Stop Using Toilet Paper And Try These Instead

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

Hi there fellow Steemians. I thought it would be a good idea to raise awareness about the effects of conventional toilet paper on our health and the environment.

I don't like to just write about all the doom and gloom so I have included some alternatives which have less impact on our health and the environment too.

Image Credit

Joseph Gayetty is considered to be the inventor of the modern toilet paper. At the end of the 19th Century he patented and sold flat sheets of medicated paper. Since then it has become a staple pretty much everywhere in the world. There are a variety of different styles available aiming to create a pleasant experience to clean our intimate areas with after we have done our 'business'.
I remember when I was a child the first Recycled toilet paper on a shelf in the Grocery store before me. I remember feeling completely grossed out about it. I actually thought that they'd fished out the used paper in the sewers, reshaped and molded it into what appeared in front of me.
Ok... so I was way off but I was only about 8 years old, it was the eighties and no one really gave a crap (pardon the pun) about the environment back then. But we did start to learn that cutting down trees for paper was one of the first major steps in our awareness of deforestation and the impact we as a collective species are having on the planet.

Fast forward 30 or so years...

There are hundreds of initiatives to reduce and recycle paper. So why are we still cutting down trees for it then? Apparently our desires to want strong and cotton wool soft cloud like material on our posteriors has created a demand for the use of virgin wood.
Since the paperless movement, in the last few years there has been a significant decrease in the amount of paper readily available to recycle also.
The effects on the environment, even if the sourcing practices are considered to be sustainable, are detrimental. There are whole ecosystems that grow in conjunction with the trees. When the tree is felled insects, birds and even the surrounding flora and fauna are all affected by this. When you mess with this balance, it leads to poor soil quality resulting in fewer things being able to grow. The long term effects are desertification which causes mass extinction. Not only that, but processing the trees to make any kind of paper actually causes environmental pollution. The by-products of the factories producing it contribute to water and soil pollution.

For some reason our paper has to be white. In order for it to look that way it has to be bleached and treated with chemicals. These chemicals form compounds known as dioxins, are known to cause many health problems such as cancer, hormone imbalances and affect immune system function. That's not all because laboratory analysis also shows that BPA and formaldehyde are present in toilet paper in high concentrations. Apparently these chemicals are needed to improve the strength of the toilet paper when wet, but at what cost to our health? Not to mention we are then flushing it down the toilet and sending it back into the environment.

What Are The Solutions?

When I lived in Singapore the apartment I rented had a toilet with a hosepipe fitted next to it. I was rather puzzled by this and asked my flatmate (a local guy) why it was there and what plants would I possibly be able to water with a 1m long piece of pipe in a 12th storey apartment with no balcony.

"It's not for plants, it's for your ass" he replied.

I nearly fell on the floor. But he further explained that in Islamic culture it is considered much cleaner to wash your butt after nature calls. More hygienic too. I tried it and figured it wasn't that bad plus the clean feeling to be had was rather refreshing in such a hot climate. I guess it's just a simpler and more convenient form of a bidet.

Image Credit

Moving on... so what if water isn't an abundant resource to you?
I was out walking with my boys the other week and needed to pee. Hey, don't judge me, I've had 4 children and that takes a toll on the bladder. Anyhow whilst I was crouched down in nature with my modesty exposed to the environment I noticed some ferns beside me. I had read somewhere that you can use ferns as a toilet paper substitute. So yep, you guessed it, I gave it a go. They're actually pretty soft and it was a rather pleasant experience. I definitely recommend trying it and, who knows, if you have the right climate you could grow your own loo roll. The only downside is that they're seasonal so you can't find any in the winter. The type of ferns used were the ones pictured below: (Ok so these weren't the exact ones obviously.)

Alternatively you can try using washable cloth.
"YUCK!" I hear you exclaim.
Anyone who has had a child and used cloth diapers will know that what comes out needs to be washed and sanitized. In fact there's probably going to be a lot less poop on an adult cloth wipe than a baby's since we poop on a toilet and don't have to sit in it squishing around us until someone else comes to clean it up.
Anyway, I used to also use damp toweling squares instead of baby wipes. They were kept in two buckets. A fresh one that's soaked in water and a few drops of lavender and chamomile essential oil added. In the second, water with lemon and teatree essential oil. When you've wiped, the used ones go in there to soak until they're washed. The teatree helps ward off the bacterial growth. I've actually just dug out these old ones and am considering suggesting that our family use them. Might need a few more though...

Finally if the thought of all the above really turns your insides out. Well then you probably won't need the toilet paper.

Just kidding.

You can buy sustainable, recycled toilet paper that even comes in plastic free biodegradable packaging. I am sure there are quite a few different brands out there. Here's the one we use:

I hope that you have found some value in this article. If we all commit to reducing our environmental impact even if it's one little thing at a time. Then we are collectively working towards making this planet better for future generations. What do you use for toilet paper? Do you have something really unique that works as an alternative? Let me know in the comments.


Toilet Paper,Wikipedia


All images are my own unless otherwise stated under the photo


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Hi This time laundrylady sent me over. You managed to score 2 Pay It Forward features. Way to go it is very much deserved.
I have always wondered about the cultural differences in bathroom habits. I looked it up once, it would seem Japan favors a beautiful bathroom. If you ever do an image search you won't be disappointed.
I kind of like that little water hose, I bet kids love it.

Thank You! Yes I'm feeling really grateful for the love. Time to pay it forward soon too.
Interestingly I lived in Japan many years ago and I experienced the luxury of heated toilet seats and strange toilets that pretty much pampered the posterior haha.That was about 25 yrs ago. I'm sure there are even more funky ones now lol. My favourite types right now are composting toilets. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. Much appreciated. 😊😊

Found this post due to it being featured by @thelaundrylady for her entry in this week's Pay It Forward Curation Contest.

I love your articles @holisticmom. I've had a few people mention that I should check you out. @insideout started that ball rolling. I love that you let yourself shine in your postings. Keep up the awesome work!!

Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. That's really encouraging to know my posts are starting to get recognized.
You've got my follow. Looking forward to reading your posts too! ❤

You're very welcome :) It feels good when you see your hard work paying off and things starting to head in a different direction.

Hopefully mine are half as entertaining. My posting this week has been very limited. After I get some sleep, I should be able to get some decent stuff posted over the weekend.

This post has been featured in the @offgrid-online Weekly Curation #5. Thank you for sharing your knowledge of alternatives to toilet paper :)

oh i hate toilet paper! nothing beats that little bottom shower i use in india.. looll

really good topic for sure, Mullein is a great plant to use, really soft and velvety, though it is also really good for the lungs so seems s shame not to use it for that instead. Thanks for bringing awareness on this issue xx

Aww thank you @trucklife-family. This is great to know when we go back to the med. I haven't seen any growing here but I shall try and keep my eyes peeled next time I'm out. Although I do agree the medicinal value of Mullein is amazing.
I wonder though, I'm guessing you wouldn't need the whole plant as a toilet roll replacement so it could be as simple as harvesting seaweed, just take a little at a time.

Great alternatives! I remember my Dad telling me a very similar story once. My Mum and him were in the supermarket and he literally thought the recycled toilet paper was used haha! Apparently the look he received from the shelf stacker was priceless. Thanks for sharing 💚

Thank you! Haha I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that lol. I would have loved to have seen the look on the shelf-stackers face too! :-) xx

Hi holistic mom, It's so great that you are thinking of the environment. I hope your love for it will make your poop cloth washing bearable. Why don't you just use recycled toilet paper will be much easier for you. Thanks for reminding me of the trees. I've tried washing my bum as in India it's a whole palaver to burn the toilet paper saved up in a bin as it clogges the toilet you can't throw it in there. But I got bladder infection all the time probably from the poop sprayer and I had the feeling it would spread poopparts all over the place and leave a very diluted form of poop juice in my pants, so I gave up on that. :-) Now I used to try and buy organic toilet paper but I guess recycled is even more important so I'll look in on that again.

Thanks @wombloom, for now we are still using the recycled toilet paper. The rest of the family aren't too keen on the idea of the cloth either haha.
Oh that sucks you had problems with the hose, there is certainly a special technique to using it. It's the same in Mexico also. Toilet paper has to go in a bin because the sewer systems are not capable of handling it. Yes definitely go with the recycled paper. Thanks for taking the time to comment :-) One love xx

Congratulations @holisticmom your post had been selected for an upvote worth ~$2.00 as part of the @ecoTrain minnow support project. Your upvote will come soon!

I hope this encourages you to keep writing amazing posts and making this world a better place!.


Thank you so much @eco-alex 😊. I really do appreciate your support. 😊😊❤

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

I just saw this in the C-squared curation room. You got yourself a new follower.

Thanks for "giving a crap" about the planet.

Ha ha thank you and thanks for the follow. :-)

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