How Schools FAIL So Many Children -- The "Animal School" Analogy

in #education7 years ago (edited)

Albert Einstein said,

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a FISH by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid."

Were You Like any of these Animals Who Suffered In School?




Sharing One of my All-Time Favorite Videos ...

... That Helps Explain Why I Chose to Unschool My Children

↝ Animal School ↜

 PLEASE, Please Watch This Short 5-Minute Video

Posted to youtube on 2009-07-27 with this description :

An eye-opening reflection on how we view children and how we teach children in our current education system

"Once upon a time the animals had a school. They had four subjects ~ running, climbing, flying, and swimming ~ and all animals took all subjects."

**... (continued in video above)

We should not expect all children to learn the same way or excel at the same things, at the same age.

Albert Einstein's teachers thought that he was daft.

Like Einstein, my children, and my son especially, LOVE TO LEARN but HATE TO BE TAUGHT.

So, my children get to choose what they learn next based on their interests, skills and abilities.

My eldest son is very "right-brained" and the school system is "left-brained." I feel that school would have failed him badly. For more of my thoughts on that, please read the post I wrote on the first day back-to-school last September.

NOT-BACK-TO-SCHOOL TODAY ... and how School is Developmentally-Inappropriate for my Right-Brained Child

Let's support our children's Freedom of Learning!


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I was so happy with my decision to finally drop out of school in grade 9. I am much better of for it. I manage multiple companies, own my house and property with no debt. Following my will and wind my own stubbornness helped me achieve something stable. Nice write up, school is obviously a bad form, what they need to be teaching is critical thinking and entrepreneurial classes & advanced meditation classes, on exactly what absolute zero or inifinite nothing would be, than surprise, infinite oneness! Anyways. Great write up.

The video literally brought tears to my eyes as I see both the eagle and the bee in my son. Thank you for sharing.

Loved this post! Can't wait for Betsy DeVos to end Common core! I can barely help my 5 & 6 year olds! Seriously considering homeschooling in the future.

Homeschooling has a lot of benefits. At least you know it is an option if you start to see your children not thriving in school.

Common core is the worst. I see it and I am ashamed I send my children there so basically I am on a seven day unbrainwashing and teaching of facts and philosophy and logic and the arts program. People are so focused on tests which are silly. It only tests you to do certain things. I have met some stupid Doctors and brilliant Janitors in my time as a Nurse.

I respect (like) your thinking and lifestyle.
Thanks for good posting.

Thank so much @skan
And welcome to Steemit! I hope to hear more from you.

Excellent video and post. thanks a lot for sharing. i will be sharing this video with others and agree with your sentiments about the school system entirely.

thanks for posting


I'm glad you liked the video and are sharing it. It makes me tear up as I watch the video and am reminded of all the misunderstood and educationally abused children that have gone through the school system.

unfortunately it's not just the school system though, it's the over-arching system that we have built in to our society. It seems we are always being forced in one direction or another. Who knows what we would be if we were simply allowed to follow our own curiosity, in all respects.

Thank You for your post, it was very timely. I cried through the video. My precious 13 yo grandson goes to one of the toughest schools in our city and I don't mean intellectually the children there come from difficult backgrounds. He is a quiet child but apparently tried to fit in and not having the street smarts of others unfortunately today it caught up with him and he is going to be expelled. It is bitter sweet because now he will be home schooled in a much safer environment. Please pray that expulsion is all that happens.

I'm so sorry Mary. I teared up a bit during the video too, so I can see how it would affect you so much with your grandson going through all of that right now.

I hope that his trouble is over and glad that he has an opportunity to be homeschooled now.

Thank you, your prayers will be greatly appreciated.

Wow! This post is probably the best thing I've read on education and I've seen and read a lot. You're children are blessed to have you. I'm not sure I had ever read any of the last 3 quotes. Thank you so much for sharing. I will share on my Facebook, upvote and resteem.

Thank-you so much @teamsteem !
There is always so much new info to learn.
All the best to you!

Schools are just expensive daycare centers for kids. We don't need brick and mortar schools anymore with the invention of the internet a teacher should be able to teach thousands of kids per semester and make a quarter of a million dollars a year with the money saved.

Homeschoolers do indeed save the government a lot of money.
But most people want the babysitting service, even if they are a stay-at-home parent and don't have to go off to work. I actually like spending time my children though, so doing away with school works well for us.

@canadian-coconut Excellent article - I homeschooled both my children - something that, when mentioned, still makes people's eye pop out of their sockets.

Indian parents put so much pressure on their kids for studying that depression among kids has reached epidemic levels.

Schools and Colleges are minting money and creating slaves.

Here is a very good video on TED: -

Congratulations on doing what was best for your children, despite what society expected you to do.
It's too bad that so many children grow up under so much pressure, instead of fully enjoying their childhood freedom.

Our children are being brainwashed with a never-ending stream of cultural marxist bullshit. Witness what's going on in our schools... 5-year olds suspended for chewing pop tarts into something resembling a gun, high school kids suspended for wearing American flag t-shirts, university students demanding safety from opposing views... it's disgusting.

Yes, the reasons to not put children in the school system, grow each day.

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