ecoTrain QOTW: What would you like to do differently this year? JOIN US!

in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)


It's the first QOTW of the year, and of course the decade, and what better way to start than with a self improvement QOTW? Notice how i have not used the words 'New Year Resolution'! I have made so many of them, and just hearing those words makes me think of trying things out and not following through. So by framing the question in this way I think makes it somehow easier to not only identify but also follow through with the things that we would like to change in our lives. Doing things differently means making different choices, and so when we have identified something that we do want to change, it makes it easier to make the right choice when the decision making time comes.

Humans are habitual creatures really, generally speaking we don’t like change, and our brains are wired to form patterns and then stick to them. The longer we hold onto and reinforce these patterns, the harder it is to break them. With that knowledge comes the understanding that there is no better time to change than now as it will only get harder to do so in the future. So by answering this QOTW with us, I hope that you can prioritize what is important to you, and what things you would like to do differently so that this year becomes all that you hope and dream it will!

So I hope you will join us this week and share one or maybe several things, put it out there into the universe and proclaim your desires... even if you don’t think you will manage to do it!~ IT doesn’t always matter if you get there the first time around, we can always try and try again. Why give up when its so easy to give things another shot!

As always I encourage you to dig deep, and really think to the roots of the things you would like to change! A good example of this might be to look at the idea of stopping smoking. I could just make that a thing I want to do differently, but if I dig deeper I can understand what patterns lead me to smoking more and do the things that may help me to stop, for example, meditating, exercise, going out more, being around the wrong people or in a job you hate etc.. What is it that makes me want to smoke in the first place! etc..?

As always the QOTW is open to all, we love to read varied opinions and I look forward to seeing what things you would like to change. Will we all want to do the same kind of things differently, or not!?


- We welcome everyone to join us and post your answer to this question titled "What would you like to do differently this year?"
- Your answer can be a written post, a video, or any way you wish to express yourself.
- You can post anytime from now until Saturday 11th January.
- Use the tag 'ecotrain' along with any other tags you wish to use.
- Please also post a link to your post in the comments so that I will be sure to find it and add it to the weekly tie-up post.



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I'm reframing this question to suit my own private prism of worldview and to reflect my success at manifestation: "What AM I ALREADY doing differently this year, and why?" Cos I'm seeing it as a done deal and enjoying the view from that place. Look forward to this exercise in the next 1-2 days.

My entry. Happy 2020 to all of you.

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Hey @ecotrain, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

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I just finished doing an entry for the Natural Medicine Goals Challenge that answers this question so I just edited to put the @ecotrain QOTW in it. I already had the #ecotrain tag in it.
Here it is:

Great idea - except I think I've dived so deep into all of the resolution stuff I don't think I could bear writing or even THINKING about it right now - resolving to write more answers to QOTW though - so don't want to break it from the first one of the year!!! A difficult week thsi week - diving into the whys and wherefores might be a bit tough. Looking forward to reading everyone's responses and supporting the good old ecotrain that way! xx Sharing in @naturalmedicine for you xx

i understand! after you've been deep sea diving for a while we need to come up for air! next one! ;-)

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