that the advice you were supposedly giving to @snowpea was diluted by your attack on an obvious attempt to help by ca-co, who you clearly have a problem with.

Another point I was trying to get across is that ca-co and everyone else in this community never once claimed to be professionals and that we think we know it all.

One thing I'm sure of, is that ca-co really cares about people and if you were aware of numerous families who she has helped, families that have been terrorised by cps, families that she lovingly took into her home and did everything in her power to help, then you would know that this woman is the real deal. Yes, she is not a lawyer and has never claimed to be but with the money we are raising we'll soon have an army of lawyers on our team.

Until then, I believe all the advice and help that ca-co gives to people she has never met comes from the heart and her first hand knowledge of all the tricks that cps plays to get kids into foster care.

As for your advice to @snowpea, if you really cared then maybe you should have been a bit more caring, it's fine to give people constructive criticism but your delivery was not very tactile and whatever good advice you had was drowning in a sea of shit!

Thank you @markwhittam. I appreciate you sticking up for @canadian-coconut. I've been checking in here and there but haven't been able to respond properly because I spent most of the day pacing around the house and looking out the window waiting for the social worker. She said she'd stop by to have us sign the "voluntary" papers and she never came. Guess that makes lie number 4.


There is so much to tell you, is there a person of contact that can help you, financially to get a lawyer or legal aid?

If theyre bringing voluntary papers, you may want some one there with you present as a trusted advisor. Just be safe about, you know what I mean?

Clearly read over material and verify that a judge working in capacity of STATE or above is signing off on any paperwork.

Consent is voluntary. I've dealt with @sunlit7 before. Dont consider harsh words. All the people are amazing in this community @snowpea.

I'm not a lawyer, nor law firm but just an on looker.

Keeping your family in prayers regardless.

@snowpea i think ca-co is correct.

Take a look at this, Ken Paxton at his finest.

This is interesting.

Dont sign anything without a lawyer. Person to person. False inducement into a contract is fraud. Commissioners are not judges. Judges are judges.

This is what Im pointing out in the link.

PS: County "judge" has a shared interest in any matter CPS brings forward "$$$".

Nice try but the first reply I ever did to Snowpea did "beat around the bush" so as to be caring, look where that got her....further into being a enabler to his behavior.

As far as ca-co goes I guess she'd better wait until that team of lawyers arrives before giving out legal advice.

Dear @sunlit7,
I hope one day you will find the sun light, until then, enjoy your swim.

I am all good with myself, I am honest, honesty is the best policy, being honest with others is also. There's nothing you can do that will ever really hurt me, I am not into this for the money, I am not going to sit there while this woman is on the verge of losing her kids and kiss ass because I want a couple pennies, I am going to give her my heartfelt response, no one has to take anybodies advice but if it even helps the critical thinking process to kick into gear it's all good with me. I can live with myself for at least trying instead of giving her unfounded legal advice that any average joe knows wouldn't hold up to scrutiny. Yes I have kids, they've never been subjected to CPS but I will tell you this much, what I, my brothers, sisters, some of their offspring has been through with CPS does not leave me unfamiliar with them.

@sunlit7 you've done enough here. Do you have children? Thats the burning question. Yes! I am tempted to just lay out the entire process, for this family on what to do. But I cant. Because I do not know all the variables, I am not a lawyer.

But it is perfectly legal to teach others on these kind of things. PERFECTLY legal. Aside from this, its your understanding of what Im presenting to anyone is not legal advice ... rather here is how to navigate through the BS.

If you've researched anything about family protection - cps in texas...KEN PAXTON JR. Whom has been tried and convicted of a felony (fraud), runs both state administered IV-A,B,D,E programs AND Foster homes etc. So as he is operating in official capacity (somehow) his business operates the other end.

If its just issue of dependency rehabilitation might just be the process. Idk.

What I do know is please kindly just keep your mouth shut as youre not helping a family stay together, which really is in best interest of the children.

Thank-you @snowpea for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.
"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

I am so sorry.

But I have to say, I was terrified when I saw your title that you had lost your kids today.

There is still hope.

There is still a chance.

Your children are still in their beds, in your arms, in their home where they belong.

ANYTHING else can be dealt with.

I'm sure there will be more to think about and say tomorrow. For tonight, I'll be praying for a deep breath and for some calm in the middle of this storm.

You're right, they are still with me...thank you @lturner!

Couldn't have said it better

I am so sorry Snowpea.

The police officer said that since Jared has been incarcerated before, the constant visits to watch us pee should be no more than a bit of an inconvenience...

How does his incarceration and his past drug problems equate to your having to continually test is what I don't get. I have read nowhere where you have ever said you had any drug problem and from my count they have now tested you personally at least three times.

I know it doesn't help you, but thank you for sharing your story and the issues that come from openly inviting them in and sharing information with them.

"Anything you say can and WILL be used against you"

Just curious, but were you or Jared given a Miranda warning during any of this?

I don't even know why they are testing me. I can understand a few times to make sure, but they keep doing it. No Miranda warning...

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)

I have not advice. I can offer my prayers and sympathy to you. We only want the best for you. You are loved here @familyprotection and know you have friends. I mentioned you in a post recently if it may cheer you up. Be strong and firm. I truly feel for you. Blessings @snowpea

Thank you @enjoywithtroy! It was very thoughtful of you to mention me in your post!

Oh my.. I am so sorry @snowpea but I do partially agree with the comment someone else left. Let me explain what I refer to ..Please take it as a caring advice because I really like you! <3
Although it may feel like a slap in the face, my feeling about the situation (after reading this post that contains once again medication abuse by your husband) is a bit different by now.
To me it feels like you are stuck in a situation, that you can't seem to find a way out of, because you still believe in fairytales.
I say this with the best interest though, to try to make you open your eyes because I feel like you should not be losing your children.
In your posts, and that also includes the one where you were talking about kicking him out, I see a pattern and I really feel like deep inside you know what you should do, to make sure you and the children will not be dragged down to the bitter end, but you can't let him go yet.

I couldn't either, although my ex was not a drug abuser at the time, he had a really bad drunk. But the important thing is, the patterns I saw after years in his behavior I recognize in your posts about your husband. And I must say since my eyes have been opened I have a strong nose for recognizing toxic relationships, and (sorry) I feel like this relationship is toxic for you.

Even if I am wrong, at this point I am afraid the only way to keep your children will be when you show them (CPS) that you are willing to cut the ties, go to a shelter together with the children, so your husband will be focussing on getting better. I know its not a pretty picture I am painting here, and I wish it would be a better one, but I wanted to comment anyway. I really hope you make the right choices and you will be able to keep taking care of the children, they need you !

Big hug..

Yes, even if we are wrong this is exactly what she needs to hear. She really needs to examine this relationship as hard as it could be for her. I also went through a relationship with my sons father who was also a drunk and that is why it is so easy for me also to see the traits of what I think may be happening here. My kids were never in jeopardy nor have my children or I ever been visited by CPS but that does not mean that our experiences we went through with someone that has similar traits as her husband can't be shared. I'll admit it was really, really hard to finally admit to myself that thinking I could help him was within my control and patience when it wasn't, it was his decision and when confronted with that decision he choose to continue to be a drunk.

The system is fucked up! I wish the best for you and your family! I would say move out of state ASAP! In order to escape these viscious charges!

I really wish I could. Thank you @moderndayhippie!

I'm hoping you're just taking a Steemit break to catch your breath and be with your kids, @snowpea.

Worrying about you and praying for you tonight.

Sorry if I had you or anyone else worried. I'm just struggling right now and lost my desire for Steemit at this time. Much love @lturner

I can only imagine. Glad you are okay and we're continuing to pray. Ben talked to Linda and heard you were okay Saturday night. Love to the family, @snowpea!

So sorry @snowpea. Really sad you're own mother did this to you. Prayers and Thoughts with you. And will give you a full one to help out

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