A Full Day of Beauty (almost)!

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Inspired by #sublimesunday a tag from @c0ff33a and #beautifulsunday (hosted by @ace108) plus a beautiful day of Sunday!

How can you make a beautiful Sunday when you're away from home ... but not on vacation?

Almost a month away from home

In the beautiful town of Iasi, Romania. In a very short time it takes a month. So far, we(my wife and me) didn't have a free weekend. This is the first time we make a program to get to know the city we live in. We planned to visit a famous monastery on a hill outside the city.

Cetatuia Monastery


This is the target, but we still didn't know how to get there. The only help came from Google Maps and my smartphone. From the beginning, he pointed to the correct direction, but we didn't follow the directions because he was bypassing our favorite café. I needed a good coffee for a long and unknown journey.

Fortunately, I came to the café for a very good cappuccino. Sunday begins to become beautiful.




In front of us, a father with the young son is also resting before they even started on a small trip. I remember the beautiful times when our son was the same age ...


We have rested, we have been hydrated and energized ... it is time to go into:

The great walk!

...yet somebody thought to put a little brake on our enthusiasm.


We finally overcome the obstacle and we're on our way...but again there are small temptations




We were lucky, nothing of which we need (my wife, of course) and so our wallet remains yet not abused! We get rid of the commercial area and we have reached the Palace of Culture, a symbol of Iasi and a very beautiful building.

The Palace of Culture

It is an imposing building and can be seen from several angles. I like the joining of the Palace and the modern buildings built around it. Some images below.








In front of me somebody still happy and relaxed, she does not yet guess how full this Sunday will be. I left home an hour ago but I made the main route for just a few minutes. So I'm showing my GPS ...


We have to hurry, cross the city center, see a flower, see a church (there are hundreds in this city ... if you can believe that) and see a part of the Palace of Culture that seems to accompany us, how do I turn my head, how I see some of it!





We are near a great flag, the flag of Romania. It is said that we should not forget that we are Romanians ... a patriotic slogan. It should be remembered that this year is celebrated one hundred years since the last union between the Romanian provinces and the modern state of Romania was formed!


Unfortunately, much of the route passes through the city, some of the city I don't like, so I'll skip this stage.



We've come to the edge of the city and we are very rejoicing. The route in the city was long and it was very hot ... Now it starts the way through the woods and plains to the top of a hill where the Cetatuia Monastery is built. I hope you have not forgotten, we have left home with this destination.



Wonderful forest, it is said to us that the forest is a man's friend (unfortunately, man is no longer a friend of the forest and destroys it more and more). The wonderful forest keeps us from the blazing sun and cools us!


We wanted this excursion to calm us, let us admire the surrounding nature, but unfortunately very few people have chosen, like us, to take this walk on foot. Most people chose to come with the car and that's why we had to pay more attention to guarding cars ... to the wife's upset.


Finally, minor disturbances to the beauty around. The horizon was opened for us and we could look away ... to the city that saw itself in the distance and to the surrounding hills where many nature lovers chose to build their home. Lovers of nature with lots of money, of course!

Let's enjoy the view!






A few flowers on the side of the road ... field flowers:


... and the famous sanziene, a flower with many magical meanings. The Sanzian Celebration is on June 24th, then the girls make crowns from these flowers, throw them on the houses or let them float on the rivers, in order to find the one they will marry!


Our journey is coming to an end, after this turn ...


... Finally, the Monastery appears!


As I told you earlier, there are plenty of cars. Modern man has become very lazy, he can not go anywhere without a car. We sneak in to the entrance! Before we reach the gates of the monastery, we admire the outer walls. All these medieval constructions, even if they were of a spiritual and religious importance, had to be defended by the attacks of the Tartars and the Turks. That's why they had large defensive walls and when the invaders appeared, the people in the surrounding villages were taking refuge in the courtyard of the monastery.




I got in front of the gates. What a good thing! We walked more than five kilometers to get here.

The monastery was built in 1670. Remarkable!


After reading about the monastery I saw another announcement that hit me! I can not shoot inside!!!

Brothers, I came here to be for me a beautiful and sublime Sunday of July 22! Are you ruining it?

This is a historical monument, will you not let me photograph it? Madness!


I have to awaken the civic spirit in me, I will send an e-mail to the Ministry of Culture where I will ask for explanations. I understand that it is a church place, but why bother to take memories with us?

For now I can't do anything, close the camera in my bag and use my smartphone again, my friend. The inner monks may not let me take photos, but I know for sure that God allows me, because God is good and gentle ... not like us humans. That's how I imagine.

Inside Cetatuia Monastery

I went in and ... I photographed. The monastery is gorgeous, the garden is wonderful and very well maintained. Many flowers, windows and terraces, red bites!



Rooms where monks live ...



Many visitors, foreign tourists, too.



Normally, I would not have photographed inside the church during the religious service. Now, because of the ban to photograph think I was pushed to shoot more and I'll show you too a small part within the interior.



This is a picture that I like a lot. You can see the thickness of the church walls and paintings on the walls, blackened by the smoke of candles and crossing hundreds of years.

Please forgive the framing not very successful, I had to be as discreet as I was photographing.


The fortifications, the walls that surround the monastery are easier to see from inside, from the inner courtyard. You can see the narrow opening in the wall where to draw the bow and then with rifles in the invaders.



On one side the wall is shattered and less tall. I was able to climb up and take a picture of the city that is seen away.


Time has passed very quickly and with that and my little anger. I realized that I had a special Sunday, I can tell her beautiful and sublime.

I thought this was all for this very special day and we were ready to go home. The smartphone was a different opinion and sounded. Our friends, "guilty" for our stay in Iasi, invited us to the restaurant and other places. Signs like the day will be extended for us.

We're ready to say goodbye to the monastery and go back to downtown, at the Ramada's restaurant.




Returning to the city is easier now, just downhill! Now it's even hotter, it's the afternoon and the sun is burning!



I'm there in the sun, too ... I'm trying to hide in the shadow of the branches.


Because we were waiting for the lunch by our friends, we did the rest of the road with a car, so we arrived quickly at our home to take a shower and then go to the hotel to meet with friends.



I just ate a chicken soup. Very good! We could not stay more at the lunch because our friends scheduled a visit to the Palace of Culture.


Going to the palace...


The Palace of Culture is great and the visit lasted over five hours. I can not tell you about it now because there is too much to say and show. There will be other posts about it.

In the evening I ended up at the Mall. At the cinema! Cinema City. I have not been to the cinema for many years now!


Of course I'm late. I ran to the cinema and shook my hands. With them and the smartphone ... resulting in a blurry photograph. I am sorry!


I had to live up to the cinemas of today: popcorn, beer and water.


Waiting for the movie to start ...


I saw The Equalizer 2 with Denzel Washington. I like Denzel but I don't like movies that are the sequels of a successful film. They are often repetitive and predictable and boring. The idea of the film is beautiful and the character well done but the action is too exaggerated. Finally, I was to the movie with my friends and I liked it!

Source of the trailer-click here if the video don't play

The beautiful and sublime Sunday ended in the night. It was tedious but very beautiful. Let's go home to sleep. Tomorrow we have to work!


I say good night! That's how I've been all day ... a shadow on the cobblestone...


... waiting for the beautiful and sublime days to come. I hope!


Wow! That was better than a Beautiful Sunday! I am a walker too. I like to walk anywhere that is possible, even in the heat. If I have to use the car, I have no problem with that, but, as Americans, we have become soooo lazy! At least that is my experience.

You really had a day that was packed with fun, food and plenty of exercise. Who could ask for anything more. The pictures came out so well and I know I would have done the same, renegade that I am. They could say no photography with a flash, that I would understand, but, what was so secret that you could photograph the memory?

You did well, even though you were undercover. :)

I love old churches, history, and customs of the world. I was always inquisitive when I was a kid, even more so as an adult. Thank you for sharing your cappuccino, your walk and the beauty of the countryside and most of all, your thoughts. It was a wonderful day and you ended it supremely *sublimely.

Thank you, Dan! Have a wonderful week!

Thank you! Have a beautiful and sublime week! Yes, we also walk, we try to do at least 5 km daily, we are looking for the lightest and cheapest remedies for old age.
You know, I look forward to your opinion about what I'm writing because I see if I have transmitted correctly what I wanted.

I think you did supremely well and the only thing that I am sorry about is that I did not say enough about the church and how beautiful it really was. I like that you give so much history and detail with all of your posts. My opinion means nothing but I will tell you that you do an excellent post each and every time. I would not change it then from how you do it.

Finally you made a mistake! You must know that your opinion means a lot!
This post (like #marketfriday) I wrote in almost six hours. I posted it seven hours ago and until now it was practically read by two people, you and @melinda010100 (say this after comments).
I wrote this post for myself and readers. Do you think it's worth the effort? I have to tell you that I'm already thinking of a kind of retreat ...
That's why your opinion counts, if it were not, how do I realize I'm doing well what I do?

This is fantastic, hands down you win the @saffisara award for a post packed full of wonderful photographs.

I really enjoyed going on the whole journey, step by step we shared your whole day and it was delightful. I had to laugh at the cat crossing your path, good job it was not black!

No shooting in the monestry? Well the monks are supposed to be peace lovers. I admire you tenacity to keep on photographing - it’s an incredible place well worth the walk. There is so much to enjoy in this post, all the buildings are so unique.

Thank you for sharing this amazing day for your #SublimeSunday I thoroughly enjoyed it.

#thealliance #witness

Thank you! I didn't understand what I won but I know @saffisara is a wonderful person. Whenever I post in #SublimeSunday, I look forward to your comment. Thank you again!
I was also glad that the cat was not black. I'm impressed that you liked my post so much, that makes me post in this way if I have some special days. Last Sunday was particularly full and I didn't post everything. I used, without realizing, 70 photographs ... if I had time to write about the visit to the museum, it would probably have been almost a hundred photographs.
The truth is that I like to write in #SublimeSunday and I cannot stop myself. Thank you for helping me do it!

What a beautiful day you had! And I love that you ended it with a shadow photo!💟

Thank you! Yes, I know about your shadow contest, I wanted to attend many times, but I did not have the photo to match the theme.

Take more shadow photos and once you have a collection you will surely find one to fit the theme!'😊

Yes, a very good advice! Thanks. I will try, of course. I have already started to my last post ... I mean it.

Plus, shadow pictures are fun and give us a different perspective!

Yes, is something different.

I keep going back and looking through your photos! Such an incredible day you had! And I am so glad that you took a few banned photos of the inside of the monastery, my rebel friend! I am seeing more and more places changing that rule, It seems like such a silly one to me.

Thank you very much! Thank you for supporting me and you agree with my attitude.

are you shooting with your phone or camera?

Both. If you read the post you will understand who are with the smartphone and who with the camera

I only look at pretty pictures :D

That's good too

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