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RE: They Nailed Us

It sickens me to see your character attacked as what you and Mark have put together here is humbling. Both of you could choose to squeeze every drip of profit from your stake, and I watch as your efforts seek to both educate as well as give some sort of financial relief to families in crises. Your efforts here give me the desire to be a better person, as I am sure it does for many.

There is no reasoning with this person. I tried to on another thread, where her constant attacks on this effort to help others in crises was combined with an attack on indigenous Americans being mostly alcoholics in her words. I tried to be very diplomatic with her, hoping that if I was to engage in a non threatening way she might put her anger aside and be able to look through more open eyes. I saw then that there would be no meeting of the minds and do not engage with her now.

She is so desperate to discredit all of this that she even misquoted my simple asking if Miranda rights had been read to twist it into

Just like in a comment further down someone said did you contact a lawyer about if your Miranda rights were given to you.

I never mentioned a lawyer, mentioned contacting one period. I simply asked if they had been read so I could have more knowledge. She has a sick need right now to lash out and twist, and I hope she one day works past her anger. Hopefully she will find another cause soon to direct her anger away from the project here.


thank-you. I should discuss with Mark if we should simply flag all the comments that she leaves on any @familyprotection related posts from now on.

I am looking forward to the day when Steemit Inc finally finishes their community feature, so that we can disallow people like her from interacting with us in such a troublesome way.

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