​ Importance of having kids to learn Chinese | 讓孩子學中文的重要性 - 談談孩子的教和養(四)

in #education7 years ago

​I had discussions with my friends who are living overseas. There is one common topic among all the discussions : Chinese for next generation. All of them would like their kids (who are all born overseas, in US, Canada, and Australia) learn how to speak, read and write Chinese. Reason behind this was very simple: just want the kids to speak their parents' mother tongue so that there will be something from their root remain with them when they grow up.


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In fact, there are many foreigner parents that I know would like their kids to learn Chinese in their early ages because of the perceived value as a commerce and business language. Non of them seems to aware of another benefit of studying Chinese - it stimulates different parts of the brain!

事實上,很多外國人都希望他們的孩子能學習中文。因為他們覺得中文是一種商場上要用到的語言。似乎沒有人知道學習中文的另一個好處 - 它能刺激腦袋不同的部分!

This topic came up a few years back during a reunion of my fellow classmates in university and some of our lecturers. One of the lecturer who is also now a good friend of us bought up an interesting topic : Researchers use MRI to study brain activities of people who study English and Chinese. Results showed that studying Chinese utilized both size of our brain while studying English only use left side of it. As per our lecturer friend, that study kind of supporting the observation that Chinese students were usually more proficient over English speaking students (at least before university study). That was an interesting discussion which kept us entertained for the whole evening.


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I recently googled for related information and here were some of links for you to go deeper in this topic:

Chinese speakers use more of their brain than English speakers

Learning Chinese Pays Dividends: Of Characters and Cognition

Why do scientists claim that learning Chinese makes you smarter?


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Those studies showing that English speakers showed evidence of activity in the brain's left hemisphere (temporal lobes)when comprehending English. On the other hand, Chinese speakers use both temporal lobes of their brain! Here is a brief summary of why:

  • Chinese speakers use intonation to distinguish between completely different meanings of particular words

  • Learning to write Chinese characters, that are more complex in structure (strokes in all four directions), requires sequential movement of the fingers and hand activates neural activities in the working, thinking and spatial memory of the brain of the learners.

  • During natural acquisition process of Chinese, students learn basic mathematical concepts, such as counting, grouping, ordering, and identifying similarities and differences.


  • 中文用戶利用語調/聲調來分辨同一個中文字的完全不同的意義/解釋
  • 由於中文字結構比較英文字複雜(涉及四個不同方向的筆劃), 書寫中文字所需的手和手指的活動會激發對行動,思考和空間記憶的腦部活動。
  • 在學習中文的過程中,學生同時亦會學習到基本的數學概念,例如計算,分組,排序及對類似和不同的辨認。

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When I was in secondary school, I was not interested in English and Chinese, therefore, I put only limited effort in these 2 subjects and of course, my language skills lagged behind my schoolmates and that made me suffered quite a bit after I started my career. That's why I am not going to let my daughters to make the same mistakes again. I tried my best to keep them focus on all the languages as well as Mathematics and general sciences subjects during there current study stages (primary school). This is to build a better foundation for them to pursue knowledge in later stages.


As time goes by, I am seeing more and more importance of languages, mostly being a tool of communications. Now, it is proven that learning languages actually improve your brain power and help you acquire other knowledge. Put more attention to your kids' languages learning if you have not yet do so! Especially, Chinese!







Another thing to mention is that the kind of mindset and emotion you have towards saying a sentence in a different language really stands out. For me I speak English and Malay, and I can get the local mindset and approach from its language. It's truly fasinating!

Chinese is not a language, but close :)

I am actually learning a tonal language right now - Thai and I am noticing a big difference in the way I look at the world, because of it. It's changing up my neural pathways for sure! It's so interesting how learning a new language changes everything. I already speak English and Hindi fluently, and Spanish not so fluently. But every time, I learn a new language, I notice a difference inside my mental focus and neural pathways. Thanks for sharing!

I would like to try Spanish if I have some free time.

If you speak English, I find Spanish to be a really easy language to learn. :)

really? Let me check it out!

Absolutely!! Latin-based languages are very similar to each other and easier to learn once you know one. :)

所以我們會說中文的,兩邊大腦應該是滿平均運作的! XD

對. 似乎我們的文化先天的有這個優勢. 要孩子們好好的利用呀.

在国外的下一代很少愿意学中文 我朋友的孩子们大多选择不学 我得把这文章给他们看 ;)


I was not intended to talk about if Mandarin Chinese worth studying as an international language. This article is to point out the fact that studying Chinese (not just Mandarin) will help development of your brain. In fact, any kind of languages with characters in blocks, picture-style should have similar effects on your brain.

@guyverckw, I believe that what you have written here is correct. I am a native English speaker, and I learned Mandarin Chinese in college. I enjoyed it very much. The language is very easy to learn to speak, fun to learn to read, and challenging to learn to write. Unfortunately, I did not continue to stay fluent (this was many years before the internet), and have forgotten most of it from disuse. It would be a great benefit for all students to learn Chinese as early as Elementary school, and continue learning through High School.

At least you should have been benefited by your Chinese study at that time, right?

Absolutely! It was a lot of fun to learn and practice, and the whole learning process was a benefit in the ways your article mentioned.

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Excellent article,I did know this much about how learning a new language like Chinese affects the brain in a good way. Thank you for sharing :)

Chinese are slowly taking over the planet, buying land and businesses all over the place... if you can speak Chinese you can converse with your masters!

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