Herbal Remedies for Anxiety: Windflower | Princess of the Spring Ephemerals

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)

From the leaves, she pokes her head. As silently as the wind that graces the Oak’s branches and causes the leaves to fall, Windflower makes her appearance.


She is flexible and stately. Royal and alluring. She is arrayed in white with a Queen-in-training’s charm.

She is the Windflower


Also known as Rue Anemone or scientifically as Thalictrum thalictroides, Windflower hails from the Buttercup family.

Many may trample her or even pass right by her for she clings close to the ground and her gentle graceful appearance cannot be noted but by the gentlest of human forms.

Being a spring ephemeral, she is here for a short spell and disappears, sending her energy back into the root until the next spring.

How would you feel living most of your life underground?

But it is underground where the magic happens, where the power is stored and released in such beauty to bring humans to their knees (to look at her of course!). Didn’t I tell you she was a Queen-in-training?


So do not be surprised if this white beauty brings you to your knees and conjures up the feeling of the wind caressing your face as you linger in the Here & Now. What are the ephemerals to us if not the sweet teachers of spring, reminding humans to awaken to the beauty all around us if we only have eyes to see?


At this point, my journey researching this plant took another turn and here is where I’m very thankful to Steemit/this blogging platform for it encourages me to research new things and to put them into a shareable format = I learn a lot!!

Herbal Energetics
Anxiety Support

Reading about Anemone species, I read that they’re used for panic attacks and anxiety.

Juliette Blankespoor notes that they’re helpful for bringing the center of gravity down during panic attacks. This is small-quantity medicine as they’re very potent, toxic plants. 1-5 DROPS (not dropperfuls) of the medicine will do.

As the energetics, etymology (anemos means wind and mone means habitat/place of), and location/habitat of this plant became clearer, something clicked in my brain.


The Windflower, so named because of its thin stalk and windy climes, is a champion of the wind. She keeps her petals in tact and looks stately even in the harshest of winds (this is true; after a windstorm I’ve noticed these plants still retain their regal charm and don’t look the slightest bedraggled).

If we relay this characteristic to her medicinal/energetic action we think about Wind in humans.

Wind can mean anxiety. Think of the tree swaying and shaking its branches in a storm. Anxiety, and especially its more severe form, panic attacks, are a major shaking of the boughs so to say. This rooting and staying calm and even beautifully preserved during these storms is a wonderful medicinal offering of these tiny stately beauties.


It made me think of our natural inclinations toward balance. In a windy environment, we learn how to root. We need that skill to survive. Perhaps if we’re too rooted, we feel the need to fly and like all things in life, seek balance.

When getting to know Plant medicines, I now have another life experience backing up my repertoire: plants are in relation to their environment seeking that shifting edge of balance in an ever-changing environment and, like us, it is this response to the environment that helps us develop the strengths and skills which characterize our formation.


Would the Anemone need to be as potent, grounding, even toxic a medicine if she was in a gentler clime? I don’t know, ask red clover, a nourished/nourishing, gentle-as-tonic field crop if its clime has influenced it.

Now you should know that Rue Anemone, this Windflower, isn’t s true Anemone. Can this medicine be used in this same way?

I’m going to test it and find out. Word to the wise: this plant is toxic and it is said that eating 20 plants could kill you! Please read Juliet’s Article before attempting to make your own tincture/flower essence!!

Making the Tincture


  • Take a small jar. Remember 1-5 drops of this medicine goes a far way! And fill half of it with flowers and leaves (don’t use the root).

  • While picking, take 1 flower and 1 leaf from each plant. Connect with the plant first, as always, and ask for permission.


  • Cover with 75-95 proof alcohol and let steep for 2 moon cycles in dark cool place. Strain and store in dark glass bottles.


Be careful with this medicine and only take in small doses. It is potent and you only need a little to do the trick. As Juliet relays when she took too much:

In my experience, overdose usually involves nausea and altered sensory function (i.e. feeling woozy and just plain weird). During an extra challenging romantic moment in my very distant past I called upon anemone to help me stay grounded and in my heart. I was taking 5 drops of the tincture frequently and reached my personal threshold with some powerful visual disturbances. In case any of you think this sounds like fun, think again, anemone is not the kind of plant to play nicely.

Thanks for reading. Which herbal allies do you use for anxiety/calming yourself? Which practices do you employ?


This post was written by a member of the #ecotrain. Check the tag often for more enlivening posts!




I love how you have taken this little white flower and made me so intrigued to read each word you have shared about it! The power of plants never ceases to amaze me, but thank you for such an evocative description of this one. I know quite a few people who have quite a bit of trouble dealing with life's windy moments. I will definitely have to look into this possible option more. Thank you for sharing!

Awww thank YOU for your comment. It’s amazing how this little regal white flower got ME so intrigued lol! The power of plants never ceases to amaze me either... truly amazing!! Yes life’s windy moments happen to us all and it’s great to lean on our herbal allies for support. Thanks for stopping by. Catnip, skullcap, valerian, lemon balm, tulsi, chamomile are other gentle herbal anxiety allies.

Good to know about the other ones! We have lots of lemon balm in our garden, so I keep looking for ways to use it. :)

yes! lemon balm is one of the best. she's so cheery! i like to make a tincture, drink as tea, or even go out and sit by her/pick some and inhale the scent... great mood booster.

This is such an insightful post. In Ayurveda I'm considered to have a Vata disposition, which is air. There have been times when I was so spiritually in tune that I was able to raise or calm the wind, just by communing with it and sort of "asking" it to increase or decrease. And at the same time, I've dealt with anxiety since my earliest memories of life. Even before my memories, my families stories about me are of me hiding in small spaces as soon as I could crawl. And my adult life has been a constant endeavor to "root down" more deeply.

I'm definitely going to be on the lookout for this flower and its tinctures. And also appreciating the affirmation of how wind and earth need to be used to balance each other. And of course water. Always, that element is what soothes and connects.

thanks, dear, for sharing your experience. i'm familiar with ayurveda a bit too and i am incredibly vata as well! that wind is something we certainly need to learn to balance and i hear you on the dual points you bring up. we're all still very human in bodies and i've had anxiety for probably all of my life as well! herbal allies have helped me tremendously to manage.

truly i think with anxiety, or the shaking/energetic sensitivity of vata dosha, having an ally to help ground or calm the nerves is so helpful. it is like that earth or pacifying water of which you speak. it can really change the perspective so the anxiety isn't at the forefront. i'm feeling inspired to write a series on my experience with them so stay tuned. this flower is one of the ones to use more wisely (as it is toxic), but many i'll share are so gentle (and easy to grow and make your own medicine from!).

I would love for you to share more on that!

Those flowers look flawless. I hope to find some this summer. A flower many people could use as an advantage in this day and age. Thank you for sharing. Resteeming!

isn't it amazing how they can look so beautiful even while/after being ravaged by extreme spring weather. a lesson there for us for sure. thanks for the resteem and appreciation of this small spring ephemeral!! <3

THAN YOU FOR THIS! I used to make a lot of my own tinctures long ago when my kids were young. I am literally clicking around on steemit, feeling some major anxiety about a post I just wrote (and thought I was ready to post... but now I'm not sure) and came upon your post. It gives me a sense of calm to just remember that there are things I can do, reconnect with to get back to those times in my life when I found calm by doing things like this.

Thank you for sharing!

So glad you found some grounding calm through this WINDFLOWER post... she has that effect!! I read your post and I think it is bold and brave and awesome! Go you and thanks for transparently sharing your journey✨💖 big love

Wow! This is a super informative article.
I wonder if they're in Australia...? I'll have to do a search as they look familiar...

A quick google search does yield some Anemone varieties in australia. Tho even if they don’t grow naturally in the wild, the Japanese Anemone and some others are easy to cultivate in a garden. I’m going to write another post on herbal anxiety supports as this is a popular topic and much-needed subject. The Anemone is a strong even toxic medicine as mentioned above and there are some safer starting points. Thanks!

Thanks for that info.
Yeah. They must've been introduced here because I have definitely seen them before.
If you're doing posts on herbal medicines/treatments for depression, anxiety, etc, let me know and I'll post them on the new suicideprevention profile & discord when I have finished setting them both up (it's a lot to do on my own so might take a couple of weeks).

i will for sure let you know. feeling inspired to do a series after all of this interest. i'm actually already a part of your discord (@notconvinced invited me a week ago and then said not to share the link because you were still preparing it). i'll dm you the links. i've had depression and know anxiety intimately so these are all herbal remedies i've made/grown and used extensively! thanks for all you're doing to raise awareness around anxiety/depression/suicide. <3

Thanks so much.
Oh yeah, I was having buggy issues with that discord server, so I've been building another.
Sharing your herbal remedies for and experiences with depression and anxiety would be such a deeply appreciated addition, so let's stay connected about it...

Anxiety is a real problem, and people with anxiety usually gets treated like crap by doctors, and the medication they get is usually bad, too little or too much, etc etc, nice to see some herbal remedies here on steemit.

Yes great point. One reason I have such a passion for herbal medicine. I’ll do another post on herbal supports for anxiety as it seems like a lot of people have showed interest. Thanks

Just make sure to put a legal disclaimers. (I got interested and I just read that 20 of those flowers could be a potentially lethal dose, I guess if one dies no more problems with anxiety lol)...

What a beautiful post ! I suffer anxiety - at my worst, I'd need a bucketload of this stuff but as you say you need caution with it. It's a pretty flower - I'm not sure we could find it here in Oz. Speaking of wind, we've got our first PROPER Autumn day - it's COLD as well as WINDY - I'm off to a seasonal balance yoga ayurvedic workshop today! Yay! May the ground always feel steady beneath you!

By the way - how do you get the ladies of steemit banner? xx

thanks dear! i have anxiety too! calming it with herbs to get a different perspective has been sooo helfpul for me. i'll be sharing more about that! how was your workshop? sounds interesting!

also: ladies of steemit banners are at the bottom of amelia's posts. many colors to choose from :D! https://steemit.com/ladiesofsteemit/@ladiesofsteemit/ladies-of-steemit-volume-11-or-a-humble-homestead

Wow, I never knew this. I have passed by this lovely flower so many times and thought it just a sweet spring flower. Looks like a tincture we need to be very careful with though. Great post!

Isn’t it wonderful to learn new things about our old friends? Yes, I hoped I had used enough caution in sharing this ally as she is a tricky one! Lemon balm, chamomile or valerian may be gentler allies. But in the right dosage, this one is a blessed support!

Love this post, the beautiful flowers, and I think I have that growing here!

Thank you 🌿💚 yes I think it would be in your range!

Thank you @mountainjewel. I am all about essential oils and tinctures. I am just now in the process of beginning to make my own. I so appreciate posts like this. 💚

Awesome! Exciting to hear that 💙!! I have a few other posts on tincture Making in greater detail. Let me know if you’d like the link. 💚🌿

I would love the link. Thank you!

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