Gorgeous Gardenias.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #esteem5 years ago

Gorgeous Gardenias.

Gardenias thrive in tropical areas such as Africa, Asia, and Australasia and are native to Eastern Asia (China, Taiwan, and Japan) They are from the genus in the madder (Rubiaceae) family and there are approximately 250 species available around the world. The flowers (Gardenia augusta) which grow on evergreen shrubs flowers are highly cukltivated due to their popularity amongst florists and gardeners everywhere.

I gave this lovely gardenia a festive digital touch.


Gardenias provide appealing features for landscapes especially in warmer climates and they also make wonderful container plants. The genus name was given by Linnaeus, ( a Swedish botanist) to honour a Scottish physician by the name of Dr Alexander Garden who emigrated to South Carolina and often corresponded with Linnaeus regarding American plants.

This gardenia bud has been given a contemporary makeover with the help of digital manipulation.


The luxuriant gardenia flowers have a satiny smooth texture and their glossy leaves are dark green in colour. The large, tubular or funnel-shaped flowers exude an exotic fragrance and are available as single, semi-double or double blooms at the ends of the branches.

This beautiful gardenia is presented in all her natural glory.


Some cultivated varieties have rose-like flowers which open from large buds and distinctive whorl shaped petals which are followed by leathery berries. Gardenias generally prefer well-drained, humus-rich, soils in sunny or partly shaded positions. They also do very well in cooler climates in heated greenhouses as they do not appreciate frosts.

Gardenias are easily propagated from half-hardened cuttings during the late spring and summer months. Some species can be raised from seeds. These plants are used as perfumed teas and to treat influenza and colds in modern Chinese herbalism.



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Gardenia is my favorite flower and by far the greatest scented (if you ask me..lol)

I’ve struggled here to grow them because of the wild swings in temp we get here in Maryland. I really enjoy the Gardenia flower photos, @trudeehunter

Thanks so much for your welcome visit and support @grow-pro I'm glad you enjoyed viewing my images. I think Gardenias are very special and their fragrance is heavenly.

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Howdy trudeehunter! More amazingly beautiful photos I see, both the natural and digitally enhanced are all a delight to enjoy, this is another wonderful post!

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