Does Twitter Matter to STEEM and its Dapps?

in #esteem6 years ago


Please perform this twitter audit on your account and report back to me in the comments to tell me how you do. If you are new to twitter, don’t make these mistakes and you will be ahead of the game.

Why you suck at Twitter

Scroll down your twitter profile feed, looking back for a week or a month. This will show everything you have tweeted, retweeted and replied to. Go back at least ten scroll downs. Look at what you are showing to the world.

Then look at these twitter tips with a critical eye.

You only post tweets about yourself or your cause; bragging up a storm

(Check your feed. It anyone else on it? Do you seem like a jerk?)

You do not tweet on a schedule

(Do you have a daily presence? The life of a tweet is about 15 minutes, fyi)

You tweet from somewhere else (like steemit) and never go to twitter to check your notifications

(You are missing out big time with this behavior, and twitter hates you for it.)

You do not retweet

(What is your Tweet/Retweet ratio?)

You never reply to anyone

(Do you ever click the reply button to ask a question or comment about the tweet?)

You like, like, like, all day but never retweet

(Twitter dings you for this behavior and you sink in the rankings.)

You tweet negative news about your niche

(So people are not attracted to your message.)

You do not click through to links

(Help your fellow man/woman/other! Click a few links each day and scroll down a bit. This makes twitter think you are interested in someone other than yourself.)

You do not follow cool people

(Do you have the tweeps you are following in lists by your interests?)

You do not follow people at all

(Bad plan for twitter. If you have 1000 followers and you follow 20, twitter does not like you)

You do not even look at people who follow you

(Go look at their feed and follow them or block them depending on what you see.)

You do not have cool people following you

(It’s because you do not engage, are negative, and only talk about yourself.)

All of the points above are counted by twitter and let you be seen or not seen in your follower's feeds. If you only tweet your own posts a few times a week from somewhere else, and do not engage in twitter, your tweets will fall off the feeds.

When I was putting myself out there as a twitter coach, I got the same question over and over again. People who contacted me for coaching help would always use these exact words:

Why do I suck at twitter?

Now you know. Please work to improve.

This post in inspired by the efforts of @nathanmars and his vision of getting angel investors who are big in crypto to join us and bring their money, time, and attention to this kick-ass blockchain called steem.I have already started getting a list together of over 70 heavy hitters on twitter that Nathan thinks might join in and help us succeed. But if we look like punks, they are not going to help us.

If instead we look like an active and interesting bunch, they might decide to give us a go and join in.

steem has potential

No other crypto space has such great and unrealized potential. We have:

  • a wonderfully efficient system with a light-speed transaction rate.
  • an untold number of inventive dapps that draw content creators and action
  • thousands of motivated people creating excellent content daily in 100’s of niches

steem has flaws

Do we go under, or do we explode and disrupt the old world?

Twitter is a place where 50 people can cause a movement. We have many more than that if we can get our act together.

Action Steps

One time actions:

Get on my list of steeming tweeps you are not already there.

Bookmark the feed of the steeming tweeps list:

Daily Actions:

Use the bookmarked feed and use it to enter twitter each day. Then:

  • engage with a few of the steemit posts tweeted
  • retweet 1-2 of them
  • reply if you have something to say
  • check your notification and take action with them
  • Reply to people's tweets.
  • DO NOT just like tweets, as this does NOTHING.

Tweet your posts when publishing

If you post on any steem platform, tweet your posts when you publish them (Unless they talk about how steemit sucks. Then please do not tweet.)

Tweet your friends posts

Tweet out any cool posts you see from other people during your steemit day.

NOTE about tweeting from steemit and dapps

  • Change the tweet text to something interesting. It shows the title which already comes in the photo of the tweet.
  • Use 2-3 hashtags. One needs to be #dtube or #steem etc.

I will see your tweets and help you improve. I go to the twitter feed severl times each day. If you are on the list (see above) and tweeting, I will see your tweets.

If you have:

  • minions, please pass this information on.
  • friends, please pass this information on.

Many thanks for your attention and let's get this party started!

Why did you get tagged to come to this post

  • You are one or more of these people
    - You are already on twitter
    - You are big in steemit
    - You are on dtube
    - You have minions
    - You are my friend

Please let me know

  • If you do not wish to hear further about twitter, you won't.
  • If you found this post without being tagged and would like to hear further about twitter, you will.



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Hi @fitinfun

The early days of twitter were great... real conversations with real people! I amassed a fair following on twitter and it used to be an integral part of my marketing efforts.

Nowadays, 90% of the people I know (celebrities and lay people alike) just use it for broadcasting. Even when I'm approached to be an influencer on campaigns, the customer only requests Instagram, YouTube and occasionally still Facebook too. Twitter is dead & Facebook is dying (in my and many other people's opinions)... which is why I love platforms like Steemit - it reminds me a lot of the real interactions I got on "early twitter".

Having said that, I DO still broadcast on twitter and would like to query some points you made:

You do not click through to links
"...This makes twitter think you are interested in someone other than yourself."

a) Why would twitter care about this?
b) Do you have any evidence of this
c) What is the effect if "Twitter thinks I care about others"


You do not follow people at all
(Bad plan for twitter. If you have 1000 followers and you follow 20, twitter does not like you)

a) I've always believed it to be the opposite:
a i) When new people see your account for the first time, you immediately garner extra respect the bigger the difference is between following & followers ... i.e. "this guy must be cool because all these people are following him in spite of him not following them back"
a ii) Nobody can realistically listen to everything that more than a couple hundred people say... so why bother following them, if all you want is a followback (and most likely from someone else that isn't going to see your tweets anyway)

b) Do you have any evidence of this.
c) What is the effect if "Twitter doesn't like me"


Lmao I fail at Twitter I know that already 😅 💯 Steem & DTube focus but I make an effort.... I just don’t have the time it seems.... now nathan wants us on LinkedIn 🤦‍♂️

Posted using Partiko iOS

After sleeping on this, I am more conflicted that ever. May this place can stay open with no people or money. A few thousand people you love each other for free. I already post about half of of my posts to LinkedIn and get crickets over there.

The vision I had for participating in the project was to help us succeed in twitter as a group. But I see there are many hurdles to this and is that the best use of my limited energy?

I suppose that greatly depends on what you wish to achieve and the people capable of helping you achieve it.

Personally I have never looked at LinkedIn, I’m not even sure what it is and the only reason I ever started on Twitter was so I can get a free month subscription to try my editing software before I made a purchase.

I would say part of the biggest hurdle you will have to conquer is the fact that many of us are here to get away from all the MS social media platforms garbage. In short I only really participate in what I wish to see succeed and I have found very little value in Twitter or Facebook and the constantly diminishing value of YouTube with censorship squashing many of the channels I have been following.

As always be certain your doing what you want to do otherwise it’s just another job, if it is what you want to do then have at her and care not for the immediate results as only time will tell!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think I am off this project. Too much pushback and it throws me off my game. This place is full of Negative Nancy's and I prefer not to deal with them. They came out is spades for this topic. But the vast majority ignored it altogether.

I will finish making the list of big kahunas and then anyone else can do with it what they will.

I felt that way with #OneLoveDTube for a little while when things got messy but I found myself coming back to it and eventually the ball was rolling again, you are right though it’s tough to fight through the naysayers!

As always do what you feel! I mean that genuinely, I feel like creating content and engaging people so that’s what I try do.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I feel like paying my rent! If I am to do so, keep posting :)


I never ever go on twitter, all I do is occasionally share things from Steemit onto twitter as it's easy to do so. My son got me to sign up on twitter a couple years ago but I never really figured it out or go on it at all, same with Facebook. Thanks for the mention.😊👍

Posted using Partiko Android

@karenmckersie would you be willing to get more involved now, based on this project and its goals?

This is so detailed and informative.

Resteemed and Tweet tweet. I admit I need to learn. I suck at social media. Ever since I started Steemit, I am not even active on Facebook. Not because I do not want. After spent much time here, the rest of the time is for household. Cook, clean, teach, chauffer, etc. Haha.

Will up my game a little and see how it goes. Alone we can't, together we can.

Ditto jadeline, I don’t have enough time to do all this on twitter, have fb, Instagram, steemit, dtube, family and life to deal with. Haha...
But great for people who are really active on twitter and have a lot of followers to do this though! Props to you @fitinfun for such great analysis and sharing it to us!

Posted using Partiko iOS

You are one of the people who does not suck @iamjadeline! You are learning and willing to learn, so this is what give me hope.

The point is engagement.
Engagement is a key.


Posted using Partiko Android

thanks for this information. I used to be super active before twitter started censoring and filtering and manipulating the trending topics, but I'll think about going back. As far as I know all centralized social media have implemented bots that sniff any keyword that leads to any decentralized social media like Steem and supress the reach of the publication. So it's a wasted effort.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, I agree with you about the filtering. This is why we need a big overwhelming presence. It's kind of a Hail Mary pass, but what is the alternative?

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Here is nathan's post

Here is my post from yesterday beginning to work on this twitter idea

Here is the link to some guy on zerohedge saying we are dead

This comment is for those having trouble seeing the links in my post.

Howdy tonight fitinfun! how interesting...I haven't heard of this, getting big twitter people to come to steemit. great idea. I don't use it but I like his idea.

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