in #entrepreneur6 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well! :) I just wanted to share with you some of my future plans of passive income that I may want to do and hopefully motivate some of yous to maybe be creative and try some ways as well. Because let's be honest... we cannot always depend on a 9-5 job to give you income... anytime, you can lose it and then what?

Also... I feel that I have to prepare it soon little by little because I would love to be able to have more free time to do things I am passionate about while being able to make enough income to get by and HOPEFULLY be able to have the potential to earn much more money per month than I would in my current 9-5 job.

Passive Income Edited.png

Obviously I am aware that building multiple streams of income will take a lot of time to build and you may have to go several months and maybe years without earning much at all while you build up so it's always good to make sure you have enough income saved up to survive on for the next 6 months to a year if you decide to take this path. But once you build it up, you will be a lot more happier with your achievement. So you work hard to build it up for a few months to years and then automate it, that's the key! Its essential if you want financial freedom.


1.) E-BOOKS ABOUT LIFE ADVICE AND/OR STORIES I MAKE - I have been brainstorming about this for a while and I was interested in writing an e-book about my unique past experience and how I became the person I am today. Plus with it, I will also give advice to many different aspects of life that I observe that society has been teaching you vs. things that will truly benefit your life. I also made stories of different series I made up in a pass that I was considering making e-books of as well. Like perhaps offer a good portion of the book for free and if they enjoy and want to read more, when I finish the whole thing, I will sell the e-book maybe for like $5 for a download to start with.

2.) SELLING CUSTOM BRANDED T-SHIRTS, HATS, ETC IN AN ONLINE STORE - Incase you did not knew, I have a YouTube channel where I post mainly gaming and tech related content.

Here is the link if you want to take a look at my YouTube channel:

I am looking to make T-Shirts with this brand pasted on it for example since its the logo of my channel:

DenoxSeries Logo.png

Also considering to find a really good artist later this year and pay him/her to draw a cool picture of me with the red hat saying Denox holding a gaming controller. Maybe one of me playing games in space cause I notice I have a space atmosphere whenever I do intros and promos on my channel. This YouTube video will give you a general idea what I do exactly in my channel:

With it, I also plan to do a few new ideas for Patreon but would like to ask fans what would they want and what they can contribute for when I decide to open up Patreon again.


I already have been doing this already and have gained some decent profits after cashing out a few hundreds of dollars, if you have not seen my cryptocurrency portfolio, here is the steemit link you can check after reading this:

These investments of digital assets are of course for the long term hold, after all the research I have done with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Vertcoin, Ethererum, Neblio, Ripple, etc. I feel very confident of the potential growth of these coins and when the next bull run comes, that will be a great amount of gains I should be receiving from it, thus making this passive income and capital gains. :) This is my foundation of hope in order for me to have the income necessary to sustain myself when I get more time to build up the previous two.


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Overtime, I know that Steemit will be a very successful and popular social networking platform operating from the Blockchain. Its one of the very few coins with an actual working product and I see many new people joining in every single day! You can earn money in Steem Tokens for posting useful article blogs, commenting on other blogs and upvoting others as well. You get paid for doing what you would normally do on many other social networking sites that does not pay you a dime to use it.

Its on the cheap side now but next week I plan to invest more on Steem POWER and will continue to build up my Discord Steemit Community at: --> A group where I am slowly building a community of steemians that are out to help each other bring exposure out there to the community! :) Hope that you will join soon, once I reach 100 members there, I will be doing a huge STEEM POWER giveaway contest to a few lucky winners. :)

DTube is another way in the steemit that I can upload videos I make and make an earning much better as a small user than YouTube would unless you have like 10,000+ subs or so...

And this is all I have for now. I may have other additional passive income ideas in the future. But if you have other passive income ideas you can also share with me. Comment below and let me know other opportunities to check out.
Let me know what you think of my current ideas and if you would see yourself supporting some of my ideas when I implement them in the near future. And would like to know some of your passive income plans or if you are already having passive income and in what you have this from, plus how you achieved it.

And until next blog post, take care, God Bless and stay cool! Bai bai! :)


Wow great ideas to gain passive incomes! I believe you will get there soon enough.

Hmmm, creating an ebook is pretty much interesting. I always dreamt of having one but I am not that confident about my writing styles. I want to narrow down to the financial topics for millennials. I guess I will just start compiling my previously posted articles here on Steemit, polish them a little, and make it as an ebook. What do you think?

That would be a great idea, I may do the same, like I may reference some of my steemit posts I have and even leave links to my YouTube videos they can watch depending on the topic I am talking about. I would need to brainstorm like how I plan to put it together. I have some ideas for it. I think its the time I need to make to focus on that more. Even if your writing styles are not the best, work on improving little by little. Its okay to fail some times as long as you learn from your failures as time passes by. There is not time requirement to improve yourself, just do it at your pace and never give up :) If you ever want motivation tips and such, let me know and perhaps I will write a post on that to help you all out^^

All of your plans will come true because of your eagerness to be successful in life. Good luck my friend on your journey in aiming a passive income. I know you can do it!

Aww thanks a lot for your support! :) Hope it goes well once I start building it all up :)

I am a witness to eBook business success
The truth is, there is no time in history when creativity didn't pay. Your passive income ideas are forms of being creative and believe me it pays more to be creative.

Some years ago, I had difficulty taking care of my family. I stated this in my introduceyourself post. I almost lost my little child because life was very unkind to me (Lol!).

Same month when things grew much worse, an idea came into my mind and pointed me to writing my very first ebook.

I did something that looked like gambling because even my wife was like, "Ha! Are you going to use our little money for food on this?"

What did I do?
I advertised my ebook on a newspaper. The advert was about 10 dollars then.

Do you know what happened? Within 48 hrs, i made more than 3k dollars on the sale of only one ebook.

Ever since, I have written more and more ebooks and i have used the same way to make my sales. It works.

I have also been invited to speak at events, seminars and conferences as a result of my write-ups in ebooks.

So friend, your ebook idea still pays and it will be a good thing if you can start now not waiting for tomorrow.

Wow! 3K in 48 hours?! Yeah, I did heard the earning potential with an e-book is huge and I love writing a lot. xD There was a point I stopped because it seems almost no one likes reading anymore so I focused more on my other passion, making YouTube video. After coming to Steemit, I realize there are still many people out there that still loves reading and my passion for writing grew up again so I am more motivated to return to this and take it more seriously. Thanks for the advice, once I know what I want to start writing exactly, I will get started! :)

Thanks for your post. I hope to retire semi-young lol. I 100% believe in dividend paying stocks for continual passive income once into retirement. The climb to get to the path of passively $50,000+ a year will be hard but no one said it would be easy. As long as you keep re-investing your dividends it will get easier over time.

No problem and thanks a lot for your tips! So there are stocks I can invest in that give me dividends? Are those like passive income coming to my bank account depending on how much I invested on those stocks?

I think your plans are very good! try and get at them little by little one at a time especially the whole E-book idea whew..Writing is hard especially when hit a block I write too well..was till I hit a major block. That would be great though you having an e-book on your advice on stuff and experiences no doubt you`d soar high with that! For sure go with it!

As for online store awesome!! haha and that Denox Logo will be perfect on a shirt! I am actually shocked ya did not start one already with atleast that logo then update as you go. I too have an online store but haven`t gotten any buys and or many views at all it is harder than I thought and I have no idea how to even go about getting that more exposed heh I bit off more than I could chew at the moment it seems.

But reading this gives me the motivation to wanna continue and try and get that merch shop of mine off the ground.

Yeah man, I really gotta start mastering more my time management so I can start making time soon to build my online store. Took me a long while to get into the platforms like Discord and Steemit that I am into now. :) And yeah man, you really should not give up on your passion and try to find ways to reach new people so they can see what you have to offer. Try making friends with new people with similiar passions as you and then build it up! :) I know you can make it man!

Yes time managing is the hardest thing to do especially when you are trying to juggle several different things at one time it can get difficult ugh..And I won`t give up I will try and keep going no matter what.

Best to do is probably start crafting a strict schedule. Its a bit hard with a 9-5 job but I plan to get around that some how. With all the time I spend making content on YouTube and Steemit, leaves me very little time to play video games on the weekdays...

Yeah heh making a schedule helps a bunch if you can manage to stick with it. Last month I was doing schedules for a bit like each day I would write down what sites I would go to and do stuff on and what Id do and it helped keep all organized and manageable maybe I do that again some time. Ah and that is right I dont really see much getting uploaded anymore to your gaming channel lack of time is a pain. And at times it is not easy to run a gaming channel boy do I can be much pressure sometimes.

Be patient and persistent! You'll definitely reach your goal and inspire many others :)

I hope so as well, the first thing I am clear off is that I can not give up no matter how many people around me discourages me from doing so. Thanks for the motivation, Jessica! :)

Surround yourself with people who motivate and inspire you ;) Don't bother about those who discourage you, not worth it.

Very true, Jessica! If I notice that, I do not really associate with those people. :) Thanks!

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