Feathered Friday. White Eyed Ducks. steemCreated with Sketch.

in #esteem5 years ago

White Eyed Ducks.

This is my entry for this week's #featheredfriday challenge organized by @keithboone


White Eyed Ducks (Aythya Australis) are very distinctive looking birds. They are also known as Hardhead or Copperhead ducks. I captured these beautiful ducks as they lazed about in the sun at Centenary Lakes, Caboolture in Queensland, Australia.


They live in many parts of Australia and it is interesting to note that the females have dark eyes but the males have white eyes.


The Hard Head ducks are the only true diving duck found in Australia. Their habitat is the Murray-Darling Basin and love the wetter areas near the coasts.


They feed by diving deep into the water and can stay submerged for up to a minute at a time.


Their diet consists of small aquatic creatures and top up with water weeds. White Eyed Ducks are classified as small standard ducks and measure between 45-60 cms.




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Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
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That was a great post, I never knew there were white eyed anything in the world, what an eye opener. LoL. Oh and nice photo effects too boot.

Thank you for your comments @shadowmask glad you liked them

Cute life form

Posted using Partiko iOS

They are aren't they @bidesign Many thanks for your welcome visit. 💐

😁 Aren t they? Do they attack? Thanks for welcoming me madame @trudeehunter

No, they are very friendly and quite used to people around as the park that they live in, is a popular place for families to visit.

It s very nice to meet you. 🌷 🌼 🌷

Wow, what interesting ducks! Great photos! I'm glad there is a way to tell the boys from the girls! Thanks for posting in Feathered Friday! voted and resteemed :-)

Haha.....yes it is much easier to tell the difference with these birds Keith. Touche my friend! The girls must have been shy......unless it was breeding season and they were playing hard to get.😁

Thanks so much for the resteem and support. Love this challenge!

You always add the perfect finishing touch to your photos, well done!

Awww thank you Keith. It does hide a few imperfections too, so it serves two purposes. 😊

Looks angry

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes..... I suppose they do have an angry look about them but I think it is the weird colour of their eyes that portrays them that way.

Australia continuing to amaze with unseen wonders! :)

Those are some sturdy looking chaps!

Thank you for your comments @rossfletcher yes Australia is an amazing place

Growing up as a surfer, Australia has always been a big inspiration and influence. I should have gone in the 70's when there was still some unknown exploring going on. Not that it's entirely over but reading stories of the guys back then finding surf spots makes me dream

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Love these little ducks.

Thanks Stephen, they are a little different aren't they

Lovely shots as always, Trudee @trudeehunter. They like having their photo taken. Nice to be able to tell male & female apart by the eye color.

Thank you so much Jo. Yes, they were not opposed to posing for the camera although it was difficult to get a smile out of them. 😁

I never saw ducks like these before Trudee. They are such a lovely birds and your photos of them are brilliant. I love the colors and editing technique is absolutely perfect for this type of art. Well done my Dear 💙😊💙

They are very unusual aren't they Lena? Thanks very much for sharing your appreciation my friend. So glad you enjoyed this blog. 💐

Oh year they are.........always a pleasure Trudee 😍

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