The @ecoTrain has arrived at discord, Join us - we want to discover you!

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)


I joined Steemit in June 2017 and am approaching my first anniversary. I never really posted a thorough introduce yourself post, and also many things have changed since I first started out on Steemit. The @ecoTrain for one has been a big part of my Steemit life almost since the very start. I am SO happy that I came up with the idea of the @ecoTrain because it has connected me with so many amazing people, and we are like a small community that makes Steemit that much more cozy and fun. One of the reasons I am writing this post is to announce that the @ecoTrain are now on discord, and we are reaching out to you to come and join us and discover some other amazing Steemians. We want to discover you, and support you too! Our Invitation Link is at the end of this post.

The idea of the ecoTrain birthed with the founding principle of Service To Mankind and the world around us. The full name of the ecoTrain is "ecoTrain Seva".

"Selfless service or Seva in Sanskrit (Punjabi: ਸੇਵਾ) is a service which is performed without any expectation of result or award for performing it. Such services can be performed to benefit other human beings or society."

This name is used to highlight the idea of working without any expectation of reward since it's easy to forget when we are getting up-votes and money from Steemit. Our primary goal is to give service to the world and the people in the form of our posts and up votes. What financial rewards we get are just a bonus! We may make money, but that is not the main goal!

We support people who help make this world a better place. We are not just about eco related topics, but also write about so many different things. This week on the question of the week we are discussing matriarchy. The question is "What is matriarchy? What do you think a matriarchal society would look like?" @clara-andriessen has just posted the first answer from us all with a VERY insightful post.

So, as the creator and driver of the @ecoTrain let me introduce myself a little! I am British born and world traveled. My name is Alex Leeor, and I have been hopping around the world for the last 44 years. I am passionate about nature and life, and always strive to enjoy the simple things that life has to offer. I am a deep, philosophical and spiritual person with a great love and respect of all life. I honor truth in all its forms, and strive to always find the truth in any situation. I believe in unity and oneness, and have love and respect for all religions and all gods. There is after all, only one God, and I have no need to argue about what her name is. I am a team player, and i LOVE working with other team players and will always support people who also know what it means to pay it forward, and how to give and forgive.

I am an passionate ecoBuilder, teacher and promoter, and have built my own eco home called Earthship Karuna in South India for the last 12 years. During this time I have learned a lot about off-grid living, and have put a tonne of energy into a small community called Karuna Farm in the south of India. I have had the most incredible life full of rich experiences during the last 12 years at Karuna Farm.

I met my wife, @clara-andriessen here after just a few months of moving here in 2006, and we have been together for more than a decade! Clara is Dutch, and now finally after 12 years of living in India the time has come for us to fly off the mountain and discover new horizons. I plan to leave our beloved Earthship in the coming weeks or months and start my life out again in Holland. Who can say if I will be able to integrate into a western culture again after so long!? I do like Holland, and life is very easy when living in a well oiled machine, the system! It is also hard for me to live within a system that is very 'confined', and so my challenge may well be to learn how to be myself in such a different world. My soul is Indian, and its only in India that I have ever really felt at home. I am still very western, but my thinking, my heart, my way of being is totally Indian. I will always miss the strength of the Great Mother energy that lives in India, and hope I can bring her with me wherever I go from here.

My dream is still community, and maybe one day I will find a way to manifest an off-grid community in Europe. I have had an idea of how to use blockchain to fund an entire community, and I keep this idea close to my heart until the time is right, or i find the right people to help me. ecoCoders, please get in touch! There is a channel on discord with some more info if you are interested to read more about that! Blockchain has become a part of my life, and if one day if could use it to give real security and freedom to people around the world, I would jump at the chance.


Some of my favorite sayings:

"Love lives by giving and forgiving
Self lives by getting and forgetting"

"Hands that help are holier than lips that pray"

"There is only one religion, the religion of Love;
There is only one language, the language of the Heart;
There is only one caste, the caste of Humanity;
There is only one law, the law of Karma;
There is only one God, He is Omnipresent."

"Nations are many, but Earth is one;
Beings are many, but Breath is one;
Stars are many, but Sky is one;
Oceans are many, but Water is one;
Religions are many, but God is one;
Jewels are many, but Gold is one;
Appearances are many, but Reality is One."


If you would like to join us on Discord please use this invitation link:

I hope to see you there!



Yes, it has been a wonderful privilege staying with you in India for so much time and I will always cary Mother India in my heart. To me it also feels like the home of my soul, but sometimes we need to go from home and go out in to the world and bring and learn new things. Alex, you are so brave to want to find out how to be yourself and take the Great Mother energie of India with you where ever you go. Don't worry, the Dutch can appear threatening but just remember they are all just pretending to be tough and tall :-) Inside they are all just suckers for some light and love from a warm Indian soul. And if you don't know what to say, you just say; 'Gezellig!' That always works :-)
I am amazingly excited about you blockchain idea to finance community eco building. I feel there is something in it that has the power to sprout. I believe in you.
I am wondering what our new discord will bring. Can we chat to individuals there, or only group chats? I guess I will find out.

Wonderful words, @clara-andriessen! Me too excited about both Alex's new idea and us moving to Discord%) It is indeed gray, but the warmth of people is still where%)) You can direct message individuals there. Just click on a person and right click - the grey field will appear (see below), just chose "message" and you will be direct-messaging with a person. If you do not see this person in the general chat, just go on the top left corner - there is a silhouette of two people there - you click on them you will see the section "direct messages" and can choose a person.
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My brother, you have already inspired my heart out of my chest! I found you becaue you up voted a comment I left for a other comment on my post yesterday, appreciation to your generosity, but one I read this post I was joyously wondrous about your time in south India because I have traversed that glorious Mother India myself for the top of Sikium to Trivandrum and all points in between, except far West India, which I may do one day, but then you mentioned your beloved that is Dutch, then things started getting a bit more sychro-bliss-tic!
My wife was born in the U.S but lived in Holland until she graduated h.s when I was living in Germany. She retains her love for Holland as I India. I can feel you follow the deep murmurs of your heart when It comes to the provisions and mysteries of this feminine natural realm we all coexist together in, and that's just beautiful living art as I see it. Your community sounds amazing in India and what you might be building in Holland. I and Lynn @the.human.union would love to join the @ecotrain as passengers for what sounds like a divine ride of goodness!
Anyway I am glad to find you! Look forward to get to knowing you.

Much peace and happiness as you and your beloved make your move to the Netherlands.

wonderful comment! thank you ! SO many synchronicties here.. yes WoWW! happy to welcome you and Lynn on board!

@eco-alex! I knew it right away when I met you-you are 1) one of a kind and 2) SOOOooo related to me! I know what you describe as being an Indian Soul %)) I can relate to it! And as for your new journey - that so awesome!! I think you know that this is the right thing to do - just move on with Life's flow%)) I am 100% sure within a few years from now we will be reading your stories of building your community%)) And I bet you will have a lot people you met here by your side!! I can't say for the others, but I will make sure to be close%))

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Congratulations for your advance 1st anniversary on steemit.pray for you ,achieve more and more sucess ....
Lots of love...

thank U amitraj!

So nice to learn a bit more about you @eco-alex. Don't worry you will always carry India with you, from your words you can tell she is stamped forever in your heart and I am sure you will get up to great things in Holland. Indian/dutch infused life sounds pretty interesting to me.
I am so very grateful for you creating the ecotrain and allowing me to be a passenger aboard it. I feel very at home there and love sharing that space with such inspirational people. Thank you for bringing us altogether. much love and light xx

thank you! and yes you are right, just how you say it.. India is stamped on my heart! Thanks for so many kind words too <3 xx

Being born and brought up in india,I have never travelled beyond my state Kerala and Tamilnadu(Its been 24 years since I born!).People like you greatlu inspires us to have a big world view.It fascinates me to get to know more about you..The other day I had read your detailed article on using off-grid solar power..After reading it,I started thinking of implementing one in my home when I'm financially settled.

I gonna be a part of the eco-train..Thank you for the discord channel.It will make things easier!

Welcome to the train! And good luck installing your solar gear.

thank you sathya! im Happy i have inspired you to look at solar.. in india its especially helpful as power cuts are a constant issue..

happy to meet you, Nandri

i wish this train will run nonstop !
it is so nice that you have started this seva
i would like to see the driver of this train in kashmir, india

maybe one day! beautiful people!

"ecoTrain Seva" is really a beautiful name.
After 12 years of Eco friendly living in India, for a while you might be facing some difficulties in your new place. But after reading your post i know you will miss India very much but you will find something great to work in Holland.

awe. thanks a lot, nice comment!

I am glad that you liked it.

Aw, that's such a lovely well wish. Thank you.

You are welcome.

The same way you will miss India, the community and home you built there will surely miss you.
Wishing you all the best as you start out in Holland, to new challenges and experiences and most of all an eco lifestyle, and more carbon neutral posts.

Keep the ecotrain steeming!

Now that's a nice initiative.Seva means serving people,that's what you are doing. Thanks in advance for your 1st aanniversary.Very useful post.@resteemed

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