Parenting is not an easy task

in #family7 years ago (edited)

Today I want to share a case of a client with who I worked for almost 2 years to get things sorted out for them in the family........

I always talk about relations, family, bonding, attachment because I know these are some very important and basic factors in life and if they are not nurtured enough they can completely tear you apart and this case is a very good example of it.

Source - Pixabay

This case is of a couple whose Son had stopped talking to them for around 4 years. The mother approached me 2 years back with a request to learn Reiki, so for sure I had to understand why she wanted to learn and how is it that she was going to put the Reiki work to use in her life. Her early responses were that she wanted to learn it for her family well-being in general, though I was not convinced with her reasons. I could feel she had some hidden pain which she was not able to express. I decided to go ahead with her, ideally my Level 1 Reiki is a 3 days class. With a lot of interaction and counselling finally on the 3rd day she broke down and she came up with her story !!!

Her Son used to stay with them in Muscat, the rule of this city for expats is that Children above 21 cannot be under family visa. They can only stay back either if they find a job or if they are studying. In the boy’s case it so happened that both these options somehow did not work out and he had to leave for India. In turn the Boy made an assumption that his parents did not want him to stay with them and they did not do enough to make things happen, so he had to move to India. He left for India and then stopped talking to them. He showed some rude behaviour at the time of leaving so the parents were also displeased with him.

A few months passed since he moved and from both the sides no one made effort to talk to each other. Both the sides got their ego in-between and neither of them wanted to break that barrier, and they did not realise when months became a year and then the parents were getting restless. The boy on the other side started getting into a shell, he was gradually withdrawing himself from everyone around including his brother and confining himself in his small space.

The mother eventually started making efforts talking to her son, but the boy completely refused talking to them. In all the efforts another one more year passed, by now the mother had almost broken down, she was not able to take the separation of her son anymore. Father was showing up strong so that he could support his wife, but internally both of them were too much in pain and wishing for their son to talk to them. It would so happen that if they would go to his house to visit him, he would not even open the door for them.

This was the time when she thought of approaching me, like many have misconceptions about alternative healing therapies so did she. She thought that if she would learn Reiki, some miracle will happen and her son will start talking once again.

For around 1 and a half year I worked with both of them a lot on Energy cleansing and with crystal therapies, more with the mother and distance healing with the son. This one and a half year journey of theirs I would not want any parent to go through such times, there was so much of pain for them, they would cry for their son and would be willing to do anything so that he would get back to them. It was a hell lot of energy release work but eventually after 1 and a half year things started showing some signs of improvement and it was a sign of relief finally.

The Boy first started with reaching out to his brother and then he asked for self-help. In the 4 years he had got into depression. He had cut off from everyone, had no friends, all the time he was in the house and doing some stuff on his laptop which no one could figure out what he was up to. He then expressed his desire to speak with his parents. So finally the Parents got to see their son and speak to him after 4 long years. The boy was in a bad shape so he had to be moved to a Rehab Centre, where he is currently undergoing his treatment. The parents are with him, there is a good amount of counselling happening with the boy and now all seems to be fine and back on track.

With this case what message I want to give to all the Parents is, there will be times when your children will require some extra amount of understanding from your side even when they grow up. Don’t bring that ego ever between you and your children over anything, do not hesitate to be the first one to reach out to them in situations of conflict. If there is any matter with the children, speak with them, try and resolve it as soon as possible, don’t let too much time pass in silence. That age for them is very sensitive, things can flip over completely for something which may not be relevant at all.

For children my message is, it is ok to not get somethings in life sometimes. Things don’t happen exactly the way we want, learn to accept failures as you would accept your success. Closing yourself completely to any problem in life is not the solution, learn to face them. Parents never wish anything bad for the children, so if something is not working out sometimes they are helpless. Understand your parents and be sensitive towards their feelings.

Well for me also this particular case has been a big learning. My Son is also of the same age and there are times when I get upset with him and stop talking to him, and then I only wait for him to say sorry and till such time don’t speak with him. But after this one I have changed myself. Silence can lead to very shattering experiences and I for sure would never want such a thing to ever happen.
At the end of it I feel very happy that the family has reunited and everyone is happy.

Self Clicked Image

A relation between a Parent and Child is the most beautiful relation, it should be nurtured with Love and care, don’t leave any space for misunderstandings, ego and judgments. Let there always be Love and understanding in this relation.

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻

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I'm not a parent but know it is difficult. I hope I am up to the task when it comes

Not easy at all - agreed!

"Parents never wish anything bad for the children"
your writing is so soft and stroke
I know exactly what you are talking about when you say
"Silence can lead to very shattering experiences and I for sure would never want such a thing to ever happen"

thanks Naina Your name that expresses a good heart really suits you

Its very kind of you to say that :)
Yes true parents never wish ill for the children, but there are times when certain instances happen very unknowingly without any wrong intention and the child may not take it positively like in this case. Sometime its the generation gap which creates misunderstandings and drifts. If either one of the side can rise above a little problems will soothe out :)

I am a parent myself. My son is only 4 still but right from the beginning, we have established in our minds as parents that COMMUNICATION is the most important thing. We are raising our son with the understanding that whatever happens, he can always speak to us. Coz if noone else, his parents will always be there for him, without ego, without judgement.
And that is very important for the children to understand.
Thanks for the beautiful post @nainaztengra

Thats a very good way of maintaining loving relations with your children. The trust between the two is very important and its built up only over a period of time

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What a nice post! Keep on coming! I agree sometimes that thing called ego and pride hinders reconciliation.

Thank you dear

As a father of three and hopefully in the middle of my life, I have some experience. I will just say that the life is short and there is no time to feed your ego. Create as much good memories as possible.

So true, life is very short. Few years down the line you will realise that what you were holding onto does not really mean anything for your larger good. Wish you Love and happiness in your family

Very True, I loose respect for my parents when I feel they are being the smaller person.. as in ignoring or avoiding talking with me when they feel I’ve done something wrong to them.. I’ve had my father hang up in my face without speaking to me for weeks over seriously minor things.. also gone into depressions and shut everyone I felt uncomfortable around OUT. Being psychic you see a lot of things in people that ends up leaching onto you which leads to a necessary isolation... Thank You For Sharing!

I can completly understand what it feels like and its very difficult to survive in such atmosphere under one roof, but you are a psychic my dear so for sure you will have empathy towards them and you will know that he needs help. He also is stuck up with certain patterns and needs help to release and move forward, building up walls does not serve any good for anyone.

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Thank you my dear

I am so glad to have found your blog! Beautiful for you to have used Reiki and crystal healing. I'm sure that even just finding a place of self healing, for the mother, left her in a place of responsiveness when the time came. Theres no pain like a rift between you and your child. Thanks for the beautiful story!

Thank you dear @cristinamuah for your heart warming response. I am glad that things worked out right for the family. They have all learned their life lessons from this.

I’m so glad :)

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