Ancient Time Cycles On The Edge Of Tomorrow

in #esoteric7 years ago (edited)


Spinning Cycles Of Time

The purpose of this post is to display the cyclical nature of the universe and how this manifests within every facet of human history, civilisation and consciousness. As I have previously discussed, I believe that the knowledge of the ancients was stolen in order that it be used as a tool of power. Part of this knowledge relates the cyclical nature of universal cycles and how this expresses itself within weather cycles and the rise and fall of human civilisation, what goes around comes around. In essence, by relegating ourselves to cogs in the consumer chain and by relinquishing the last large scale vestiges of self reliance in the pursuit of convenience, is the fall of humanity is simply a waiting game?

Much like children waiting in line to be fed, have we been relegated to cogs in a machine that was built to break? Has the world we see being built around us never been about the now but rather the rebuilding of tomorrow?

The ancients seem to have possessed a knowledge that enabled them to map and plan for cyclical, cosmological and (I believe) electromagnetic events. There was a deep understanding that the universe consists of complex interlocking generationally synchronising cycles of time. Indeed the entirety of the universe and every organism within it operates on a cyclical basis. This is evidenced from the largest celestial events right down to cycles and patterns of consciousness.

Is there a possibility that the world we see being built around us is one that will take advantage of a coming cyclical event? This coming cycle will be related to the cyclical nature of the suns energy. Within esoteric belief systems, each cycle of time incorporates within it an aspect of a dark age followed by a renaissance. Some cycles are small and simply manipulate our metabolic and biological patterns to sychronise with the planets circadian rhythms. Whilst electromagneic and light spectrum cycles potentially influence the consciousness of humanity, larger rotations also affect the physicality of the earth, weather cycles, glacial cycles etc etc.

Throughout this post I intend to show the interconnected nature of celestial time cycles. I also intend to show how these universal cogs are in the process of powering and empowering this time of great change and opportunity. Welcome to the time cycles of the ancients!

The Cogs Of Time

The concept of linear time is a relatively new thought process, and certainly not one that was shared throughout the old world. Within the labyrinth entanglements of a 4D time space. From the macro to the micro, our reality sphere is akin to a universal engine that is powered by a multiplicity of interlocking cycles. Our biological and metabolic processes, a living embodiment and a symbiotic connection to this cog driven cacophony of co-creation. Equally, if we're traversing the outer rim of a cycle of time then all time is encapsulated within a singular time space.

Time Cycles

It’s easier to understand the ancient expression/perception of time if you think of cycles within cycles, kind of like the inner workings of an expensive clock i.e cogs within cogs. We have cycles that can be observed through their symbiosis with our biological patterns, with the naked eye we can observe cosmic day and night cycles, tidal cycles, monthly lunar cycles and yearly seasonal cycles. Within these observable time periods we have tighter time cycles and larger revolutions that exist outside the realm of human comprehension.

The larger time cycles are referred to as precession, the precession of the earth is caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon and it causes a wobbling effect. If you think of a spinning top that is slowing down and giving a (perpetual) wider circle then this is probably the easiest way to understand the cycle of precession and indeed the movement of the earth. A full precessional cycle takes 25,772 years which equates to one degree every 72 years. The equinox falls upon a different constellation roughly every 2160 years and from a time perspective, twelve turns/constellations mark a full cycle of precession.

From the micro perspective, we can also think of the 12 months of a calender. Interestingly, ancient cultures believed that a turn of precession equated to 25,920 years, which when you divide by the ancient Babylonian base number "soss" i.e 60, it results in the Vedic Yuga number 432 we shall discuss shortly.

Although a full turn of precession is often looked upon as the largest of time cycles, the Veda’s had an understanding that universal cycles can play out over potentially billions of years. Interlocking time cycles driving and sowing the seeds of change, the rise and fall of great civilisations. Now lets take a look at some ancient knowledge relating to these vast epochs of change.


Slaves To The Cycles Of Time?

I highly recommend the book Holy Science by the Vedic scholar Swami Sri Yukteswar. Among many other insights Yukteswar talks about precession and the great cycle of the ages. He discusses how the rise and fall of civilisation is profoundly and eternally linked to this great year. My own personal belief is that within this great year there exists a window of opportunity for humanity to transcend this principle. Once this opportunity is missed we must once again travel through the great year. We then remain trapped within spinning cycles of time until we learn from the mistakes of the past. I equally believe that certain interests want us trapped within this perpetual time loop, but that’s a story for another day.


Vedic Time Cycles

The ancient Vedic understanding of a precessional timescale was that of 24,000 years. Although within this time period it was noted that the great year was observed to both slow and quicken, hence in reality both the Vedic and our current timescales are remarkably similar. With the Vedic understanding offered by Sri Yukteswar the last golden age of humanity peaked around 11,500 BC. From then onwards (although this time period is recognised to contain several peaks and troughs) civilisation fell in consciousness, physicality, spirituality, and morality until it reached it’s low in 500AD.

From 500AD humanity began to awaken from our collective slumber and start our often painfully slow ascension. We began to regroup and create thriving cities that became increasingly filled with great works of art and literature. The ascension incorporates the slow rediscovery of our place within the cosmos and the interconnected nature of spirituality and reality. As I’ve already alluded to, this long and slow process will contain several peaks and troughs and these are marked within Vedic and Mayan calendars. Again as difficult a place as the world often seems it’s important to note that we’re speaking about incredibly large timescales that can’t be observed by a single human life.

Kept In The Dark

I suppose from a simplistic perspective we’re moving from the winter to the spring of the great year. But equally as with the first faltering steps of spring the winter can still bite back and indeed this can be a dangerous period. Within the great year the return of winter can last for potentially decades at a time but from a much larger perspective things are changing.

If you had looked back in time even 600 – 700 years ago you would have seen plagues, disease and wars raging across the entire planet and average life spans would have been 30-40 years. The concept of human rights would have been laughed at. Many things are changing, but as already alluded to the problem is the cabal understand the cyclical nature of our history and consciousness and are intent on dragging us back to the dark ages.


The Kalpa

Now lets take a look at perhaps the largest time cycle ever conceived by humanity. This timescale is written within Hindu scriptures and mythology and it speaks to how the universe is destined to pass through four huge epochs of creation and destruction. This divine cycle is known as a Kalpa. A Kalpa is comprised of a thousand cycles of four Yuga’s (A Yuga basically means an age) each of these ages is profoundly different to the last. A single Yuga of four ages is said to take 4.32 million years and a Kalpa is said to consist of 4.32 billion years. These are mind boggling numbers but remember we’re now talking about universal cycles.

Interestingly, A half a day comprises of 12 hours, 60 seconds x 60 minutes x 12 = 43,200 seconds. So, 43,200 x 2 = 86, 400 which is roughly (although this will vary with athletes etc) the number of times an adult heart will beat in a 24 hour day, the heartbeat cycle in symbiosis with the 24 hour cycle. The Viking eddas tell the story of the Day of Ragnorook, or the Doomsday of the Gods, on this day it is foretold that 800 Divine Warriors will emerge from the 540 Doors of Valhalla (800 x 540 = 432,000). We also have the concept of 432 hertz.

Now there is some conjecture relating to the timescale of these epochs of time. Personally, I believe this is related to some confusion between universal and earthbound precessional timescales and as such both interpretations are correct. One interpretation relates to the belief that each Yuga is made up from 1200 divine years (a divine year is 360 earth years) the other belief is that each part is 12,000 human years. As I did with the divine Kalpa, for the purpose of time I’m going to give a rudimentary explanation of this concept. Basically the 12,000 year Yuga contains four sub Yugas/ages,seasons this Yuga principle states that the full Yuga cycles always come in pairs and have a short transitional period (Sandhis) in-between the two cycles.

So within this understanding we have 12,000 years of ascending light followed by a further 12,000 years of descending light. Including the Sandhi this would equate to roughly 24,000 years which is basically one turn of the Vedic precession. Indeed when you look at our 24 hour day you will see that it is a microcosm of the Vedic understanding of the great year. Our 24 hour clocks contain 12 hours of ascending light and 12 hours of descending light, once again we find micro within macro cycles.

We can also observe how these patterns correspond to our biology, 12 ribs, 12 inorganic mineral salts within the human body, 12 cranial nerves that (with certain belief systems) correlate to the 12 signs of the zodiac, and 12 DNA vector codes. The huge divine cycles can also be broken down into sub Yuga categories that will begin to incorporate precessional timescales. This is a very complex process and is a subject for another day.


Mayan Calendars & Long counts

The Maya calender is not a singular entity and as such it comprises of three interlacing calenders; the 365-day Haab calendar, the Long Count and the Tzolkin (divine calendar). The duration of the Tzolkin correlates with nine cycles of the Moon and the gestational period of humans. The Maya calender began in 20,236 BC and this understanding incorperated five ages/epochs of man. Depending upon your calender interpretation this time period is fairly close to a turn of precession. The fifth sun of man rose in 3114 BC and (like the 13th baktun) set on 21st Dec 2012 AD. The Maya long count measures 1,872,000 days or 5,125.366 tropical years and (much like the sub Yugas) consisted of 13 baktuns, which we can (as a way of illustration) rudimentarily equate to the twelve constellations of the zodiac, i.e each baktun (zodiac age) being profoundly different to the last. A baktun contains 20 katun cycles of the long count calender and equates to 144,000 days, equal to 394.26 tropical years.

The Pyramid of Kukulkan at Chichén Itzá was built as a calendar, consisting of four stairways each containing 91 steps and a platform at the top, this makes a total of 365, and of course there are 365 days in a calendar year. The pyramid also has the number nine woven into it's construct. Chichén Itzá is a nine level pyramid, during equinoxes the shadows create an illusion where the great snake Kukulcan travels down to the base of the pyramid to touch a wall carved representation of it’s own head. The Hebrew letter Teth (T) means serpent and represents secret spiritual intelligence, interestingly this number also has a numerical value of nine. Teth is also written as Tet and it is the ninth letter of the Semitic abjads, this includes Phoenician Ṭēt, Syriac Ṭēṯ, Aramaic Ṭēth, Hebrew Ṭēt.

By bisecting a circle i.e 360 degrees, we find that the resulting angle always reduces to nine and eventually results in a singularity. So as an example 360 degrees = 3 + 6 = 9: 180 degrees = 1 + 8 = 9: 90 degrees = 9 + 0 = 9: 45 degrees = 4 + 5 = 9; and so we could continue until the singularity. We find the reverse of this concept within the sum of angles in regular polygons i.e 60 degrees x 3 = 180 degrees 1 + 8 = 9: 90 degrees x 4 = 360 degrees 3+6+0 = 9: 108 x 5 = 540 degrees 5+4+0 =9, and so on. The number 9 is both the singularity and the vacuum, both existent and non existent in the same time space.


The sum of all digits (excluding 9) is 36 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = 36 then 3+6 = 9. Nine plus any digit returns to the same digit i.e 9+6 = 15 then 1+5=6. The number nine is connected to the sacred number 108, consisting of a combination of the 9 heavenly bodies (moon, sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, the North Node and the South Node.) and the 12 houses of the Zodiac, equating to 12 times 9 = 108. The distance between earth and sun = 108 times sun diameter, The distance between earth and moon = 108 times moon diameter, The diameter of the sun = 108 times the earth diameter

The belief within the Mayan culture was that each passing age or constellational movement affects both the earth and the civilisation. They also believed that at the micro level, each person's core sign carries energetic properties. They taught of synchronistic interconnected energies that form a symbiosis that can aid us along our life path. From my perspective, do these celestial cycles also influence the energetic, electromagnetic resonance of the earth and thus (potentially) the collective psyche?

Consciousness And The Celestial Cycle

When looking at the smaller diurnal cycles of day/night and annual cycles of the seasons and passing years we see many links. We see how all these patterns are linked to the earth’s changing position and it’s relationship with the suns electromagnetic spectrum. These changes affect not only the earth but every organism that inhabits it. Even from the observable cycle of the lunar month we see that this process synchronises/influences human metabolism, mental health, the stock market and the physicality of the tides. Bearing this in mind, I have absolutely no problem in pondering whether larger celestial cycles affect us on a far more profound level than many of us could begin to contemplate.

The work put forward by Dr Valerie Hunt (former professor of psychology at UCLA) has given a tantalising insight into how consciousness could be affected by the celestial cycle. In several studies Hunt has shown that subtle changes in the earth’s electromagnetic field can dramatically alter mental capacity, cognition and perceptual awareness.

Consciousness & Light

Consciousness certainly appears to be profoundly influenced by both electromagnetism and subtle changes within fields of light. Indeed as stated by quantum physicist Dr Armi Goswami “consciousness prefers light”. Could the cyclical nature of our history (we seem to recycle certain mindstates) be influenced by our alternating alignments with planetary bodies/sun and the suns motion through space? This movement synchronises with the earth’s revolution, precessional wobble and this results in rising and falling stellar field interactions with the earth. In combination with environmental cycles do these cyclical consciousness patterns manifest as both dark ages and renaissance?


2012 Doomsday Predictions

There was much attention given towards the various doomsday predictions that were supposed to occur on the 21st Dec 2012 AD. I believe this to have been little more than a distraction and a capitalisation on a lack of understanding. Equally due to the changing nature of our calendar it’s difficult to pin this time down to a specific day. The focus of the Mayans was never about a climatic disaster but rather the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Indeed why would a civilisation that constructed an intricate calender of interlocking time cycles have an endpoint? This is time of great change and upheaval but equally one of even greater opportunity. An energetic change that will slowly grow to become manifested within our collective psyche?

If we think of the twelve turns of precession much like the twelve months of our year then we begin to understand that each turn/month has it’s own unique characteristics. These twelve turns/months can equally be broken down into four clearly defined seasons/ages. Again as we move from the long dark winter, much like the first tentative days/weeks of our seasonal spring, this is a time of tumultuous change.

The Mayan’s spoke of this change beginning around 2012 AD and the Vedas speak of 2020 AD. Interestingly the Vedas spoke of the fact that the first part of this change will not be complete until 2100 AD. Until this date humanity will be in an intense period of transformation. This period of change will incorporate literal mini dark ages and this is a state of flux that the elite intend to capitalise upon.


The Milankovich Cycles

Now let’s step away from the ancient cultures and take a more scientific look at the nature of the Milankovich cycles. These cycles derive their name from the Serbian astronomer and mathematician Milutin Milankovitch. The combination of these cycles upon the earth can be observed through the cyclical nature of glaciation. The three main cycles are eccentricity, axial tilt and precession, as you can see from the diagram above they occur over huge expanses of time. Within this understanding, there are also cycles within cycles within cycles all empowering each other and affecting the earth in a multitude of ways, including cyclical weather patterns.

The earths precessional cycle is still at perihelion and as such is very close to it’s winter solstice. I believe this has a direct connection with our current solar cycle and the approaching grand solar minimum. So we have precessional cycles, energetic cycles, Milankovich cycles and solar cycles, all coming together at this time of great change.


The Grand Solar Minimum

A fresh solar cycle occurs every eleven years. It follows a repeating pattern of fluctuations in both the number and size of sunspots and solar prominences. You basically have eleven years of a solar minimum followed by eleven years of a solar maximum. Within this cycle the earth seems to react with certain weather patterns. Alongside this alternating solar cycle there is another 22 year magnetic cycle. This magnetic cycle follows follows the eleven year solar minimum before reversing polarities and following the subsequent solar maximum.

Outside of these eleven year solar cycles are grand cycles that operate over decades, hundreds, thousands and perhaps even millions of years. Evidence is pointing to the fact that we’re heading towards a larger cyclical grand solar minimum. I believe this is both known and planned for.

Agenda 2030?

The prior solar maximum ended in 2013 and it was observed by NASA to have contained just half the sun spots observed in the previous maximum. Obviously our solar minimum then began in 2013 and has thus far been observed to be the quietest in over a century. This solar minimum has a great potential to become a grand solar minimum and as such could last 30-40 years. Alongside the larger scale solar cycles I believe this grand minimum will be caused by some of the cyclical factors I discuss in this post and many more I will revisit at a later date. This event is said to peak around 2030 onwards although it’s effects could already said to be noticed through falling crop yields, most noticeably in Europe last year. The date of 2030 is especially interesting when you look into the UN’s agenda 2030 and the super cities initiative.

As far as I can tell this is a genuine Pentagon video obtained via a freedom of information request.

The Little Ice Age

Again if we refer back to the universal engine of cycles as akin to the inner workings of an expensive clock(cogs within cogs) we begin to understand the cosmological nature of cause and effect. The ancients profoundly understood this pattern and left behind clues and information for subsequent generations. I believe this knowledge has been stolen, and is being used to keep the upper hand in this age of great energetic resonance.

Glaciation can be used to track certain weather patterns, but from a modern perspective previous low sunspot activity occurred in the middle ages and is referred to as the maunder minimum (little Ice age). It occurred again to a lesser effect during the 1800s and this is referred to as the Dalton minimum.

Food Production

Now lets take a step back and look at the finely tuned machine behind our worlds food production. In doing this it’s easy to understand the devastation and potential worldwide starvation that such an event could trigger within a relatively short period of time. Indeed as the saying goes “we’re three meals away from anarchy” and when you take a look around there are other warning signs all around us. People have traded self-reliance for convenience and have given their power away through free will. As I have extensively written about, the subversion of freewill is a fundamental doctrine of black magic and a manipulation of natural law. We reap the wind and sow the whirlwind.


Is The Earth Is Waking Up?

Scientists have only recently spoken out about the possibility that the little ice age was caused by volcanic activity. Whilst I believe this analysis holds a degree of truth what they fail to notice is the historical correlation between grand solar minimums and an increase in seismic activity. One idea I’ve had is a possible correlation between grand minimums and the synchronicity of gravitational pulls upon the earth? Indeed alongside solar cycles are lunar and gravitational cycles.

The lunar cycles obviously start with our lunar month/spring tides and then build into larger generational cycles and beyond. The strongest lunar cycles appear to occur every 18 (dimishing every 9 years) 72 and 230 years although they also expand far beyond this. These numbers can once again be broken down into precessional movements and remember one degree of precession occurs every 72 years which is 4 times eighteen year lunar cycles. I believe the largest lunar cycles have a far more dramatic effect upon the earth than simply causing high tides. Indeed look around because as we approach this grand minimum the planet seems to be seismically waking up.


Within these solar/lunar and gravtitational cycles the earth experiences cycles of warm and cold water pulses. These cycles seem to operate on a nine year basis but the larger pulse cycles once again appear to directly correlate to one degree of precession. The last warm water pulse peaked around 1999 which ties into scientific analysis relating to the high tide mark of global warming. Indeed if you subtract 72 from 1999 you will get 1927 which was the era of the American dust bowl. I believe the information I'm literally just brushing over in this post is understood to a far more profound level than I have time to discuss here. It's this knowledge that they are using as a tool of power to manipulate the public perception of global warming, but that's a subject for another day.

From a larger perspective the post glacial warm period peaked approx 7000 years ago and from then onwards the earth is on a very slow period of cooling. Within this vast timescale there are several periods of both warming and cooling some of which can last hundreds of years. Grand solar minimum cooling cycles occur approx every 230 years and the last one began around 1790. On this basis the next cycle is due to commence around 2020, although we may not feel the effects until around 2030.


Preparations Of The Elite

In recent years amongst the rich 0.1% there has been a huge increase in the purchase of luxury underground bunkers. Many of these luxury bunkers are selling out faster than they can be built. Alongside these purchases there is a vast increase in the installation of luxurious panic rooms. The elite are buying island hideaways, the aforementioned bunkers, private runways, water aquifers and building fortified properties in extremely remote locations. Those in the know are digging in and preparing, but what are they preparing for and what’s behind this sudden rush? The builders of these structures say the elite are increasingly concerned about some kind of societal breakdowns and natural disasters. Equally could they be concerned about both happening at the same time, have certain individuals been tipped off about coming food riots?

Doomsday seed banks have been built along with vast expansive underground cities. Many laugh at the Chinese ghost cities but do they know something most of us don’t? Are these cities being prepared not in some kind of folly or economic ruse, but as a preperation for a future cooling event?

What To Do?

I believe these events have led to the fall of many great civilisations over vast epochs of time. I don’t think this is an end of civilisation event, but I do think it’s a cycle of time that could be capitalised upon in order to weaken us further. There will be good and bad years intertwined with this weather cycle and on a smaller scale we will still be able to grow food and crops. The main problem is our complete reliance upon this huge mass food production chain/machine and that is the focus of my concern.

I believe this machine could potentially collapse and this would cause starvation and civil unrest. This may be a difficult period of time but it could equally be seen as one of great opportunity. This is an opportunity to reclaim both our humanity and sense of community, to build and work together. This is the duality of universal law, what is taken with one hand is given with the other. The hand we choose to feed from is our decision to make.


My main advice to anyone reading this is to reclaim control over this aspect of your life. To rediscover the empowerment and satisfaction derived from growing your own food. If you’re unable to do this become active or at least aware of community food growing programmes. If the elites of this world have a seedbank then build your own, it's easier than you think. The cabal want us divided for these coming hardships and you can see this division all around us. Now is the time to join together and rediscover our sense of community, if you don’t discover it then build it. My Grandmother lived through the blitz of London during WW2 and I always remember her telling me that it was the best of times and the worst of times. Indeed it’s often not until people are faced with hardships that we see humanity & empathy rise to the occasion. Now is the time to pre-emptively rise to that occasion.



As I’ve extensively written about I’ve come to believe that there is a synthetic EM field (Schumann Resonance) being built all around us. This will be a false reality and one intended to keep us a in a controlled and contrived brain state. A state that will suppress us from interacting with the higher states of consciousness/renaissance that are gifted to us via cyclical changes in the EM field.

The cabal are holding us back in order to lock us into a permanent dark age. But in reality the pain, anger and hatred that has pervaded our society is akin to the dying gasps of those that seek to hold us within the power structure of the old world. Maybe this current state of insanity is needed in order to awaken us from our state of collective slumber. Maybe from a broader perspective evil has it’s own part to play, indeed without hate could we fully appreciate the beauty of love? Can there be good without evil? Will their lust for control fan the flames of discontent and set brushfires in the minds of men? I guess time will tell.

Until next time I will leave you to ponder these questions. Equally once again I will leave you to decide who has the perceptualflaws. Thanks for reading.





Written by perceptualflaws
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Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth

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The PTB know what is in our near future and have been preparing accordingly, I suspect for a very long time.
Agenda 2030 is evidence of this and the newer elites have been tipped off by the ruling 'families' that are doing the same. We live in a world of unreality where most walk around oblivious to the misery that will soon surround them.
The insipid plan to blame us for our own demise with the fake 'climate change' meme is disgraceful as a targeted approach of development of technology to guarantee food supply with an international approach would have been possible. The problem is the elites and their government lackeys don't want to share the wealth and would rather subjugate and cull the masses to ensure their own future. The electronic prison being built is quite probably closer to completion than many would ever believe and those who are dependant on the state will be the first to disappear into its mechanism. Is there hope? I guess there's always hope however I doubt we have ever had a more evil group of overlords or a more dumbed down, distracted populace in world history so I'm not confidant the masses will wake up before its too late for most of them.
This is a great post buddy, I'm sure those who take the time to read it to its conclusion will start to question their own realities if they haven't already.
I hope that's the case as there isn't much time left before they enact their plan to enslave us all.

Hey my friend, as always thanks for the great comment and all your support! It's much appreciated. Yes I completely agree in relation to Agenda 2030 and you can really see how they want to usher us into mega cities where our every move and transaction will be monitored and controlled. They don't care about the environment, in fact it's their lust for power and money that's destroying it. From that perspective you can see that the Agenda 2030 re-wilding programme is simply double speak for turning the countryside into a rich mans playground. A feudal system, us and them.

The global warming attachment of guilt will have certain people celebrating when our reproductive capabilities reach near zero, indeed they've dropped 40% in a generation. This will also be used as a back door into every aspect of our lives and once they have the programme fully operational they will literally be able to charge us for everything we do.

Unless the planet is blown up there is always hope because like you, I believe that in our distant past we have reached this point before. They give the impression that they're all powerful when in fact they fear the inherent power they spend billions propagandising us to give away. As such the world can alter it's current trajectory with a mere change of perception, who knows what will galvanise humanity to make this change? One thing I do believe is that we're down, but never out. Thanks for the thought provoking comment @tremendospercy I really enjoyed reading this!

Thank you for the great article. I did know a lot of things but I didn't see the connections until you pointed them out. You are right that we should focus more on growing our own food, but gaining the knowledge to do so is a lot of work... Thank you very much for taking the time to write this down.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment @rafine I really appreciate it. Gaining knowledge is indeed hardwork but the best advice I can give is trial and error, indeed I'm certainly no master gardener but each day gives the opportunity to learn a little more. No problem at all, thanks for reading and lending your support.

Tt is uncanny that I would fall upon your words at such a time of strife.
I have been pondering all evening, about the powers that seek to enslave, it's intent and the coming reckoning and what should be done.

Wondering if there are others out there who may see the magnituge of what is to come the way that I see it.

Alas, the universe answered accordingly. After reading your post, I am certain we are kindred brethren from very different angles.

May I point you to my post : Bitopian Values

God Speed Brethren, for the reckoning is on the horizon.

Hey @bitopia thanks for taking the time to read my post and leave such a thought-provoking comment, I really appreciate it. I think those that have learned to trust and follow instinct can indeed feel an invisable pressure building all around us. Whilst I'm fully aware that society is constructed to keep us in a state of fear/pressure this is different.

At times it's so palpable you can almost feel it in the air. It's like the advance warning signs that are given to animals before impending natural disasters. We have the same ability but have forgotten how to use it for this is the age of the great sleep. But to awaken from the sleep is to be freed from the shackles of control. This is a cycle of time through which we must collectively pass, but it's always darkest before dawn. I'm glad my post found you at the right time and Ilook forward to reading your work. Thanks again my friend.

Yes its always darkest before the dawn.....thats perfect @perceptrualflaws )

Who the heck is keeping us in the dark? Can they be driven away or something? Why do we even need to evolve our souls, our collective consciousness by becoming human?

If we die then we will just be reincarnated, what if we don't want to be reincarnated?

There are times when it's getting harder to be positive by the day. Ugh.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey @artgirl

Who the heck is keeping us in the dark?

Now that is a huge subject and one that is very difficult to relay in a singular comment. Ultimately, as per the nature of this post, we're passing through a cycle of time .. but from my own observations, think of it this way ... our lives appear to be akin to a micro representation of macro universal laws. Throughout our lives, we experience numerous peaks and troughs .. the same processes also play out on the earth. There are times when the planet is calm and nurturing, and there are times when it is chaotic and destructive. Neither state has a finality, and just like the dark times of our lives give way to the good, earthly/environmental chaos clears the old and gives way to the serenity of the new. Nothing lasts forever, and so equally the desire for totalitarianism .. in turn, sows the seeds of freedom.

The only thing we really have any control over is being the best example of self that we can be, to be the change that we want to see in the world. If we achieve these ideals, we will have grasped the essence of being. In terms of evolving our souls .. if we exist as spiritual beings, then perhaps the earth is our opportunity to physically interact with creation, as well as using our imagination to physically create. A physical holiday park for the soul that we have been manipulated into turning into a concentration camp. In terms of reincarnation, perhaps you choose to reincarnate .. perhaps we have somehow chosen to be right here, right now .. and if you believe in reincarnation as a valid process and choice, perhaps we should all be pondering why we have chosen this moment in time? ;) Thanks for the comment @artgirl

Earlier I was hating being here on Earth but now it's getting clearer. All this negativity and fear in the world makes us blind to the truth and love. Omg.

It is amazing that I found your post. Very informative. Will wait for your other posts as well.



Tic Toc goes the grand clock, time is in our hands!
Will we all understand that what was left to us from the past?
Many more are now I think.
Totally great post and pictures @perceptualflaws
resteeming for others to see👍👍

Hey @shasta thanks taking the time to read, comment and lend your support. Yes I agree, for equally I believe the keys to our future lay hidden in our past. We tumble through history without ever truly understanding our place in the cosmos and this has damaged the collective psyche of humanity. We need to rediscover our history and take back the power we have spent generations giving away. Thanks again my friend!

What an incrediblle post @perceptual flaws ! The incredible yet totally pertinant theories and their connection to the madness we see right now ! Great stuff indeed ! Your illustrations are breathtaking too !! What a post !! " one degree every 72 years."this is the same period used by the Egyptians to calculate the true east to which the sphinx should face ! it took them 144 years to discover the principal of earth wobble, or the erratic wobbling of the earths axis around the sun !! As they noticed that every 72 years the sun would rise one degree noth of east and then 144 yrears later the sun would rise 1 degree south of east !! Knowledge of the Ancient Builders !!

Hey @gomervibz thanks for the support my friend, I really appreciate it! Yes you're entirely correct, many of the ancient cultures had these precessional numbers built into every facet of their architecture. I did have another part of this post written out that delved into all of this but as it was already really long I saved it for another day. Here is a little taste of something I wrote in another post:

The Mayan pyramid of Chichen Itza is a nine level pyramid, during equinoxes the shadows create an illusion of the great snake Kukulcan travelling down to the base of the pyramid to touch a representation of it’s own head, that has been carved into the wall. The Hebrew letter Teth (T) means serpent and represents secret spiritual intelligence, interestingly this number is transcribed by the number nine.

The number nine is also a precessional number and this directly relates to many of the cyclical events I describe in this post, lunar cycles and warm/cold water pulses etc etc. It's fascinating stuff and equally fascinating that they held all of this information. Thanks again my friend! :)

No thankyou @perceptualflaws ) this is an amazing post )

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