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RE: SDRs "Special Drawing Rights" + CBDCs "Central Bank Digital Currencies" + Distributed Ledger Technology.

in #economy5 years ago

Friend @por500bolos

From everything I've read I think the comment that our friend @practicalthought makes
which I quote:

I think if one is convinced things are about to collapse, begin stockpiling real resources, not metals or currencies. Food, toilet paper, matches and lighters, weapons etc. These would be the currencies in demand if everything were to collapse. Their entire scheme is designed for us to give them the real resources in exchange for their paper.

Since always any type of economy is based on the exchange of goods and services and in many cases more goods than services.

I live that now because in Venezuela, although there is a legal tender, printed by the central bank, at this time many people change products or food at the same time their monetary cost, or another product, has become a way of subsisting in this country Venezuela, and the banks still continue with their monetary mass in an increasing way. Since in one way or another those goods and services someone must buy and to buy it they end up in debt with the same banks and ends up being and I use your nick "por 500 bolos". to give an example of everything that happens


Hahaha my dear @lanzjoseg. I'm not even sure if I understood well your comment or what was exactly that you tried to point out. But I have a hunch ;)

So in any case, I will stick here a couple of extra audiovisual explanations to see if these can be used as a good Rosetta Stone to expand & illustrate further your comment and try to decipher better what you meant. ;)

First of all. This one:

And second. This one:

By the way, I actually already consumed from top to bottom your great post about The Fear that you invited me to read. But I have to confess that I found your post so interesting and so compelling to drop my opinion, that I still dunno where to start.

But don't worry paisano. I'll do that sooner than later. :p

De cualquier manera, muchas gracias por haber pasado por aquí y dejar tu muy bienvenido comentario. Te escribo en español para alentarte a que también lo hagas conmigo cuando lo desees y así puedas tirarme de la lengua con menos esfuerzo. Jajajaja

Un abrazo!! :)

I suppose what my friend @lanzjoseg meant was to give a strategy to survive a crisis or catastrophe (not to say an apocalypse) which is generally what happens when an economy or a country becomes destabilized as such as ours.

Keep perishable food, useful items, and valuables that can be exchanged when there is no longer an economy as such.

Since in one way or another those goods and services someone must buy and to buy it they end up in debt with the same banks and ends up being and I use your nick "por 500 bolos". to give an example of everything that happens

Although this last part, I didn't understand it at all.

Of course, when you have a farm (with water) and the means to self-sustain (live off what you sow and harvest), none of this affects you at all (more or less).

The first video you posted in the comment (How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio) I haven't been able to see it at all yet, it looks interesting.

The second one, it remains me to an animated series called Evangelion (That's how the first impact occurs, isn't it? Don't mind me, it's just the thought of a hardened Otaku )

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