Combat hay fever and allergies with this powerful trio of wild garden leaves! Even better than antihistamines!

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

With summer approaching fast in the northern hemisphere many people are getting ready to deal with summer time allergies! My wife Clara has suffered every year from allergies which has made her days that much less enjoyable as she has the whole host of pollen and summer related allergies. Runny nose and sores, puffy eyes, cold sores, skin infections, constant sneezing and itchy eyes. Anyone who suffers from hay-fever or allergies will know what a downer it can be on a perfect summers day. My wife has tried nearly every antihistamine on the market, and even homeopathic remedies with only moderate relief and always very temporary. It never fails to amaze me how the pharmaceutical industry continues to pump out pills and potions that always have side effects, and often are not even very effective. So if you are someone who also suffers from allergies, and have had enough of popping pills, I would like to share with you a special combination of the most common leaves that we have growing wild in our garden, and believe it or not are way more effective than any pills!

The ingredients for this tea are very easy to find, and make a tea that not only effectively deals with allergies, but also provides a long list of other positive benefits. That is always the case with natural remedies! Clara has just discovered this and been taking this remedy for the last few weeks and with amazing results! She has way less symptoms than even with the very best anti histamines, and so I would like to share this magical little concoction with you now.

1. Nettles

Many people have heard of nettle tea, and nettle is just one natural leaf that has very strong anti histamine properties. Nettle tea is springtime’s natural elixir. One of the earliest green plants to emerge each spring, nettles can be easily brewed which has healthful, restorative benefits which boost the immune system and awaken the body to spring. I'm sure you wont have to look far to find nettles, and when you do be sure to pick the young small leaves near the top of the plant. Obviously its wise to use gloves or some scissors and a bowl to harvest them without getting stung. Aside from nettles ant allergy properties, you might be surprised to learn some of the other side benefits you will get when you have them. These include:

  • Improves Kidney Health
  • Treats Hives
  • Skin Care
  • Lowers Blood Pressure Levels
  • Protects Heart Health
  • Relieves Osteoarthritis & Gout
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Treats Diabetes
  • Increases Libido
  • Improves Digestion
  • Promotes Weight Loss
  • Boosts Immune System
  • Prevents Osteoporosis
  • Prevents Eczema & Acne
  • Treats Hay Fever
  • Fights Respiratory Issues
  • Increases Lactation
  • Remedy for Puffy Eyes
  • Treats Urinary Tract Infections
  • Treats Menstrual Problems
  • Source of Antioxidants
  • Prevents Cancer
  • Blood Tonic
  • Hair & Nail Care

2. Plantain Leaf

The second leaf in this allergy buster is a leaf from the plantain family. This leaf can be found very commonly in the wild, and once you know what you are looking for you will discover it growing everywhere! You’ve seen plantain all your life and you’ve probably stepped on it without even noticing it. This leaf is a natural anti inflammatory and can help to deal with the puffiness as well as all ailments of the respiratory system.. It's also a great anti-fungal and anti-viral remedy, which is something that even today modern medicine has little to offer remedies for. It will also reduce itching around the nose and eyes, and so makes a great remedy for many allergic symptoms.

  • Bee and other insect stings
  • Spider bites
  • Eczema and Psoriasis
  • Sunburn
  • Chapped lips
  • Diaper rash
  • Cuts
  • Rashes
  • Poison ivy or oak
  • Acne

3. Dandelion Leaf

The third part of this trio is our friendly old Dandelion leaf! Be sure to take leaves from the plants that don't yet have flowers as they will have the most anti allergic activity. These leaves are quite easy to spot as you will see dandelions growing in large patches with many plants not yet flowering. Dandelion leaf is especially useful for allergies and related problems such as eczema and asthma. It seems madness that something we spend our lives viewing as just a weed, to be stamped on, sprayed with weed killer and yanked out unceremoniously from our lawns and flower beds is actually one of those best kept hidden secrets. One of nature’s free healthy treats; dandelions are full of goodness, including:

  • Vitamin A – 338% RDA
  • Vitamin C – the leaves alone contain 58% of your RDA
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K – dandelion is probably the richest source of this vitamin at 649%
  • Calcium – 19% RDA
  • Manganese
  • Zinc
  • Iron – 39%
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium.
  • Folio acid
  • Riboflavin – 20% RDA
  • Pyridoxine
  • niacin
  • Vitamin E

I mean WOW~ You could spend $100 on artificial supplements with all these vitamins!

How To Make the Tea

Rinse the leaves and put them in a large bowl. Add hot water just off the boil to the leaves and let it steep for 5-10 minutes. It tastes pretty OK as it is, but you can add a little honey if you prefer a sweet tasting tea. That is it, strain the leaves or drink it as it is and enjoy!

I'm happy to be able to share this unique remedy with you, and hope you will try it and find some relief. You can have it twice a day or more if you like, as the more you have the healthier you will become. If you do try this please do let me know in the comments how it went for you, and especially if you find more relief than with expensive anti histamine pills.


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great one ecoalex~ these are some of my fav plant allies :) resteemed! hope more people catch onto this and glad to see the herbal allies coming in strong for clara <3

Thanks guys! I knew u would appreciate;) <3

Nettles might work very well for my irritations and a bunch of other plants for my allergies too, i might try this seriously, and there are plenty in the garden soooo... thank you.

Resteemed because it might help people with the same problems i might have.

great stuff! id love to hear how it goes for you

I love how you just know how to make use of what is around us every day! To me, they are just green stuff that grow in the garden :) I think I'm just brainwashed to think that the only cure for ailments come from a labeled bottle. I've learned so much from joining Steemit! :) I don't suffer from allergies myself, but I have a friend who suffers badly every spring. I'll show him your recipe :)

happy to hear you will share this.. these natural remedies are SO powerful, and are what nature gave us to heal ..

I got to know from your posts that you have spent many years in India (In Kodaikanal?). I can say one thing very honestly from the Indian point of view. When we see people from other countries come here as tourists, we think that they have a lot of money with them and are searching ways to spend it. I used to think like that in my school days. But when I got to speak with white-skinned people, I found that the story was different.

Not all that come here are rich. Many among them even come here to enjoy the good climate we have here. At some places in our earth, the temperature is too high whereas in some other places it is too low. A moderate warmth is maintained only in certain places. Some parts of India are such places. People like me are even lucky enough to get equal day and night!

People all over the world face a lot of skin problems just because of change in weather. I don't know whether these leaves are available here. If I could spot, I will surely try this methods out. Thank you for sharing this knowledge!

you are quite right! people don't realise HOW little money westerners have these days unless they are lucky!
those leaves are for sure around kodai! i have seen then all! ;-)

The remedy looks great and I will try it if my son catches it here or if I do. What I liked the most in this post was 'my wife Clara' so I see congratulations are in order because now there has been an up-gradation from partner to wife haha. So happy for you two!!! Congratulations and lots of love for both of you.

hey sharoon! nice to see you ;-) WE have been married a few years now.. but maybe i dont always refer to her as my wife... ;-) <3

Haha okay my bad for the misunderstanding. Apologies

And if the honey you use in the tea is local, the work of the bees will help your system adjust to the allergens in your area, too!

this is true! nice to see you Geke ;-)

Great post Sir!

I have suffered with chronic Hayfever since age 7 and, like Clara, have tried everything except for nasal sprays which always kinda revolted me :)

Only last year I relented and tried the spray and bingo all symptoms gone - a mini miracle.

I try to avoid drugs as much as possible so am intrigued to try out your remedy - thanks.

Hope Holland is working for you guys.

Be well and happy.


Funny cause I have every one of these in my garden and I suffer from hay fever a lot. Antihistamines work for me though, but they don't take away all the symptoms unfortunately, so I may give it a try!

I encourage you to try coz herbal medicine is really great!

This is so cool, and so simple. I already harvest all these each year. This year my allergies seem to be particularly annoying, so I think I will try making some of this tea.

How many of each plant's leaves, and what size would I be selecting for 1 cup?

Great! You only need a few leaves of each but more makes a stronger tincture..

Let your food be your medicine. Let your tea be your medicine. We started a naturopathy project known as Herbal Gardens for Schools and your post is just in line with what we are doing here in Cameroon during school period. We are really inspired connecting with such sustainable people like you @eco-alex and wait untill i share what we are doing with respect to promoting naturopathy. Also, we talk about naturopathy on our weekly environmental radio program known as Green Radio. The program has a 5 minutes slot known as Nature's cure where we teach people how they can get healed naturally just like you have done with this great post. Thanks for sharing!

wow u do SO many cool things,,, Full power the greens!

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