Ecotrain QOTW: Bearing in mind the health and state of our western culture and society today, do you think we have too much freedom?

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)


The Western world is meant to be based on the principles of freedom in some ways that has to been to our detriment and yes in some ways it is too much freedom, but at the same time it also clouds our minds as to what true freedom is.

Freedom, so what is it?

Is it the opportunities that we have? In the Western world we are spoilt for choice on this, yet many complain there are none.

Yet, the internet can make it it a level playing field whatever part of the world you are from, making this freedom more widespread than just the West, but internet access all around the world is still not where it should be, but hopefully one day Elon Musk’s internet satellites will fix that problem.

Here in the West, we have an abundance of food, clothing and clean water and money, but everyone does not have access to these commodities because of the money word, money makes the world not free, it ties us to the people who make the 'rules' because they are the ones with more money than community sense.

We are spoilt here in the West and the culture is to want more, parents spend an arm and a leg making sure their kids have what they want for Christmas to make sure they keep up with the other kids (I am guilty of being part of this) and to see their child's happy smiling faces with toys that end up forgotten in days, apart from maybe one or two electrical ones are the ones that seem to be the ones that stand the test of time (or games to add to them).

This want carries on into adulthood, so I need to focus on some of the more important values of life like love, family, learning to be kind to yourself and then extend that to the world around you. Instill values like go for your dreams, but don't step on or stop other people from fulfilling their dreams in the process.

Being able to show them the privilege of who they are, where we are and how lucky we are to have the basics of a roof over our head, food on the table and a family that loves each other.

They only need to look at far as their Dad to see how hard not having a roof over their head is, but one of my dreams is to travel with the kids doing some volunteering so that they can see for themselves how easy we have it.

They have opportunities to explore who they are though and what they like to like dancing, acting, football, martial arts and anything that is in budget. All opportunities I didn’t a child to help them enjoy life and have ‘freedom’ that I didn’t have.

Going off topic a bit there, but you can see where the mind molding of actually being free starts and unfolds.

We are not free, because the government controls every aspect of our lives, particularly money - is it really a crime not to pay a bill because I don't have enough money and be punished for it?

But again, this is a Western world problem, because if I lived in some parts of Africa for example, my life would be on the line for less.

In Africa, there is perhaps there is more freedom in some ways, but the price is safety, we are safer in the Western World, with a whole host of home comforts thrown in that we often take for granted rather than appreciate.

Oh yes, in the West, we need to learn to appreciate more and be grateful and at the same time realise that most aspects of our lives are controlled by the government and if we don’t like that, then we need to create a life where we can step away from the chains and be truly free.

That time is coming…

I believe that the internet and cryptocurrency will offer an escape route to the freedom that the whole world desires, when we can just walk away from the financial institutions with our middle finger held high.

Into a new world, where we can live our lives. There only needs to be one rule: Do what you like just no hurting each other.

:) Okay, it won't be perfect like that, but it will be better than being controlled with those with money, as it can become a level playing field and a new game, with new rules (our own rules), can start to dawn as there will be no dependency on centralised institutions to create and make money to cover at least the basics.

It would be the first small step towards freedom and a world of new choices.



Free world, better and more evolved world is coming, it is almost here. Thank you for such a lovely read 💚

I can really sense that we are on the brink of a momentous change. Thank you for reading :)

What I see in crypto is one world united under 1 single currency, all cultures living and blending with each other in a giant pool, a faster world, a safer world, a free world, a world with less racism, and more acceptance... but to get to this point it will take a ton of time and a ton of adoption! Maybe we will never get there... maybe we will... maybe the world burns down first...

If the blockchain tech becomes adopted we will see many African countries rising up from their oppressive gov, becoming more developed, with that we will see an increase in education in this countries, and an increase in tech development!

I made a post about some of these topics a few days ago, but i should make a better one, this is actually inspiring me to write something!

Oh good, I like it when my posts spark new thought chains. :)

I think we will see some really significant changes in the next 5 to 10 years, I don't think its too far ahead in our future.

I see the freedom value in cryptocurrency and am surprised the government allows it at all. Not that I don't think they'd love to control it having been caught blindsided by Bitcoin.

We also have members of the developing world seeking prosperity in the west as I saw in Germany and read about through posts by @valorforfreedom I was surprised to see so many refugees finally make it to Germany, yet set themselves apart from the German people.

True freedom has to be appreciated and desired and cannot be imposed on those that condem it.

Yes, we are like a beacon to refugees, but they seem to suck the governments dry of resources that could help the local people too, there is not a fair balance, but it doesn't impose on the opportunities that having internet access and a computer can give you.

Exactly. In the five months I lived in Germany I never saw them try to mix with the locals. I heard nothing but complaints about the country that took them in.

The German people are wonderful and I enjoyed my time there. What amazed me was how much they were willing to put up with from people who should have been grateful to be allowed to live there.

It's similar here in the UK, but I am in town at the moment where it's not so in your face the whole time, but some areas and cities it is the same case. In some ways, it is tolerance gone mad.

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