in #education6 years ago


What is criminology is a multidisciplinary science that studies the human behavior by which people act differently and break the previously established social networks. a question? What does not come comets crimes that respond? the answer depends on the controls that exist, generic and precise in the handling of the updates of the sanctioning behaviors and this depends on the fact that the tensions in us inhibit external mechanisms such as a formal and informal social control, the informal is the one that we are pleased to commit crimes restricts us has to do with the values ​​and creams in this can be mentioned as the church, the community school, this informal control is that the common of human beings stops us from acting against the law. it's when you answer, they did not raise me like that, God will punish us, they will say of my friends or acquaintances. When this mechanism fails, it enters another control that is the formal one, it is headed by the state institutions responsible for the administration of justice, such as politics, jail, ministry of justice. When people respond, I do not do it because they can measure me the time I have. Now these control mechanisms are what make people do not comment on crimes.
if it exists and the type of crime is something normal exists in all societies when these controls do not exert on the subject any pressure the crime is free to commit
On the other hand there are criminological theories that explain criminal behaviors but I'll leave that for another

formal institutions

informal institutions


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