Will monetary reward destroy genuine interactions in steemit Platform? (2)

in #education6 years ago (edited)

Money is essential to our viability and thus we all need money (at least some form of it) in order to live a good life. On the other hand, it is argued that

the love of money is the root of all evil

(1Timothy 6:10) because it leads to greed, jealousy and other bad things like killings, scamming (too many scammers , spammers and people sharing phishing links here) , kidnapping, war , betrayal et al. Most worringly, these problems are more prevalent with our central governments which led Sir Winston Churchill assertion:

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.

Conversely, however, even with these downside to money, we still need it and unlike Facebook , Reddit, Twitter et al, Steemit has indeed provided a platform where people share knowledge, support innovation, build contacts and yes , the introduction of monetary reward has made it possible for people to earn income online, raise money for projects leading to more innovation, earn money with our data’s (unlike Facebook) and grow our steemit community. However , above all these upsides, monetary reward has led to greed and greed is the main issue that is destroying steemit and our community at large-here are some few points:

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Focus on Money: I came here for the money, however stayed for the community, knowledge I gain daily and great people I meet here. The issue that led many people to stop posting on steemit or give up and complain bitterly against steemit is that they focused on money and compare themselves with those on trending and hot pages-maybe this issue was caused by those who introduced them to steemit ( sign up immediately and start making thousands of money the same day without hard work) . The reality , however, is that it takes time , smart blogging, relationships (building contacts) and hard work (patience is key) to succeed here . Moreover, focusing on fun and learning side of steemit (knowledge) will lead to success because money will always come in the long run. Therefore, new members should initially comment (not spam comments like follow for follow or vote for vote) on successful people posts, learn and build their contacts after which they can gradually start posting their own blog posts –focusing on their core-competences.

Mass Posting:

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Another bad thing here is throwing out 8 to 10+ daily posts without having time to respond to comments and at least rewarding great comments on your posts . Most worringly, the aim of such massive daily posts is to rape the reward pool and has nothing to do with quality-reason is that , it takes time to write a good quality post and respond to all great comments in your posts (reward them too). Therefore, focus on quality and not quantity and reward those that take out time to comment prudently on your posts.

Conclusion: indeed monetary reward on steemit has its downside however there are many upsides to it –especially the ability of people making genuine money online (especially those who otherwise do not have any other options). Importantly, steemit is bigger than just monetary rewards, rather there are other great things , examples : Knowledge, innovation, contacts, community etc. Therefore, we all should focus less on greed and concentrate more on other great aspects of steemit . Importantly, employing this strategy will surely lead to our collective success.

Do you agree? Send in your comments . Resteem in order to reach more people and upvote to send in your support.

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Wow you nailed it...I agree. Monetary rewards has its advantages (as you indicated in this post) however when we focus too much on it, it leads to greed , jealousy and other downsides too...therefore focusing on other aspects of steemit like educational, responding to your commenters, community building and innovation is great and leads to financial gains-in the long run...100% upped and thanks for this great article

Very good point, I agree...Thanks for your comment

That's why I upvote almost every reply on my blog. I believe that if I help others succeed on Steemit then I will also succeed

Good point indeed however should focus only on rewarding great comments , not spammers. More success.

I give an upvote for anything from good to great ..I love the idea that you can adjust for that and only give a little or a lot ..if you have the weight to to it of course ....no reason to give it all to a few really talented people and alienate the rest ....so I am always generous with garfield thumbsup.jpeg

I feel you. If it's deliberate spam they aren't getting a vote, but if I think they're a newbie learning how to find their voice on Steemit, then they get my upvote

Good point, that is the way

Well analysed...thanks for your comment

Beautiful topic...

Hivemind is planning some solutions for that, by the way...

What do you like about the post...bot? .

Well, the post is not really detailed, but the topic is interesting...

As i said, Havemind have a feature to mute whales or to silent "paid" comments... so, monney wont be an issue for interaction on Steemit.

@charles1 this is the plain truth. Yes, let me say 99% of all Steemians are on this platform to make money. But people fail to realise one thing that where you are making income either on daily, monthly or otherwise needs to be taken care of just like the physical business. Build the community the way you would treat your physical business. Respond to people you comment on your post as if you are a receptionist, customer care representative with all humility. People are failing in steemit because they wants to turn a millionaire over night. We all have to start somewhere, defend and protect your name, brand and integrity in the platform that is the way. Learn to return favour to other people who are contributing to your success on the platform. effective communication is one of the stronghold of success. Thanks @charles1 for bringing this on. I've learnt my lessons from the mistakes I made in the past.

Welcome and thanks for an insightful comment. I wish you more success.

Wow. This is really great as you really nail the point.
It is true like you said majority of people joining steemit are just for the reward system i.e the monetary system and also it has caused greed like you said. But i am not surpise to see the greed because normally, money sometimes causes greed among individual.
Like you just said. Mass posting is now common among this steemit platform.
It is better to post 2 quality post per day which will add knowledge to the community than posting 10-15 post just to make some reward whereas the post is not quality enough.

So we should try posting quality post and content that will add value and knowledge to the community.

Thank you for sharing this great write up with us

Point, I agree with you. Thanks for your comment and more success. I am sure that good comments like this will bring back yor destroyed reputation...

@charles1 Great post here, I must say. Let me first assert that the issue of money is key and therefore central to human existential.
The Bible recognises this and states as follows:

  1. Money is a messenger
  2. Money is a defence
  3. Money answereth all things

Every living human being can attest to this fact that money has a lot of messages to attend, many issues of life to defend and many questions to answer. These have led to the love of it and unfortunately, the crave for it gives rise to the plethora of evil on every side of our society, many of which you mentioned in your post here.
We all need money for sustenance and survival in many ways but we must understand that money goes with value. Yes, it so because money is scarce. So as we come into steem community let us bring in value through quality posts that brings knowledge; this will in turn bring the expected reward in monetary term.
Thanks again for this Insight.

Thanks for this comment @uduben , you analysed it well.

Thanks for bringing this up. I am already on my eight month as a Steemian and I must say I feel like I have so much to say about the functionality of this great platform. Not being a native English speaker is a disadvantage as this fact makes it much more difficult to express your thoughts in the best way. Adding to this the fact that I consider myself to be still an illiterate in the blockchain and crypto currency world, it made it even harder for me to take the courage and write anything in this regard.
I totally agree with all the arguments you wrote especially you’re the point about the focus on money. I wouldn’t count on people to be less greedy as greed is part of human nature! Perhaps a solution might be to remove the toolbar which shows the rewards from Steemit homepage. Seeing the dollar symbol and the amount of the money makes you think about the money all the time.

Good point, thanks for your comment...and your english is great. More success to you

There are 2 sides to everything. IMO, money is neither the root of all evil, nor a blessing to the world.

Money is just a thing. A colorful paper that has a value we all agree it has. Meaning, it is up to us to determine how we'll use it. It can be used for both, funding wars and feeding the starving children. Just like fire can cook our food, or burn down our home.

So, I think it comes down to perception. Each of us chooses how we perceive the world around us, and what we think about it.
I chose to see money as positive. A tool we can use to make a better world, to improve the lives of all.

As for, will money ruin steemit... I don't know it depends on all of us (on some more than others, but that's another topic).
I can tell you this, just like you @charles1, I came here expecting to earn money for what I post, but now I stay for the comunity.

Good points raised in your comments...however it depends on how you view and accept money indeed . The reality , is that money has led to good and also evil in our world. Thanks for your comment

As you have fate, I have fate too. I believe the majority of Steemians will keep their integrity so Steemit will rise. In everything there is balance, so I see those other people who keep only their interests ahead of value, as necessity part of this nature. I feel sorry for them as they are making stronger only their ego and will be hungry only for more.

Let everyone find their own path, who is wise enough, they will realise importance of keeping a value of Steemit. Lets have fate in us who are genuine.


You analysed it well...good points indeed. Thanks for your comment

Thank you very much!

You are welcome and more success to you

Yeah as long as we keep pushing on and uploading good content then everything will work out for the best in the end.

When you see trending posts, it's kinda disappointing. It seems if you can pay enough to bot, you can literally make anything on trending regardless of the quality. If you don't pay to bot, you can hardly hit on trending. It spreads the wrong message.

Hope steemit updates fix those issues and make it better place for everyone.

Good point, I agree...its about investing money and getting exposure.... thanks for your comment

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