SDRs "Special Drawing Rights" + CBDCs "Central Bank Digital Currencies" + Distributed Ledger Technology.

in #economy5 years ago (edited)

Howdy folks! ¿How are you? ¿Everything fine?


Well, in my case I am not specifically that fine. I'm afraid these last days my wavering mood and cranky sense of humor has kept a little away my enthusiasm and wishes to publish and share here my usually outlandish lectures and philosophical humorous tirades. After all, with this current drought of comments and interaction, I wonder: ¿Who really cares what you write so as to others deign to read it?

However lately, I've stumbled with something that maybe could be of your interest to read. As to be able to rescue you from your current state of stealthy absence & torpid silence.

¡Alright! let's see!!

First of all... ¡Watch This!

And yet you wonder: ¿Are SDRs the upcoming Non Plus Ultra stablecoin on the blockchain cryptosphere which is reserved only for the traditional elite of the already privileged in the financial world?

Let's round up the concept with some history.

"ACChain crypto currency blockchain & network anchor for the elite"

Ok, let's go balls' deep on the 'technical & political' side of this.

Alright, let's say these three first videos will serve like a mere simple introduction to what I intend to highlight on this post. Certainly, due to the large amount of information that I have accumulated through my short research in this regard until now. I think I will have to divide this dossier in two or more posts to expose with further scope and major coherence what's behind of this subject that from now on I'm planning to bring up to your attention.

Meanwhile, let's follow with the concept:

"Money Velocity"

And then, some more porno history...

¡Financial Repression & Incomes Gap!

"Maintaining the status quo via near-zero growth and near-zero interest rates"

Yeah, I know that since long time ago it gives you extreme nuisance to read anything. Especially from your 'smart' phone. And that being so, this also gives you the perfect excuse to say that from your mobile phone you don't want to watch the videos either because it supposedly sucks your entire data plan in a heartbeat. ¡Wadda balls' ache! eh?

However, I'm gonna give you something more to read.

  • You can opt to read or not read this post from top to bottom.
  • You can opt to watch or not watch each one of the videos.
  • You can opt to comment or not comment on this post.
  • You can opt to stop reading this post right here.

And then, you can continue with your happy life enclosed inside your elated perky bubble. Probably, just barely missing the opportunity to know what it was that led me to write this post in the first place. Because that is exactly what I will narrate next. };)

Someone whom I appreciate and trust a lot in their logical criteria and way of thinking. Recently surprised me sending me a message with a link toward a website landpage that she thought it might interest me and she wanted to know my opinion about it.

Curiously, she is a young mother and gifted girl who still doesn't know much or is involved with blockchain technology yet. Nor had she shown me so far signs of worrying too much about the global economy events in general. Though, she is a very talented computer science professional currently working for a multinational company in Europe.

The Landpage


Yeah, indeed. It is the website of a well known character and great celebrity in the world of finances. And of who I had already heard a lot and already knew him pretty well previously. A smart chap whose usual speech has always seemed to me highly consistent, eloquent and coherent. And more or less convincing in his exposition of the feasibility that things could happen such as he has predicted. But to be honest, I had time without investigating much more about him or his adventures and predictions online. And this time I decided to investigate him once again, just for having had a request from the special person who brought him back to my attention.

No, "apparently" Strategic Intelligence is not a Scam!

But yet, I can not be totally convinced as to bite the hook so fast. After all, his marketing strategy & promotion style (like the one of many others similar to him) have always produced me a bit of itchy, stinging and rash as to go so willy-nilly to embrace him and rub his ideas and advice too early.

I mean, if he loves us so much and he appreciates us so much. If so much interest he has in doing us well and protecting our little butt from the upcoming financial and economic debacle. I think that that shouldn't require of so much mystery and fanfare to come up at the end asking us that we open our wallets and fling him $50.00 in a blink so he reveal us his privileged selected secrets in all its splendor. ¿Am I right?

But as I am not a seasoned and prominent investigative journalist like some who are here. Nor a die hard fan of conspiracy theories. Given the importance that this subject deserves to me and I suspect that for you too. I think I will invite and summon brazenly to a bunch of illustrious steemians who I believe are veterans on these matters and they could help us clarify the ideas better with their comments and opinions about this subject.

Ok, let's start with a few independent journalists in stemit. Ladies first. ;)

@eleanorgoldfield, @elizbethleavos, @pressfortruth, @zer0hedge, @joshsigurdson @leecamp, @patricklancaster and @rt-international

Then, in second place, a large group of active steemians that for multiple philosophical reasons and by the fact that they are located across different parts of the globe. I suspect they could be interested in share their valuable opinions with us here to clarify things further with their singular insight about this topic in one way or another. :)

@canadian-coconut, @v4vapid, @shepz1, @sift666, @frot, @valued-customer, @krnel, @practicalthought, @slowwalker, @onceuponatime, @mattclarke, @raybrockman, @mariusfebruary, @luzcypher, @lukestokes, @theycallmedan, @liondani, @thecryptodrive, @drakos, @shaka, @acidyo, @sircork, @dwinblood, @doitvoluntarily, @theresa.may, @yallapapi, @curie and obviously @blocktrades.

Last but not least. A handful of my closest brainy and twisted steemian friends who still use to frequently engage & interact with me on my posts & comments and that I bet you would also want to know their opinion on today's topic. 👌

@tarazkp, @abh12345, @rok-sivante, @denmarkguy, @nnnarvaez, @skramatters & @lextenebris.

Ok folks, I think this is gonna be all for tonite. Remember, I still have much more interesting material that I have compiled on this subject through the rapid research I have done so far. And that I will try to chop, dissect & select to cook and write a couple of additional follow-up study posts in a more coherent and digestible way. Well, I suppose everything is going to depend on the interest that this topic may arouse among my potential readers.

And if this time once again, I only get the company of the sound of the crickets throughout my usual soliloquies. Well, so be it. Because without thinking twice, I will happily join their monotonous sound orchestra through my usual musical posts only, one more time.

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Resteems & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf

Cheers!! :)


Situation "normal," it seems. The worldwide banksters want to assure us all that everything is OK while they (as the elite) quietly empty our pockets. From time to time I even get these solicitations in the mail "exclusive investment offers; participate even if your portfolio is as LITTLE as $1 million!" I'm not sure why I am even on these mailing lists... but it strikes me as another "shell game" in which the "haves" are trying to reach downward and transfer funds from those on lower rungs of the economic ladder to those further up: Themselves.

Beware of financial snake-oil salesmen (and saleswomen)!

I'm not sure why I am even on these mailing lists...

Oh! through the current financial manipulation and artificially created low interests applied upon their binary new delusional minted paper bills made 'out of thin air' by the powers that be and their official institutions. Everyone is a good target. They just want to lure you into thinking that you are gonna benefit if you now borrow basically 'free money' to indebt you even more digitally. Obviously, in exchange of using any physical real assets as collateral to help them to reduce their true trillionary debt capitalizing your tangible goodies as reserve of authentic value.

They actually don't care if you are opulent or not. Or if you will be able to pay back later their funny disposable borrowed money or not. They are just after everything of real value that you may already have. And recycle that with any stable, solid and long term materially palpable possession that you already had fully paid for with your hard work in the past.

Snake-oil sales, I smell a post coming @denmarkguy.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm loving the last but not least list you included me in ! That's some highly respected company there. Humor always found! I'll delve into all this links and content after this coffee hits my brain..

I wish I knew how to get some better engagement happening? Being freaking hilarious is not the answer, we both definitely know this.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm loving the last but not least list you included me in !

Haha yeah, that short list of highly respected sane wackos, certainly are my TL|DR reflective favorites and the ones that I love the most on the engagement department throughout this place. I guess they are all just a gang of premature cranky old farts like me or at least a few of them are on their way to become in one very very soon. };)

I'll delve into all this links and content after this coffee hits my brain..

Right on mate! allow the coffee hits your brain, delve deeper inside all this content and maybe later we both together might decipher why the hell being freaking hilarious is not the answer to hook more unconditional recruits to consume our highly informative, seriously educative and delightfully ironic & sarcastic content and why they don't let us know just that more often. 🤑


Friend @por500bolos

From everything I've read I think the comment that our friend @practicalthought makes
which I quote:

I think if one is convinced things are about to collapse, begin stockpiling real resources, not metals or currencies. Food, toilet paper, matches and lighters, weapons etc. These would be the currencies in demand if everything were to collapse. Their entire scheme is designed for us to give them the real resources in exchange for their paper.

Since always any type of economy is based on the exchange of goods and services and in many cases more goods than services.

I live that now because in Venezuela, although there is a legal tender, printed by the central bank, at this time many people change products or food at the same time their monetary cost, or another product, has become a way of subsisting in this country Venezuela, and the banks still continue with their monetary mass in an increasing way. Since in one way or another those goods and services someone must buy and to buy it they end up in debt with the same banks and ends up being and I use your nick "por 500 bolos". to give an example of everything that happens

Hahaha my dear @lanzjoseg. I'm not even sure if I understood well your comment or what was exactly that you tried to point out. But I have a hunch ;)

So in any case, I will stick here a couple of extra audiovisual explanations to see if these can be used as a good Rosetta Stone to expand & illustrate further your comment and try to decipher better what you meant. ;)

First of all. This one:

And second. This one:

By the way, I actually already consumed from top to bottom your great post about The Fear that you invited me to read. But I have to confess that I found your post so interesting and so compelling to drop my opinion, that I still dunno where to start.

But don't worry paisano. I'll do that sooner than later. :p

De cualquier manera, muchas gracias por haber pasado por aquí y dejar tu muy bienvenido comentario. Te escribo en español para alentarte a que también lo hagas conmigo cuando lo desees y así puedas tirarme de la lengua con menos esfuerzo. Jajajaja

Un abrazo!! :)

I suppose what my friend @lanzjoseg meant was to give a strategy to survive a crisis or catastrophe (not to say an apocalypse) which is generally what happens when an economy or a country becomes destabilized as such as ours.

Keep perishable food, useful items, and valuables that can be exchanged when there is no longer an economy as such.

Since in one way or another those goods and services someone must buy and to buy it they end up in debt with the same banks and ends up being and I use your nick "por 500 bolos". to give an example of everything that happens

Although this last part, I didn't understand it at all.

Of course, when you have a farm (with water) and the means to self-sustain (live off what you sow and harvest), none of this affects you at all (more or less).

The first video you posted in the comment (How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio) I haven't been able to see it at all yet, it looks interesting.

The second one, it remains me to an animated series called Evangelion (That's how the first impact occurs, isn't it? Don't mind me, it's just the thought of a hardened Otaku )

My opinion is the guy pitching is a scam artist. While the other videos you posted are correct on money theft and velocity, this guy pretending to have the secrets to save the impending new currency change (that has been coming supposedly for many years) is trying to profit off of fear.

At the end of the day, the illusion of money will lose its power when the masses can no longer eat or watch their kids grow. Currency can never be more powerful than basic human needs. The U.S. is resource rich and has enough industrious individuals despite their efforts to produce ignorant slaves that can harvest these resources if the shtf.

I think if one is convinced things are about to collapse, begin stockpiling real resources, not metals or currencies. Food, toilet paper, matches and lighters, weapons etc. These would be the currencies in demand if everything were to collapse. Their entire scheme is designed for us to give them the real resources in exchange for their paper.

Very valuable, useful and coherently well reasoned opinion @practicalthought. I bet many people who read this post will find plenty of logic, powerful insight and soundly advice through your comment. :)

I see you've bothered and has taken your time to fiddle deeply across all the links and videos that I've presented on this post to digest these well and came back with a thought provoking exposition to encourage further the discussion. ¡Thanks for that mate!


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@por500bolos, This world is full of Information but it's the negative face too because too much information can deceive us and divert us from the truth. That's why many don't know what change is arising and that is Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency Economy.

Hello @por500bolos!

I think it's the first of your posts I've read. In general, it seems like a conspiracy theory that one hears so much about.

Here we have a very popular saying: "Cuando el rio suena, es porque piedras trae" (When the river sounds, it's because it brings stones). This popular saying explains that rumors may have grounds.

You are demonstrating with the initial videos, that there are many things that Mr. Jim Rikards is right about. The rumors are very shocking. And well, if I had $50 left over, I'd be sure to get that material he offers just in case.

I'm completely unaware of these concepts of markets fluctuations, stocks, SDR, the velocity of money, quantitative easing; for me, it's like Chinese.

Which gives me to understand that not even the USA is immune from the world crisis.

The common denominator is that the rich become richer and the middle class becomes poor and the poor class ends up becoming extinct.

Thanks for the information, we'll see if everything was true or false by the beginning of July.

Stay in touch

My dear friend @por500bolos, I must tell you that I found this publication thanks to the reference of our good friend @crypto.piotr.

I am afraid that these last days, my hesitant state of mind and my bad mood have kept my enthusiasm and my desire to publish and share my generally extravagant lectures and slides with philosophical humor a bit off.

I can understand your mood if you live in Venezuela (I do not know if it is the case) but in this part of the planet really the mood is on the ground thanks to the location that we face. I must also tell you that every affliction is temporary and that from one moment to the next everything will change.

It is natural that for lack of attention, of public that your publications comment, we fall into discouragement, but we must reanimate ourselves, reinvent ourselves and move forward.

I like your relaxed way to write that is very good.


Hola @por500bolos. Te he visto varias veces en el repertorio de links en radioSteemit y leerte. Es un trabajo muy interesante. Lo dejo para una segunda vuelta de lectura. volveré a comentarte.

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