What Is The Key To Happiness? ( What Do You Need To Be Happy?~ @ecotrain #QOTW)

in #ecotrain6 years ago

This week's @ecotrain #qotw is “What do you need to be happy?”

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We are brought up in a world where we are taught that reliance on others, wealth and material things are the answer to our happiness. From a young age we are drawn in to a world of consumerism which offers sticky tape quick fixes. Mask over your problems by fixing the outside. There is this long standing assumption that we all need to look attractive, adhere to a certain dress code, have a nice house, car, good career. The game of life will supposedly fulfill us and make us happy. We are expected to be happy all the time and if we aren't... well have some pills to mask those feelings of unhappiness.

I see it everywhere. We are not allowed to be unhappy. It seems to be a common theme lately. You only have to look at the way Facebook deals with it's news feed and the agenda they push to only allow happy things because it's been deemed trendy to make a big fuss about things that offend us.
However if we take a step back and actually look at the hidden agenda, we will see that all this manufactured band aid 'happiness' is actually just another way that corporations make huge profits from us. We are taught to rely on other people and material things to dictate the spectrum of happiness.

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I love this short film by Steve Cutts which highlights how our world has come to rely on external measures to fulfill our lives. Aptly named " Happiness", here it is :

We are never taught to look inside us. This is a serious problem. The majority of us have all experienced it at some point and it is something that I never truly understood until I hit my 30's.

Could it be that by never truly having the tools to understand ourselves we are driving ourselves into a further habitual hell of pretending to be happy?

I truly believe that in this human experience of life we need to experience a whole range of emotions in order to see the happiness.

If a plant spent all its time in sunshine, never knowing the rain, it will wilt, crumble and die from the thirst of never experiencing the nourishment it needs in order to survive. It would cease to exist. We see this with desertification.

Could it be by not experiencing the darker emotions, we too will dry out and fade away? Leaving behind a deserted void within us.
By being given medications, buying a new car or expensive handbag or gaining financial rewards we are simply masking our ability to overcome situations that make us unhappy.

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So what do we really and truly need to be happy?

I guess ultimately this is down to each and every one of us in our own unique way. How we achieve it comes down to one principle.

Understanding ourselves, working on being present and self forgiveness.

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Happiness is a state of mind. A way we can choose to be. We are the only ones who have any control over our happiness. Think of the glass half full or half empty attitude.

Self love and care.
I've read countless articles that state that we need to learn to love ourselves before we can truly be happy. Happiness does start from within to an extent. For instance the way we perceive our own self. Who we are. If we are filled with love and kindness, that will resonate from within. In a way this is infectious and we can find that by being in this state of mind we will surround ourselves with an abundance of love. I'm not saying that the day to day stresses that we encounter will go away, just that when we know who we are we understand how to react to things better. A kind of clarity if you will. Whilst for the most part this is true but I do also believe that there are a number of other factors that create happiness in our lives too.

Living in the present and not dwelling on the past or future too much.
Our expectations can play a huge role on how we feel. I'm not saying that we should not have goals or aspirations, but sometimes we expect life to go a certain way and when it doesn't play out as it did in our heads we can feel unhappy about it. One way to overcome this is acceptance. Learning to accept that things don't always go to plan and that we did the best we could under the circumstances sets us up for a better mindset and less disappointment.

Understanding our emotions as a way to grow.
Knowing that it's OK to not live in a permanent state of happiness and learning to understand why we are feeling what we are feeling is a really important tool. We can achieve this by taking time out to reflect and look for solutions that will enable us to learn and grow from our experiences.

Shake off the materialism, live simply.
Consumerism is the cancer of this planet. When we learn to escape the need for material things and learn to be comfortable with less can really help us to feel happier. When we buy things that are purely serving our wants rather than our needs, we are superficially creating happiness. When we have everything we want, we want more and more and the cycle continues. We often get into debt trying to create this outside world fueled by ego. This world makes us rely on others to validate our happiness because we are showing people 'look what I have'. Social acceptance is considered much easier when we have things in common. So if you like makeup or high fashion, you become part of this club where everyone validates each others' happiness. But we are never really and truly happy within. We are just seeking approval from others.
When we discard the fancy clothing, makeup, house decorated to keep up with the Jones's, and find people to connect with that really couldn't give two hoots if you have holes in your sweater or the type of car you drive or even if you hair is a mess. People that care about connection and community. People who care about others. People who are about making this thing called HUMAN EXPERIENCE enjoyable and fun. That is where the happiness is.

Nature and Happiness

Being connected to nature, an observer of a world that has become so foreign to many of us, can help to ground us and gives us a perfect place to take time to think about things. I find that even just a simple walk through the woods or even sitting under a tree gives us a chance to see that the hustle and bustle of society is not required. We are the only beings on this planet that seek to change the natural order of things. Always wanting more. When we connect to nature we can see that LESS is actually more.

One of my favorite places where I live

Following on from the above and to conclude I'm going to leave you with a list of all the things that create happiness in my life.

  • My children, somehow someway I managed to create 4 tiny humans. 2 of them are almost grown up and the other 2 are still growing every day. Just watching them and how their minds think. The little endearing things they do and the unconditional love they have for each other and me.

  • Walks in nature. As I described above. I guess I'm kinda addicted to it and really do need my fix. I'm fortunate enough to live in a place that has more nature than concrete. For that I am so grateful.

  • A roof over my head, clean water, food on the table and perhaps an internet connection. (Although the latter isn't a huge necessity). Say no more.

  • Friendships and human connection. Without these my world would be a lonely place. I enjoy meaningful conversations and playing music with my friends.

  • A little space for my self. Clearing my head and allowing my self time to rest and recharge the batteries.

What do you need to make you happy? Let me know in the comments. <3



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Great article 💙 love your words about drying and shriveling up if you don’t experience the range of emotions. It’s hollow and ultimately numbing to always expect happiness haha! That range of emotions informs our lives, as u say. Thinking yesterday of the Gibran quote about the well where your joy resides was carved deep by your pain... and how else could it be? Xoxox

Thank you so much 💖 yes it is so true our experience makes us who we are, some of the most beautiful and inspiring people I have met are the ones who have grown from their pain. Xx

awe! LOVELY post!!! isn't it curious how the things you ended up listing are so simple and available to us all...
oh and...
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I hope this encourages you to keep writing amazing posts and making this world a better place!.


Thank you @eco-alex. Yes sometimes the simplest things in life are the best. :-) <3 Thank you for the boost, much apprecitated. xx

This is actually a very difficult question to answer.
I know most people feel it's financial security... being with your soulmate.. etc.

But really what makes me happy? After taking a moment after reading your post... my answer is.. being able to wake up every day knowing I have a new day to accomplish what I didn't do yesterday or what I need to do that will bring smile to my face.

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

"Happiness" is an overused term....a momentary feeling...I have learned its more about finding "satisfaction"...knowing I did the best I could with what I had and knew...try and keep an open mind...not chase "things"...not be as affected by others...its being present each moment to know where I am at...not to over react to immediate emotions...

Meanwhile...sure...I'd rather feel "happy" than sad or mad or lost...but...all I have is now and what has happened up until this moment...and I've learned to be more aware of the momentary pleasures...the simple pleasures...like a humming bird visiting my feeder...my grand daughter's innocent laughing while creating an imaginary world while running around in our yard...the cat purring on my lap...

But I am well aware of the pressures to have a certain amount of wealth to survive in this environment...the key to getting by is accepting my reality and not compare to someone else's....defining what I "need" and not what society wants me to have..."things own you...you don't own things" is my motto...and for me...true "happiness" would most likely happen if I was in a better situation financially so I didn't have to put so much time into work and worry just to keep the engine running...more freedom each day to truly decide my agenda would be "heaven" on earth...

But I won't dwell on not being there...just enjoy as best able where I am...

Shake off the materialism, live simply.
Consumerism is the cancer of this planet. When we learn to escape the need for material things and learn to be comfortable with less can really help us to feel happier.

I love this sentiment, and love you!! You have just summed it all up really well. I'm not sure I'll even write on this - resteemed it as you just did this beautifully!! THat video - oh my goodness!!! When they are biting each other on Black Friday!!! xxx Loved it. Although the bit at the end - are we all Steemmice??

Awwww thank you beautiful lady! Love you too <3, I'm glad you did write on it too. I'm heading over to your post once I finish commenting here. I hope we aren't all steem mice, it's a scary reality, but the fact that Steve Cutts highlights it, is a painful reminder to not carry on the cycle. xx

Happiness is always an inner thing and our own job to work on. This was a wonderful read and you sure did make some excellent points. We are the creators. Thank you for reminding people of that 💚💚💚

Thank you @zen-art, much love to you xx

we are simply masking our ability to overcome situations that make us unhappy

I really like how you put it. Endurance is something we need to overcome any difficulty life might throw at us, and if we want to develop it we will have to go through situations that might not be easy, but afterwards, we will be stronger than before.

About the question what do you need to make you happy? my answer would be my family and the love we have for each other.

I waited until I had wrote mine to read yours, but we are very similar as always, I agree so much with what you have written, Happiness comes from within, it is when we are our natural self, when we take away all the add ons and are our naked true self, when we are connected to our wild self and our environment. Much love and respect to you sister xxx

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