So I have Decided to Homeschool My Son Starting January - The State of FL didn't Like That!

in #education7 years ago


So about a week ago I made a post about homeschooling my son.  Well time moves fast and after speaking with my son, doing my research and all the help I received from you guys here on Steemit, I have decided to homeschool starting in January.  I don't know why I was so worried about the social development so much because my son has and is a very active kid.  He is already involved in soccer, MMA, Greek and Italian school and is just a social butterfly in general.  When I first informed the school I was going to pull him out of school in January they did not like that and referred me to the state website

Well, I told them tough, I brought up that this was the second year they went against my signed waiver and gave him fluoride rinse and that  It's what my son wants and what I want.  They were acting very resistant and like I was being a bad mother for taking him out! I told them to save it for someone else and I don't want to hear it.  So no more morning rush and most of all he will have more time to learn extra important life skills.  The curriculum the school is pushing is garbage like I have mentioned, his one textbook is sponsored by and the Discovery Channel! C'mon with that and in his other classes the textbooks are pamphlets, yes actual pamphlets.  What happened to the good old fashion chalk boards and real textbook?  Making the change came easier than I thought it would be and I am very happy with my decision.


I will be Homeschooling with a private tutor and that is the decision I made with my son and he will have all the time after his schooling to learn other important life lessons and he can continue his daily activities ( MMA, soccer, etc.)

Again, I wanted to thank everyone here who helped me out and to everyone who gave me positive feedback like @lydon.sipe thank you for the information you provided me it was very helpful.

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I hope you enjoyed. Please Upvote, Resteem, and Follow me @road2wisdom



Great to hear! I hope all goes well! I don't know much about homeschooling but when I was a kid I always wanted to be home schooled! haha

Great! Now he won't have to learn pseudo-science nonsense like we're monkeys living on a spinning space ball!

It is challenging but very rewarding. Good job, seriously. And there's really no advice I can give you as you have to find what works for the two of you, and that is just a process. But the only thing I will tell you is to be sure to take regular adult nights. Very important.

Thank you for that last night of advice. I will def. need those night lol have a great evening :0)

You are welcome :)


I always encouraging homeschooling! My wife and I started a consulting company here in Malaysia to help parents with the practical skills involved in teaching/training. What curriculum are you using?

I enjoyed your post @road2wisdom!

Hi thank you for posting do you have any good curriculums you would recommend since you have the consulting firm? We are going to do a mix of technology and classic education (math, reading, Grammar, etc) I want to focus more on practical skills he will use in the real world when he grows up! Maybe even throw in a bitcoin class! kidding! He already has an obsession with btc lol. Thanks for your input I appreciate it.

Let me ask some questions first:

Are you planning on doing classical Christian homeschooling?

Are you fine with curriculums that require the teacher (you) to put it together and implement? Or, do you want to plop it in front of your kid and it be hands off for you?

Awesome! That's one less kid indoctrinated by their system. Good for you! Looking forward to following the journey

Happy homeschooling, this is the first time iam hearing the word homeschooling great thought, hope it works fine and help your sons education

I appreciate the kind words
Thank you

I am delighted. Thank you for continuing to write.

homeschooling or boarding school is a better for ours son

I see that now thanks for sharing :0)

u welcome @road2wisdom. dont forget come to my blog, support and upvote me if you like my post.

Great move - You are wise @roadtowisdom!! :-D
Great to come and visit you again. You really have been busy!!

Thanks, When was the last time you were in FL? from your avatar it looks like you live here lol but i see from your profile you don't! I can't remember if you told me you ha lived in FL before or vacationed. Yes, keeping busy hee how are you?

I live in Wisconsin. I had been traveling to Florida twice yearly, but my elderly father just returned home to Wis. It was getting hard on his own since mom passed 5 years ago. But for the 20+ years they were in FL, I was the most frequent visitor. They knew me at the golf courses!! lol
We also own a Townhouse on Roatan Island in the Caribbean. My avatar was photo'ed there on West Bay beach. I had been spending two months per year there the last few years as well, but this year (2017) it won't be as much. But 2018 I will be down more and each coming year increasing amounts. I'm 58 & retired, my wife is 54 and maybe 4 or 5 years from retiring. Here's a link to my intro post.

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