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RE: Ancient Time Cycles On The Edge Of Tomorrow

in #esoteric7 years ago

Tt is uncanny that I would fall upon your words at such a time of strife.
I have been pondering all evening, about the powers that seek to enslave, it's intent and the coming reckoning and what should be done.

Wondering if there are others out there who may see the magnituge of what is to come the way that I see it.

Alas, the universe answered accordingly. After reading your post, I am certain we are kindred brethren from very different angles.

May I point you to my post : Bitopian Values

God Speed Brethren, for the reckoning is on the horizon.


Hey @bitopia thanks for taking the time to read my post and leave such a thought-provoking comment, I really appreciate it. I think those that have learned to trust and follow instinct can indeed feel an invisable pressure building all around us. Whilst I'm fully aware that society is constructed to keep us in a state of fear/pressure this is different.

At times it's so palpable you can almost feel it in the air. It's like the advance warning signs that are given to animals before impending natural disasters. We have the same ability but have forgotten how to use it for this is the age of the great sleep. But to awaken from the sleep is to be freed from the shackles of control. This is a cycle of time through which we must collectively pass, but it's always darkest before dawn. I'm glad my post found you at the right time and Ilook forward to reading your work. Thanks again my friend.

Yes its always darkest before the dawn.....thats perfect @perceptrualflaws )

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