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RE: Weight Loss, Trigger Foods, and an SBI Contest!

in #esteem6 years ago

Yes, you need to get on @kryptonia!

I had to do the same thing with called and my good cheeses. He can eat $10 worth in seconds!

I know a lot of traveling Europeans now. They can't believe how bad the candy bars are in the states. Here in SE Asia, the US candy bars are relabled and made differently, since the chemicals are not allowed here.

I think whenever you get more nutrition, the cravings and need to finish subside. The US diet is so poor, that everyone is "stuffed yet starving." Get some good food in you and your body will not be so ravenous.


That is for sure. Somewhen in my long history of reading about nutrition and such, I read that sugar cravings indicate a vitamin deficiency.

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