The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆 - STEEM prizes & steem-bounty available! 🎁

in #engagement6 years ago

Welcome to this weeks Engagement and Curation leagues, kindly sponsored by the awesome @curie!

Would you like to enter the leagues? Make a comment below (this is for a lifetime membership - you will need to ask to be removed)

The league tables are reset each week and so any time is a good time to join!

On your marks, get set, curate!

The Engagement League - Sponsored by @curie

This league is not based around financial rewards and relates to engagement.

Everyone currently on my master list has a chance here - including those powering down or dealing in delegations over the past couple of weeks.

I've used some metrics (which is the fancy way of saying that made up some numbers) relating to:

  • Posts (P)
  • Comments - number of (C)
  • Number of people spoken to (PS)
  • Comments - replies to replies - depth > 2 (C R)
  • Comments - length in characters (C L)
  • Witness votes (W) (for those proxying witness votes, your total is always 30)
  • Up-votes to others (V)
  • Up-votes to different authors (U V)
  • Self-votes - a small minus score for this one, sorry! (S V)

Firstly, if you are placed in the table above then you among the top 25% of the league entrants!

Congratulations to this weeks Engagement League winner, @delishtreats! 🏆

We have a new champion! @delishtreats has reached the summit after many weeks of top 10 finishes, well done!

@janton, busy with yard work, has opted out of prizes at present, actually tops the table - well done to you, and thanks for allowing the prizes to flow further down the list :D

@veryspider moves up to 2nd in the prizes, well done for being so consistent each week!

Last weeks winner, @smithlabs keeps up the pace in 3rd - great job for placing near the summit again this week.

Excellent engagement levels also from @steemflow, @lynncoyle1, @melinda010100, @glenalbrethsen, @themanwithnoname, @chireerocks, @macoolette who will all be receiving some STEEM this week.

Those without a self-vote (from their main account at least! 😱) and placed in the top ranks will also receive a little STEEM. These people are: @kaerpediem, @cicisaja, @scrawly, @simplymike, @niallon11, @bengy, @anggreklestari, @cryptoandcoffee, and @gillianpearce,

Well done everyone!

The Curation League / Rewards based

Please find the rules in a previous post.

The end column is what I think is a genuine indicator of how well you are financially working the curation game with the tools, including vested Steem Power, that you have at your disposal.

Congratulations @mightypanda, 2 in a row!

🎁 Prizes 🎁

The Engagement League

0 votes to self - Spot Prizes

Lucky number 25 in The Engagement League

A @steembasicincome share, courtesy of @fullcoverbetting, goes to @waybeyondpadthai!

Thanks Peter and well done @waybeyondpadthai!


  • If you have spotted any glaring errors in my post, please let me know so I can fix them

  • If you would like to be added or removed from the master list, give me a shout

  • If you have any other comments or suggestions, please enter them into the box below

Thank you everyone, have an awesome day!



If you feel that The Engagement and Curation leagues are a worthwhile addition to the Steem blockchain, please consider a vote for our witness - @steemcommunity

Find out more about our project here

We have recently partnered with @c-squared! Find out more about this here


Wow!! This can't be true!! Thank you so much Asher!! Congratulations @janton, @veryspider, @smithlabs, @steemflow and @lynncoyle1!

Spider and Lynn - YAY!!! We are 3 ladies in Top 5!! How cool is that? :)

Congratulations to all other Steemians in green and blue as well!

Congratulations 1st prize winner! :D :D

I did see lots of ladies in the top 20 this week, well done all!

Ladies are always welcome, ROFLOL!This has been a hard fought week, and everyone did very well!

Those on this list at all are impressive, and they have added to good content to steemit! Good job all!


Look at the girls go!! Congratulations @delishtreats and @veryspider! Nice job you two :)

Thank you Lynn @lynncoyle1! Girl power! :)

Congratulations on retaking top honors @janton. Congratulations to all in the top 30, it is hard to stay there. Heck last week it was hard for me to even make the cut-off, but I skinned by at 98, this week back in the lower 40's. I just need to get and and comment a bit more, been a bit of a slack-off in that department.

@veryspider, @smithlabs, @steemflow, @lynncoyle1, @melinda010100, @glenalbrethsen, @themanwithnoname, @chireerocks, @macoolette, obviously no slacking on your parts. And still I run into post talking about a lack of engagement. I think they need to start changing that tune soon. I know on some days I have a hard time engaging, but that is just part of the phase, it is wearing off, a little bit.

On the Alaskan front, this could very well be another snowless halloween. They happen, just not very often. Some snow creeping down the mountains but still fairly warm at 43 fahrenheit. I hope you all have a safe weekend and a safe halloween.

All these posts and comments discussing the lack of engagement... It's good to see so many of the league members battling through and posting solid numbers each week.

The weather has turned here, that's it until April as far as hot days - we'll just have to put up with 'warm'. Have a good Halloween @bashadow :)

Yaaayy.. I thought that steemmonsters took you out from the charts.. but you made it! Congratulations!

it was a close call with the monsters, but I managed to hang in and this funk thing I've had is going away a little bit.

Thank you @bashadow :) I've seen you say twice that the funk is 'going away a bit' ... so you're still in a funk then? Sorry to hear it; I've been there, but I can tell you the clouds will clear eventually :)

No snow on Halloween? Wow that's something . I used to live way up north in British Columbia, and we were always guaranteed snow. I often wondered why kids bothered with costumes because they were all covered up in snow suits :)

It is getting cold enough for snow, and there is still a couple of days for it to snow before Halloween, but it is looking pretty iffy for it. I think this would be like the third or fourth Halloween with no snow if it does not snow, so not a very rare occurrence but still rare enough. If it follows form of the other snowless Halloweens then that means like super nasty cold two weeks sometime in late Nov early Dec. time frame. Followed up by a very very bitter late Jan/Feb.

Yeah it's a process, but getting settled in for winter now I guess. I think that is part of what causes the late fall funk, knowing that winter is closer. I actually like winter, the staying inside where it is warm, the occasional extremely bright sunny days, I just do not like having to move the white stuff out of the way nor do I like driving in/on it.

Thank you @bashadow! You can do it too. Just keep going...

May you have a meaningful Halloween! :)

Thanks my friend! It was your encouragement that got me to join the league, and I can't thank you enough! I look forward to Sundays to be able to measure how I have done all week long. I'm glad you're having a mild autumn. Your weather sounds about the same as it is here.

Thanks, @bashadow! We've all seen you at the top. We know you can get there again. Life happens though, so if you've got other stuff going on, no judgement. :)

Hey, @bashadow.

Thanks once again for the shout out. I can't say I've been doing what I was as far as sheer comments are concerned, so I do believe those posts about lack of engagement. I'm probably an outlier here in the Top 30. The rest of the numbers look pretty solid. If you look at CR, though, you'll see those are down quite a bit, which means outside of the league, there isn't as much engagement.

It's up to us really, to keep it going. Keep bringing in new people and getting them excited about the list.

re: Alaska

One of these days, I need to get to some part of Alaska. I have a cousin who lives up there somewhere. If I'm going to go visit, I probably should find out, right? Huge state to try to cover otherwise. :)

re: halloween

Be safe, too. I'm not planning to do anything myself. Not a big fan really.

I have never really been a fan of the candy thing and trick-or-treat stuff, nor of the other bad side of halloween. So it's one of those holidays I kind of ignore participation wise. It was fine as a kid, not so much with out kids.

Okay. So, I'm not the only one. I figured I couldn't be, but it's always nice to hear.

I didn't go to a church activity on Saturday because of that. It's referred to as a harvest party, but the kids and many adults still get into costume, and then there's a trunk 'o' treat afterwards. Not interested in ruining anyone's fun, nor do I want to passively endorse it, so I stayed home, even though my youngest, his wife and their 16-month-old went.

However, my wife enjoys handing out candy, so if she doesn't have to work, she'll man the door. Again, I'm not happy about it, but there's some battles you fight, and others you live with.

re: other side

Well, see, that's just it. People may not be celebrating Halloween for any of that, but it's perpetuated in a more non-threatening way, I guess, which waters it down, and then teaches kids they can get free candy once a year.

Here I am on my soapbox. Thanks @bashadow! :)

Hey, it was a busier week! Fun to see the engagement scores up across the board. That's good news.

Thanks for the prize, @abh12345 and @curie! I really appreciate your generosity in supporting engagement every week.

Congratulations to @delishtreats, @veryspider, and @smithlabs on getting the top 3! That's a big accomplishment around here.

@janton, you're a machine. Thanks for sharing your prize with others while you're off working. Even on your week off you still top the charts. I think you should set a video camera on your computer that goes 24-7 so we can see a time-lapse of when you're actually online. Heh.

I was only one spot behind @glenalbrethsen, so that's a good week for me. @lynncoyle1 beat us both though, so an even better week for her! :)

Thank you! Congratulations to you too, but I don't remember talking to you last week, so let's correct it this week :)

No worries. It will be a fun surprise when it happens!

Thank you @themanwithnoname and congratulations for your spot too. Lots of new names over the last few weeks ... nice to see the word getting around :)

The list of the top 25% keeps getting longer and longer. I think more people have been hearing that there's a league that will give out rewards for doing what we should be doing anyways... engaging! Glad you're climbing back up the ladder. Maybe one of these days you'll get that lead again!

Hey, @themanwithnoname.

I thought for sure you were headed for the top spot. Everywhere I went, there you were before me. :) Not used to that, but hey, I like it. Any chance of a repeat performance this week?

Yeah, @lynnycoyle1 beat us both. She got her cat wrangling figured out, I think. :)

I don't know that I'll be as high up as these last few weeks. I've been slowing down. One of the reasons is that I've been bouncing off empty with the resource credits, so letting those recharge.

Lately I've been having a decent Monday, maybe an okay Tuesday, and then it seems to slip downhill from there. This week, I didn't even have that great of a Monday. I already know I won't have much of a Saturday to work with, so no way to catch up then, which means I've got what's left of today, tomorrow and Friday to try to at least get into the green.

Mine's not RC related, though. I think it's more that this is the first month since July where there hasn't been some kind of life thing keeping me away or where I wasn't locked out for a day or two, so I actually managed to focus more in October, caught some breaks, and now I'm at the end of the month and already wondering what November is going to look like.

I think I have fallen completely off the list. A result of getting lost in monster land. A shame battles don't count toward engagement I would be way up there. Maybe I will escape eventually.
Thanks for the list and have fun at the fest.

I had to stay away from the monsters to engage and write posts, it was tough but I made it.

Cheers, will do!

I plan to play hard until the tournaments start and collect the free cards.
Hopefully then I can settle into a routine. But keep me on the list, you know I will be back.

On the list for sure :)

Well this season, I'm on for 20 free packs which is nice. It would be even nicer if a gold legendary was inside one of them :D

Over 20 pks coming my way too. We will both end up with some great cards for sure. If battles were comments I bet we would knock that king right off of his throne.

Hey, @headchange.

I'm hoping you're getting something out of the STEEM Monsters battles, then. Any prizes being awarded there yet? Seems like it's mainly for experience and upgrading your cards, or something. It's kind of funny how oblivious I am to it all, even though a couple of people have explained things to me. :)

Anyway, missing seeing you around. Enjoy yourself, regardless, eh? :)

Well there really is a lot to learn. The short answer is each card has value and I am racking up lol
The long answer is the real money games have not started yet. But the top 10 on the leaderboard will be awarded in SBD
The person to ask is @davemcoy or @beeyou.
They both a really good understanding of all the dynamics involve.
Over all I do believe there are gains to be had and it is not too late to get involved.
At any rate I will escape monster land soon. I am just at the moment taking advantage of some opportunities for future growth.
Also I truly enjoy the people in my group, so very much enjoying myself :)

Well another week has passed that I am not on the leaderboard :( Really have to step up my game I guess.
But that is not why I am here.

Congrats @waybeyondpadthai with winning the Lucky 25! You have been sponsored a SteemBasicIncome share!

Enjoy the lifetime upvotes!

Some usual suspects in the top 10. One needs to have more than 200 comments to even have a shot at the top 10! That's how engaged the members of this league are!

Thanks @abh12345 for organizing it once again and thanks @curie to keep on supporting Asher with his engagement league!


Oh! Not too sure what it is but thank you! :)

You can find more information of it on the @steembasicincome pages.

Already headed over there with the curiosity haha. Thanks! :)

Thank you Peter! Grateful for your support :)

Hey, @abh12345.

Sounds like you've got things to keep you busy today, so I will keep this brief for whenever you do see it.

Thanks for another week of the engagement league. Thank you to @curie for their continued support.

Congratulations to all those who finished in the money in the Top 10—@delishtreats, You're No. 1, You're No. 1; @veryspider, well done at No. 2; and @smithlabs, keeping in the mix at No. 3, with @steemflow, @lynncoyle1, and @melinda010100 hot on your tail! I can't think of a tighter finish between so many, in particular No. 3-No. 6. Just 272 points between you!

I personally saw @themanwithnoname virtually everywhere I wanted to be, so I knew he would be somewhere in the Top 10. And @achireerocks and @macoolette—well done to both of you for making it into the green.

There's probably many takeaways that could be made each and every week, but the one I'm seeing this week is, leaguers are engaging, but not necessarily being engaged back to the extent that they were even a month ago. I'm sorry to see that happen. I think we are doing what we can to make STEEM social. We are the ones moving that part of the platform forward.

To everyone here, keep doing what you can. We need all of us.

Onward and upward.

Thanks @glenalbrethsen. Congratulations too to you! You did great on that spot.

And thanks to janton for opting out. Otherwise, I'm out of the green zone. 😊

hey, @macoolette.

Yep. We all need to enjoy the time janton opts out because it won't last forever. So now's the time to do the best we can. :)

Well, thank you for the kind words. I know I should have done better, but now it's this week and there's a whole new engagement mountain to climb. So up we go.

Thank you Glen! Congratulations to you too! I was surprised not to see you on the top :)

I'm also surprised when I comment on somebody's post and don't get any answer. It's sad. How do you want to grow your account when you don't even answer to your followers?

This is a sad situation for sure, especially if they don't have a heap of replies. You have to try to reply to everyone who's left a comment of worth :D

hey, @delishtreats.

re: no answer

Well, I'm sure time factors in to some degree with folks, but for many, I don't think they understand or appreciate the value of engagement. If they're not getting an upvote, then it must not be worth it. Which is sad, because I've actually earned as much on comments as I can on a post. It's not as often, and a lot of them go without being paid anything, but still, it happens, and probably more than they think.

Or in the case of the person posting, they select who they want to engage with, or they move on to the next post. Maybe they read the comments, maybe they don't. Some can be quite picky about the caliber of a comment, too, which is odd, given what they will respond back with at times. :)

re: at the top.

I started off pretty good last week, and then things kind of slid after that. And since c-squared has a couple of contests and curie, too, all centered around engagement, I've been trying to pay attention to those too, but it's denser reading material, and so it takes longer to get through it. So, anyway, it's a balancing act I'm still working on figuring out. It's cool, though. I enjoy all of it, and I'm glad it's there for all of us to participate in without having to do a dozen different things that aren't related at all.

I agree with you completely on the fact that people don't understand the value of the comments. Yes, there are so many upvotes on comments. Of course, not on every single one but there are many Steemians who appreciate this kind of contribution and upvote comments with nice amounts.

I know that some people do it. But I couldn't do it. I respond to all comments just because I know that people spent time on writing them (and hopefully reading my posts), so I want to show that I do appreciate what they've done.

You are right. Going through curie posts is time consuming. I do love those posts though. They have a very nice selection. I enjoy engaging with people and I'm thankful for all these contests as they also motivate people to be more active on the platform :)

I've often wondered the same @delishtreats! I go back a few times, but if I don't receive a reply on my third try, I move on. Engagement is obviously a two-way street :) But I know that I'm preaching to the choir with you <3

I totally agree with you. Some people think that it's enough to make a post and wait for the fame to find them :D Good luck to them :)

Thank you and Congratulations Glen! Nicely said too.

Sounds like you've got things to keep you busy today, so I will keep this brief for whenever you do see it.

Love it! Your brief is more than most say on here all day haha, but I'm with you ... "we need all of us".

Hey, @lynncoyle1.

Yes we do, and we could stand to have more, from the looks of things. I know people started to feel the loss of participation and socialization once the summer started—people got out and about, and the prices fell—but since HF 20 created a day's long ghost town, then left so many with insufficient RCs, it's felt even more like I'm commenting to my own echoes.

I hope you're doing well, and everyone there with you. I think we're finally getting the rain you were talking about a while back. Actually, that's not possible, but anyway, it's raining. :)

In spite of all of that, and even though I haven't been at my best yet, I'm going to miss October. It's been the absolute best month for earnings I've had since I've been here. So, I guess if people don't want to post or engage, I'll just have to scoop me some more reward pool rewards, and power it up. :)

Hi Glen, thanks for the short message - One of your shorter ones at least :)

It's a little alarming to hear:

I'm seeing this week is, leaguers are engaging, but not necessarily being engaged back to the extent that they were even a month ago. I'm sorry to see that happen.

Not a lot that can be done about that though.

Cheers, onwards :)

Yeah, I know. Even my short comments are larger than most. :)

re: alarming

I've been noticing it more over the last couple of weeks. I think there's still quite a few people who need to pick and choose what they do on STEEM because of RCs. And then, since I'm making an effort to get out to more folks I haven't interacted with before, I ran into plenty of them that don't reply, don't want to further a conversation, or don't know how. I haven't been trying to egg someone on who doesn't want to continue.

grats everyone !!! well done @janton <3 and @delishtreats and everyone who keeps up engagement of steemit !!! <3

amazingly hosted, as usual, @abh12345 :) :) :)

Congratulations 2nd place prize winner, great stats this week@!

Thank you spider! Congratulations to you too!

Another happy Sunday celebration of your Engagement and Curation Leaguers' accomplishments, @abh12345!!! Thanks as always for leading this weekly fun gathering. ;)

Hail to King Engager, @janton. Despite all that yard work, you remain at the top of our League Engagement results. Your consistency and amazing results are always inspiring.

HUGE Congratzzz to this week's official First Place Winner, @delishtreats, and to @veryspider and @smithlabs, our official second and third place Winners, respectively. AMAZING engagement stats!!!

HUGE Congratzzz also to the rest of the Top Ten, @steemflow, @lynncoyle, @melinda010100, @glenalbrethsen, @themanwithnoname, @chireerocks and @macoolette. Again, you are all awesome engagers!!!

Congratzzz to all other Prize Winners and everyone who Won a place on Asher's League report this week. Beautiful work!!!

Thanks again, Asher and wishing everyone a wonderful, happy and engaging rest-of-Sunday and week.

Hey, @angelacs.

Well, thanks for the mention. My part of the awesome engagement might be a bit of an overstatement the last few months, but I guess it's been enough to keep up closer to the top lately. Still a lot more to be done, really.

Glad to see you around, even if it is only on the weekends. Sounds like you're keeping busy and staying focused. We all need to keep an eye on what's most important. Hope all is well.

It's my pleasure @angelacs, thank you for the kind message. Have a great Sunday :D

Thanks for all your encouragement @angelacs! You are so good at that!

You're very Welcome, @melinda010100!!!
And Thank you. That's very kind of you to say.

Thank you @angelacs! Come join in! 😊

Thank you so much!!! I'm a Leaguer and was always included in this report after joining earlier this year, @macoolette. I've refocused a LOT since August though, so am commenting much less.

Will get back in next year when I've finished sorting non-Steemit-related work stuff. It's hard but being very disciplined right now, except on weekends. ;)

Thanks @angelacs it is amazing how @janton maintain is rhythem even after occupied with his so personal stuff. This week the result is very close and anything could have happened. The poin differenxes are very less among many.
A good week of engagement and loking forward for another engaging week.....

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, @janton is amazing, @steemflow!!! I want to be able to engage while asleep like him when I grow up. ;)

Cheering you on... have fun!!!

Hahaha..there are rumors that he do commenting while in sleep as well....hahah...hope to see you climb up the ladder

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahaha..there are rumors that he do commenting while in sleep as well....hahah...hope to see you climb up the ladder

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much @angelacs :)

Thats is part of super league. The margin of points are so minimum....i managed to peep out by only 3 point. was so close week...
@janton is super daddy of the league. Even when is out of league for personal stuff he is managing the top rank.
@delishtreats now "your heiness" is a treats to see you on top of all commenting engagement.
@veryspider finally you manage to spread your commenting web
@smithlabs awesome man..but seems you missing @janton ..pump up more....
Congratulation to everyone....awesome commenting week and superb engagement.

Thanks @abh12345 this week is so close..look atbthe points table..everyone will say a little hit of more....hahah

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh well spotted, 3 points ahead of Lynn, very close!

Congratulations on your prize position, I hope the scores are even closer next week :D

Thank you, thank you :D Congratulations to you too!

But look at the comments from our spider @veryspider!!! 699? WOW!!

Ahh thanks alwsys good to get apreciation from "your heiness""..... @veryspider webed her web beautifully...pretty amazing how quickly she make her mark

Posted using Partiko Android

@steemflow, yes everyone misses @janton, but I lost a lot of Newbies, and that wreaked my numbers. But I am hunting more newbies, greater risk, but I like to encourage them because they are the future of steem!

I had two days of cooking for the homeless meal that cut into my blog time, but @delishtreats and @veryspider did GOOD, and worked harder than I did, congratulations!

My only asset is that I write long posts, ROFLOL! But I agree with the DO BETTER, and I will TRY! Can't have a girl beating up on me, it is embarrassing; even though we both know they are tougher than we are.....


@smithlabs - now you motivate me to work even harder this week ;) And I hope that other girls will join me on top again ;)

Great, I was hoping you would enjoy the comment, ROFLOL! :)

There are a lot of Ladies on here that post very good content for sure! I enjoy talking to them. I figured that since this contest is about engagement, this might get you going, and steem (and all of us) will benefit.

I really enjoy the Engagement league, and have met a lot of good people here!

So steem ahead at full power, and have fun, and be blessed!


Slowly the girls power is taking over the engagement league...each ofbthem climbing up the league chart with very superb performance. If you see at the list..there are many girls still waiting to climb up on top. ....soon it is going to be girls engagement league 😉

No one misses janton he has proved his mettle. Even he is not around but still indirectly throwing up the challenge to everyone to make a mark like he usually do...may be his secret weapon to show where we are standing....

The league is getting very exciting with each passing week. Even a day off may cause huge loss....i had two days i was busy with some personal stuff else i would have been on top. Even if you notice the points..tyere is very marginal differences....

Lets buckle up for another challengng week.....hopefully no otyer girl make this time....there ate many tough one ready for tye battle.....steem on

Posted using Partiko Android

Truly said, I was just yanking their chains, ROFLOL! There are some pretty amazing Ladies here on Steem! Very intelligent one too (but don't tell them I said so).

Thought it might crank them up some, and since the important thing about this contest is engagement across steemit; more quality engagement is better! So maybe while they are stepping on my head to climb to the top, steem and the engagement league will benefit. :)

They were impressive, and I have no doubt they will be a force this week also.It may hurt my numbers for now, but I am focussing on new accounts who need help and encouragement.

It will be a hard fought week I have no doubt, and I am glad the Ladies are here! They liven up the place, LOL! And keep us on our toes.

Best of luck, and be blessed!


Thanks @smithlabs 🙏
The ladies force is recknoing to take over the engagement league...and they have some secret planning among themselves to take on the ladder.....slowly and steadily they are marching ahead.....

They are pretty aware the things that are going around.....hopefully our strong guys may defend the league titleship.....allb the best..👍

Posted using Partiko Android

FIGHT, Fight, with all your might...or something like that, ROFLOL! They are impressive, we will see what happens, but I am trying to encourage some newbies.

If I had a choice between the two, I would choose the newbies, but they are not mutually exclusive. If we concentrate on the new accounts, to give them a good experience, the retention numbers will be better. It IS harder; but I think it brings more quality engagement to Steemit; by planting seeds, as it were.

But that will Not keep me from trying to run these sweet Ladies down like a Steem Roller, LOL! They are veterans, so I will be lucky to keep up!

But this contest is sure FUN anyway,!


Hahaha...seems you have prepaired yourself for the secret fight to get to the thorn.....steem on

Posted using Partiko Android

Actually some of the more competent Ladies seem to gravitate to the Engagement league, so they are tough to beat, ROFLOL! But this contest is a good one, and a real benefit to steemit, so we all win, even if I don't!

They aren't air dumplings for sure, so If I expect to win, it will be a lot of work! They will have to beat me straight up, so this week will be fun!

I have been finding a few newbies (pond scum like me) and that is nice, but they are RC Jail limited, so I need more to be equal to what they used to be. So they really are a bad engagement League deal; due to post restrictions. I am still drawn to them, because RC Jail or not, they are still Steemit's future!

So, are you going to give the Ladies a hard time, and win this, this week? You are invited.....


Thanks @smithlabs 🙏
The ladies force is recknoing to take over the engagement league...and they have some secret planning among themselves to take on the ladder.....slowly and steadily they are marching ahead.....

They are pretty aware the things that are going around.....hopefully our strong guys may defend the league titleship.....allb the best..👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Think this is a key bounce, but they are a Force to be reckoned with for certain!


Thanks @smithlabs 🙏
The ladies force is recknoing to take over the engagement league...and they have some secret planning among themselves to take on the ladder.....slowly and steadily they are marching ahead.....

They are pretty aware the things that are going around.....hopefully our strong guys may defend the league titleship.....allb the best..👍

Posted using Partiko Android

True, I have enjoyed blogging to them. Lots of nice Ladies here!


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