Fake News, Real News, Confusing News, Perspective News... Standing Rock, I Am Sitting This One Out.

in #fakenews8 years ago

There has been much talk recently about #fakenews, and what is real news.  I know it is impossible to have two sets of facts, but it really is difficult to see what is propaganda, what is opinion and where the truth really lies.

I am a Moderate Independent with fondness for Libertarian-ism.  so I find myself in the middle of both sides during most political debates.  Recently I wanted to understand the "Standing Rock" Oil Pipe Line issue.  You can read articles about both sides and the facts are just different, or should I say they are not "facts".   Is it about ancient burial grounds?  Water?  Money?  Oil?  

 What triggered my concerns, was finding out the tribes claims at the core of the “protest” - that the reservation’s sole water source - the tribes water intake at Fort Yates, several miles downstream from the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) - was threatened ... were not truthful.  


After reading the above article and then going back to timeline, reading other stories about Native American's concerns about water, I am now fully confused.

Another Article:


Regarding Standing Rock, I officially do not have a position.  However, I can tell you they are putting in a similar Pipe Line in WA crossing the Spokane River in nearly exactly the same manner.  There are no protests, no news, no fuss, just construction crews at work.

It almost seems like these large news stories are contrived and blown up to pit American's against each other.  Especially when it comes to "Special Interest Groups", and other stories that invoke strong emotions.

I won't be solving the world's problems with Journalism in this post.  However, I am sitting down on Standing Rock.  I don't have an opinion.  I am officially overwhelmed with bad information.



did you know that the pipeline right of way is OLD, that the reservation boundries have not changed in over a century, and that there is already an existing pipeline in that same right of way?

In other news...it's gonna get COLD tonight up there....and for the next few weeks. COLD by North Dakota standards.

I just found out about that today. It is in one of the stories I linked. :( What a mess of information to attempt to try to sort through. I feel rather annoyed by it.

Hang in there, keep investigating! Here is what I see:

Corporations and government and police are getting too dangerous. It is not so much about the protesters being perfect as it is about putting checks and balances on these organizations that are acting in away that is unfavorable to environment (OIL), and health.

It is messy but think about it: who is going to police the police? Who will investigate the criminals when the criminals are the government and corporations? They do not investigate themselves, instead they use media to try to trick the public and barry their greedy deeds (why you see so many conflicting reports and sites like snoops.com, wikipedia, etc..)

One answer is protest and civil disobedience (as history shows this works really well). I'm not talking about disobeying good laws, I'm talking about disobeying illegal and unconstitutional laws. It is in the best interests of the protestors to act in the most ethical and moral way possible as that adds credibility to their cause. This is not scary to me, it has checks and balances built in so it is instead encouraging; encouraging that this will lead to our freedom.

Definitely explore and I suggest really learn to enjoy it. You will not freak out forever, it really becomes second nature. I think you'll find the meaning of freedom if you can get over your fears and listen to what you believe is right.

fantastic writing ..... upvoted :D

@whatsup, news sucks. I haven't had tv for years, and it's been a blessing.

I have lived up there and I have family all over the bakken. I think some ancient sights were bulldozed and that elevated the situation. that being said These ancient sites likely predate the Lakota by thousands of years.
There is a natural gas pipeline running through this spot. I don't think there is a crude oil pipeline running through this spot. Big difference. The way authorities have reacted to this protest has escalated it to the mess we have now. Thi pipeline has already crossed the Missouri in Williston area. and one last thing. I believe this pipeline should be double lined going under the river because it will do harm that would take years to recover from if it leaks into the Missouri.

I feel that this is blowback from the indian tribe getting shafted once too often.

I think the proper grudge is probably 200 years old.

And it may just be the difference between how the red man does things and how the white man does things. I don't mean to be racist, but there is cultural paths of doing things.

From europe/UK comes our common law. The way to do things is we all meet at a town hall and discuss things that will affect all. If you aren't there, than tough luck. And this results in shenanigans like having the meeting early, or making sure some opponent person doesn't get the invite, etc.

From an American Indian point of view, you make sure everyone is there, especially if they are going to be involved. And either everyone decides to do it, or no one.

If you listen to outside people talk about this, they say that they tried to get the indians involved, but when they arrived for the meeting, the indians said it was already over. They also say there were town hall meetings, but the indians didn't come.

Sounds like the indians tried to play white man games, but didn't understand their approval wasn't even necessary. So they were ignored.

And Standing Rock is what happens when you are ignore and run rough shod over a group of people too often.

Now, you have a big group of angry people. The way to handle it is to send the police to disperse them? Well, that is what the people who stand and say, we did it all legally. (so what if you were screwed)

If this big group of people are actually angry for a real reason, this pipeline will never function. They don't have enough people to guard it. Therefore, they should find out why they are really upset and work it out.

tom woods put this out today.

Thank you, this is great

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