When Nets Replace Fishing

in #economics6 years ago

Once upon a time, there were 10 men who worked as fishermen. These 10 men had been carrying on as fishermen for quite some time, as there fathers had done, and their grandfathers before that.

One day, a missionary visited the quaint village where these men resided with their wives and children. The missionary, being outside the milieu of the fishermen, introduced a new technology that threatened to disrupt the entire fishing industry in the village. The technology was a net.

Overnight, fishing production increased dramatically and 2 fishermen could now do the work of 10. Unemployment reached unprecedented heights at 80%.

Some of the townsfolk thought the rapid rise in unemployment was unacceptable and proposed a law to make nets illegal for fishing purposes.

Tempers and emotions ran high as discussions went on for weeks as to what viable solution could be proposed for the exhorbitant unemployment.

In the midst of these discussions, some folks noticed that one of the unemployed fishermen was working diligently to fix the roof of his home. The long hours bringing in sustenance for his family had left the man with little time to mend his homestead.

“That is a right good job you are doing on that roof of yours.” One townsfolk said rather excitedly. “Do you think you could come and mend my roof tomorrow?”

Relieved at the prospect of fixing roofs instead of fishing for the day, the roofing man happily obliged. Pretty soon, he was busy at work fixing the other roofs in town that were in need of repair.

This phenomenon continued over the next few weeks as people stepped up to tend the gardens, carry water from the nearby creek, and even mend the nets the two fishermen brought home.

The chatter about unemployment died off as the wealth of the entire community grew exponentially. Whereas, there used to be only enough fish for each person to survive. Now, there were cozy homes, fresh water, and veggies for everyone to enjoy.

All well was in the cozy town and people got along in relative bliss. That is, until the water pipeline came into existence, and threatened to put people out of business who carried buckets of water. But, that is a story for another time.

Image source: 1


Great parable.

Thinking about it leads me to ask, "What will the economy of the New Heavens and the New Earth be like?"

Thanks for a great conversation today.



I often wonder that myself. Excited to participate in it.

Always enjoy a conversation with you, my friend. Have some tax thoughts on my mind for next time. Thought that might be an area of interest for you. ;)

Why, whatever would give you that idea? ;)


My best guess at the moment is something along the lines of a "gift economy."

Hmm, that would make sense in light of holding all things in common portrayed in the early church.

I'll bolster my presumption now:

"...and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him."- Romans 8:17


"He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?"- Romans 8:32


"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."- 2 Corinthians 9:7

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Being freed from one task enables you to do another - to be is to do.

I thought when I retired from full-time teaching I'd be bored. I didn't realize that my time spent writing would expand to fill the hours. Now, I simply don't have enough hours in the day.

As automation and technology make certain tasks redundant, other needs will arise along with opportunities for people to be even more productive. I don't envision the future, or heaven, as reclining indolently on flowery beds of ease - elimination of one task gives rise to the opportunity to pursue other endeavours.

Amen. Well said, John.

Great little story!

And I'll help build the pipeline!



Haha, thank you! I figured you would understand the concepts. Consider yourself on the pipeline crew. ;)

Good group of fellows!^^

Hmm, sounds like a nice future!

Very beautiful your story dear friend. It closely resembles the reality of cities. Receive my affections

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