The @ecoTrain Magazine: Highlights of this weeks posts from our amazing passengers.

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to our now bi-weekly edition of the @ecoTrain magazine! What a team of amazing passengers we have on board, I feel very honoured to be driving this train and supporting not only amazing people, but also very worthy causes. Don't forget to follow the passengers that you really like so that you see more of them in your feeds!


EcoTrain Chanting Celebration: The Power of Ritual

We were challenged to complete seven days of celebration through chanting by @eco-Alex. During the meditation challenge, I did a couple days of chanting with my meditation. It provided a sense of calm, but I didn't really notice anything else, so I thought going a full seven days would be a good practice. I have done a bit of chanting in the past, but it's never been anything close to a regular practice..

Helping Family Protection Protect More Families

It is really amazing to me what you have done with #familyprotection in such a short time. Raising awareness is always step 1, and you have done a beautiful job. I consider children's rights to be one of the most important causes of my life. Many years ago I was blessed to do a vision quest, and my life purpose was clarified. My mission here on this earth is to assist people through the paradigm shift. Recently, in another awakening type of experience I realized that the people specifically that I am assisting are the parents. The kids coming into the world now are tuned in and tapped in. They don't need help shifting to a new paradigm because they are already there. The parents are the ones who need to shift in order to better help their children.


A simple guide to Steemit for new users. (In conversation with @lucylight)

Starting out on Steemit can be a confusing and daunting prospect for many newcomers.
My friend @lucylight has just taken the intrepid step of opening a Steemit account. We have had several conversations in which she asked questions about Steemit and I answered them as best I could. Although I'm by no means an expert on how Steemit works, I feel it may be useful to some people for me to share these conversations with you – as a sort of beginner's guide.


How 'The Get Your Chant On' Challenge by the @ecotrain is Healing Me...

About 2 weeks ago, @ecotrain started the meditation challenge wherein we had to meditate for 15 minutes daily and then talk about our experiences. It was quite good, but I guess I need more time to settle in to the type of meditation I was doing- mindfulness breathing meditation. When I discussed my views with @eco-alex, the @ecotrain driver, he suggested me to practice chanting for a while and then meditate because chanting really calms the mind and sets a nice tone and mood for the day. He also set it as the next challenge for the @ecotrain members and even others who wanted to participate in it.

What is patriarchy? Is a patriarchy the same as a society led by men, or is it more, a society led by fear and a feeling of scarcity, that happens to be an environment in which the masculine takes charge?

Patriarchy is described as the society where men are given the charge to rule and to decide things, and women do not enjoy the same rights. I live in a patriarchal society, however, I did not know of this term for a long time. It was only when I was in my O'levels that I understood that the inequality and biased treatment I saw towards the two genders in my society had a label too- patriarchy.


Saved By Angels | Falling Asleep At The Wheel, A Gentle Wake up Call

Last night we experienced a traumatic event that could have turned out a lot worse than it did. It’s got us thinking about how much opportunity for gratitude we have in our lives and the messages that this event is sending us. Walking away from a situation that could have killed us is frightening, humbling and jolting.


Goldenseal, A Complete Plant Profile | How To Grow it, Use it & Make Its Herbal Medicine

Today we are going to go through a favorite plant and one that has an important place in history reaching to the present day. It is a plant that has no doubt saved lives and helped many get well, caused controversy, been fought over and stolen, lauded as a cure-all and still to this day continues to be an ally to many.



Heal Your Life With The 'Get Your Chant On' & 'Meditation Challenge' - My Experiences After One Month

It has been over a month now since I started meditating daily, and also chanting every morning. I would like to share my experiences with you because the changes and improvement that I feel are quite profound. Chanting is not really something that most people in the western world do, or understand. I think many people think it is some kind of religious thing that requires you to believe in God or be religious in some way. Whilst it is true that many people who chant are religious, and indeed many religions have chanting at the heart of their rituals, it is by no means restricted to any religious beliefs. If you struggle with life, or feel that you are unable to cope with the demands and stress of the daily grind then please read on.

THE GRAND REVEAL: Building the first Earthship Ashram with 30 Volunteers and NO Budget!

Welcome to the final part and grand reveal of the Earthship Rishikesh Yoga Ashram Workshop! If you didn't catch the last post, this is the story of Yogi Amitram's mission to build the first Off-Grid Earthship Yoga Ashram in the north on India. Yogi Amitram contacted me and asked for my help to assist him building this Earthship in 2014, and I happily agreed! This build was particularly special because the plan was to make a fully fledged Earthship with all the systems and self sufficiency that Earthships can have. Not only that but Yogi Amitram had NO money of his own to do this with, and was able to fund raise from friends and his many connections to fund the build. He never had the money upfront, but instead proceeded step by step, with faith and conviction that he would manage to raise enough to keep going.

OOPS! I just lost all my Google 2FA codes and access to all my trading accounts! Here is how to protect yourself from making the same mistakes!

Today has been one of those Very difficult days! It all began with the purchase of a new phone to replace my old iphone. Both Android and iPhone make it REALLY easy to move all your apps across to a new phone with just a few clicks and not much time! I did this by backing up my old phone in itunes and then followed the instructions to restore everything. It really didn't take long, and within 20 minute I had my new phone looking all set up and ready to go. All my apps were back, as well as my email accounts and settings. Very nice I thought, until i opened up my Google Authenticator. It was BLANK! There were no sites there, whereas before I had a long list of sites that I had enabled 2FA on. MMMmm, I imagined this would be an easy fix. BOY was I wrong!


Poem: The sacred union of dawn

The sacred union of dawn.

I woke up to a tender energy,

enveloping the gentle, waking world around me,

a freshness in the air, an unfolding of the night into day.

Sounds float towards my still sleepy ears,

birds warming up their little voices to praise creation,

water trickling.

Amazing morning work out to get in touch with your body, self love and sensuality.

Hi Honey's

Do you have those mornings that you feel like you can't get your motor started?
I do!
Often that's got something to do with our self love being blocked and us therefore not being in our bodies or connected to our sensuality which is basically our reservoir of life force and thus our motor.

Lately I have been feeling very inspired by Layla Martin, who's all about loving yourself and saying yes to ourselves, our body, life and our sensuality.


When doubts lead you forward. My 33 days OFF-line journey in the remote villages in Russia. Part 2.

Rituals in my life
-What holds me back

I'm standing on the slope of a mountain. There is is a steep descent In front of me. I see how the other guys have already passed it and waving me from the distance. I feel very uncomfortable. I know I have to do it. There is no way around but I am standing here fool of fears and doubts. Can I do it? Will I be fine? What if… and so on. I am frozen to death with my own fears and I can't move.


At times we all desire stillness, stillness in this world that moves so fast.

Our time is so precious, trying to find the time to achieve what our mind and body needs in order to be healthy, can at times seen unachievable.

We can so easily get overwhelmed with our day to day living, yet we need to take time, we need to experience that Bliss in Stillness, that connection with our true selves.

This is my entry into this week's Steemit Vision Guest, a poem I wish to share with you.

Ecotrain Get Your Chant on Celebration: A Time For Love

Today is a great time to reconnect with our inner selves.

Allowing us to move forward in life, to be proactive and bring about change.

To embrace our flow and grow with it.

There are different ways in which we can help ourselves to accomplish this and Singing and Chanting is one of those ways for me.

Be The Change You Want To See!

Sometimes I get overwhelmed with everything that is happening in the world. Wishing I didn't always have this desire to be informed, to know what is happening.

Ignorance is bliss they say. But ignorance also makes you weak. It keeps us disconnected from one another. I feel it is important to be aware, because with awareness comes knowledge and with that knowledge we can become more empowered.


Project Arcanum: Steemit's Personal Psychology. Non-Dualism and Philosophy Project. Let's learn together, Lets grow together.

For the past several months I've been writing a lot of random stuff on Steemit, most of it is daily scribbles and sometimes random thoughts I extend into topics. I was kinda losing interest in writing these days because I was planning to start putting more study time into my Philosophy and Non-Dual writings, in hopes of making something of a portfolio to help me find a job in that area of study.

The Good, The Bad and the Consciousness

Before I get into this topic, I'd like to say " THANK YOU " to everyone who left a sincere comment on my previous Article. I was away for several days but I did read through all the lovely feedback everyone gave me. It was quite helpful, for which I am grateful.

This article is dedicated to the way we perceive Bad and Good as standalone segments. I know that everyone has their own Unique way of perceiving Bag things in life and God things. But there is one middle ground where both meet up.


How things and people can come together when you least expect it

I was going to do my usual Monthly author crypto post, but just didn't 'feel it' today. My mind's been boiling over and I have to let it out somehow, so here we go.
Since I 'discovered' crypto and later joined Steemit in June, my life has changed in the most incredible ways, and it still is. Just like the world changes quickly - faster than some can keep up with it seems sometimes - I see changes here on Steemit and daily life every day.


Diary of A Free Spirit Ep. 5 - My First Spiritual Awakening

After the summer holidays, I flew to London accompanied by my dad, who helped settle me in my new room and life. He was going to support me financially for the duration of the degree, so I wouldn't have to worry about anything else but studying.

This episode follows up on Diary Of A Free Spirit Ep. 3 - The Day That Changed My life

The first three months of adjusting to a new lifestyle were quite challenging. I had to commute every day to and from university for an hour on the London tube, which was quite unpleasant. I never quite liked standing up like a sardine amongst other squished sardines in a tin. But I learnt to tolerate it by burying my head in Osho's books on awakening the feminine or activating the inner spark of creativity.


Supporting People Who Help
Make The World A Better Place

find previous ecoTrain magazines at @ecotrain





If you are new to Steemit, love to write, and would like to join the ecoTrain community as an official passenger please email me on [email protected]

** Click Here For More Information on the ecoTrain **




Love it! Great links and some inspirational topics. Will certainly be checking out the links about philosophy and hope to find the time to read the others too. Good vibes mate, respect what you are doing here.

thanks @article61 i appreciate your comment a lot! <3

So much wonderful reading to catch up on! Hooray for a lazy Monday.

Another wonderful compilation!

thank you, glad you stopped by! If you ever spot any great minnows or posts that deserve some attention please do throw me a link ;-)

<3 hope you are well Quinn

I am better than ever, I appreciate your consideration and well wishes~*~

Yes I know some minnows that provide great content. Are you looking for specific types like "eco oriented" or just anything?

Anything that helps make this world a better place! Which can be more or less anything really! Thanks! Its hard to find all these golden people by myself

Yea I feel you man, there is so many shit posts and scammer accounts. Its hard to find the gems in the rough.


Eco train has chosen an amazing series of content created by creative steemians.
You are revealing the real talent of steemians☺

congratulations to his education, hope your day is fun, the support of parents for his son is very amazing, I like your post, your story is very interesting

fabulous one. that's pretty cool to know. thank for sharing

Wonderfull post and informative .so thanks for share next post

great post and great writing.very nice nature.dear @eco-alex

What a lovely compilation. I think because of the many writers on board the @ecotrain, I have learned and improved a lot. Resteemed this :)

Thank you for the article. So much interesting information! You write fine :))

Beautiful photos. Successfully it turned out! I enjoyed reading your post :))

This flower has such "Passion" 😊

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