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RE: Ancient Time Cycles On The Edge Of Tomorrow

in #esoteric7 years ago

The PTB know what is in our near future and have been preparing accordingly, I suspect for a very long time.
Agenda 2030 is evidence of this and the newer elites have been tipped off by the ruling 'families' that are doing the same. We live in a world of unreality where most walk around oblivious to the misery that will soon surround them.
The insipid plan to blame us for our own demise with the fake 'climate change' meme is disgraceful as a targeted approach of development of technology to guarantee food supply with an international approach would have been possible. The problem is the elites and their government lackeys don't want to share the wealth and would rather subjugate and cull the masses to ensure their own future. The electronic prison being built is quite probably closer to completion than many would ever believe and those who are dependant on the state will be the first to disappear into its mechanism. Is there hope? I guess there's always hope however I doubt we have ever had a more evil group of overlords or a more dumbed down, distracted populace in world history so I'm not confidant the masses will wake up before its too late for most of them.
This is a great post buddy, I'm sure those who take the time to read it to its conclusion will start to question their own realities if they haven't already.
I hope that's the case as there isn't much time left before they enact their plan to enslave us all.


Hey my friend, as always thanks for the great comment and all your support! It's much appreciated. Yes I completely agree in relation to Agenda 2030 and you can really see how they want to usher us into mega cities where our every move and transaction will be monitored and controlled. They don't care about the environment, in fact it's their lust for power and money that's destroying it. From that perspective you can see that the Agenda 2030 re-wilding programme is simply double speak for turning the countryside into a rich mans playground. A feudal system, us and them.

The global warming attachment of guilt will have certain people celebrating when our reproductive capabilities reach near zero, indeed they've dropped 40% in a generation. This will also be used as a back door into every aspect of our lives and once they have the programme fully operational they will literally be able to charge us for everything we do.

Unless the planet is blown up there is always hope because like you, I believe that in our distant past we have reached this point before. They give the impression that they're all powerful when in fact they fear the inherent power they spend billions propagandising us to give away. As such the world can alter it's current trajectory with a mere change of perception, who knows what will galvanise humanity to make this change? One thing I do believe is that we're down, but never out. Thanks for the thought provoking comment @tremendospercy I really enjoyed reading this!

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