Economy//sectors of the economy

in #english6 years ago
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Many times we take care of talking about economics but are we really clear that is what encompasses an economy, as divided and what is there to know to understand much of it or in its entirety? to remember and in general terms the Economy is:

It's the science that studies the production and distribution of wealth in a country or economic geography. And among other contexts also means savings, optimal use of resources.

First you have to understand that man is not an isolated being, he relates to others. By associating produces, exchanges and consumes. These processes develop economic activities carried out by the population of each country. People in a country who have been integrated into the labour market are called Active population and are made up of all the inhabitants in the middle of the working age. These are vividen in two groups:

  • Employees: Are those people who have a job or paid work.

  • Unemployed: Those people who are looking for a job or paid work. The amount or fraction of the workforce that is not employed because it is in search of it determines the unemployment rate.

Economic geography.

It studies the social relations and trade exchange between different countries. It also counts the location of the economic activities in the world. This localization in specific geographical areas (regions, countries) has to do with production, consumption and commercial exchange. Transport and communication play an important role.

Sectors of economic activity.

Within the workforce, three sectors are traditionally distinguished, but currently a sector is integrated and the possibility of a fifth sector has been studied:

  • Primary Sector: (Agriculture, mining, forestry, hydrocarbon, fishing) It is integrated by workers who are in direct contact with nature. They are concerned with obtaining raw materials of both animal origin and vegtal and mineral. The activity involved is related to the direct use of natural resources: agriculture, hunting, fishing, livestock, forest explitación and mining.

  • Secondary Sector: (Industrial, manufacturing)

It is constituted by the people who are engaged in the activity of transformation. The main seat of these activities is in the industries where the raw material (which is obtained directly from the nature) is processed and transformed into another product. For example, sesame seeds are processed and transformed into edible oil. In other words, it is the type of manufacturing industry that corresponds to the mechanical or chemical transformation of inorganic substances or organic in new products. Within this sector we also include the activities of the construction, the artisan work and the derivative of the energy that is realized at the industrial level.

  • Tertiary Sector: (services) Includes all persons engaged in the activities of commerce, banking, teaching, tourism, transportation, and services both public and private. These activities do not produce material goods because they are only of services. Although it is a very important work it does not generate economic return in the country.

Very recently and because of the extension of studies in the economy for some economists should expand these sectors and so are conceptualized these two:

  • Quaternary Sector: (_information _)

This is a newly emerging sector that complements the three traditional sectors, with information-related activities. This sector is basically in charge of specialized intelectales activities in research, development, innovation and information. This new economic approach arises from the concept of information society or knowledge society. Although some economists do not take it as a necessary sector, it is important and is considered a sector of production and its main role is in the following two steps of economic activity: distribution and consumption.

  • Quinary Sector: (non-profit activities) There are some authors who speak of a possible fifth Sector, and it is relative to services but not for profit and this is more than anything related to culture, education, art and entertainment. However, the activities included in this sector, being uncertain and even studied their acceptance, vary from authors to others, including in some cases are considered health-related activities.

"The sectors are very important in the economy and one is more important than another, but if it is important to maintain the balance of them in a country."

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