Psychoenergetics: the simple things - 1. Time and attention.

in #earthnation7 years ago (edited)

We live in an interesting time when people who want to self-realize for the area of self-transmutation can to find the many relevant texts with a little mouse clicks. You can to get lost in all this 'white noise' that protects secrets is not worse than high walls and hard locks, and you can to find the answer to any your question, if it would be the desire and ability to ask the questions. We live in the time when the issues of interaction of spirit and matter ceased to be the high prerogative of religions and teachings, when everything closer and clearer synthesis of science and spirituality, and increasingly, people are thinking, seeking, shapes theirs 'private yoga', just as the ancient sages have forged their experience themselves. But at the same time they are remaining modern persons and they rely on the experimental scientific approach and preserve their adequacy. For the travelers, who are attracted to the unknown, beyond the limitations, who followed to light of far stars, these articles are devoted to. And hopefully at least will amused for the rest.

'Psychoenergetics' is a modern word, a concept composed of two terms: 'psyche' (from the Greek ψυχή - soul, life) and "energy" (from the Greek ἐνέργεια "action, activity, power"). In fact, this concept means science, the sphere of investigation of which is the interaction of spirit and matter, which view the universe through the prism of the energy nature of reality and the field interactions between the psyche and the surrounding world. In the sphere of interests of this science there are also such concepts as magic, yoga, qigong, and many others, which imply the realization of the phenomenon of deep inner connection of consciousness and matter.

Of course, these words held so many meanings that it's hard to tell what exactly meant by those who used them... so let's try to understand together. I promise a practical exercises as well . Welcome to the comments for feedback.

Strictly speaking, psychoenergetic is not a science in the academic sense, it is the science and art simultaneously, because the usefull methods for obtaining practical results, it recognizes a logos coupled with the scientific experimental approach and intuitive-ecstatic states of inspiration, enlightenment, meditation. The main subject of research is a deep connection between consciousness and matter and the methods of its practical implementation. Accordingly, personal transformation and energy transmutation for modern practice can be both a method and the goal of the experiments related to demonstrations of the reality of spirituality.

So, we are talking about the ability effort of will to bring about desirable changes in the surrounding world - in the active phase, and the ability to take information about the surrounding reality through the implementation of this deep relationship - in a passive phase. In both cases, first of all, we are talking about skills - that is, about some of the practical abilities, such as telepathy, telekinesis, prognosti and many others. And these skills are the same, outside the angle of view and ideological context in all disciplines and paradigms. From the wealth of possible topics I chose for this series of articles the narrow problem of the initial phase of personal practice for the realization of the magical nature of your own consciousness.

As you know, the best results in any field are obtained in the case of systematic training. And, of course, adept is faced with the question of resource that we have is actually one - our time. Energy, attention, anything, somehow tied to this simple resource. To practice - it takes time, and the same time you need to many other pleasant, useful, necessary, or usual activities. Many interesting activities was delayed forever because " I'll do when I have a time"... Time to learn: too much time on development, absorption of new waves - will never happen. Appeared time will be immediately captured by the familiar paths of energy flows of our attention and for new occupations this resource will need to be create, changing the way of life - and this is the main obstacle for the vast majority of people.

Resource time plays a crucial role not only in the field of self-development, and even to just take care of your health. People prefer to get sick and crumble, but do not change the way of life. Even when the body gives clear signals on behavior change, people often prefer to ignore them until the last. What can we say about self-development, the lack of which is felt not so sharply... It remains to recall that, according to surveys of scientists, the dying most regret about stupidly wasted time and their inattention to what was really important...

A few words about the attention. Actually, this is the essence of human nature - living, perceiving creatures. Most mystical teachings says about the multiplicity of centers of human consciousness, causing stratification of consciousness into components - some waves, existing at the same time. They are described in different exercises in different ways and the number of such wave-components in the different traditions are different. This multiplicity is in itself an interesting topic of conversation, but we are now considering the fact that most of the attention of the modern man driven by his intellect, which itself is just one of these assembly centers of consciousness. And it displaces their activity of other centers, creating to consciousness a kind of labyrinth of reflections and self-reflections. Intellect has the desire to expand your boundaries and has functionality for the protection of these borders. Protective functions naturally stronger. The intellect tends to make everything clear, throws for consciousness ready templates of the description of reality. And one of these common patterns is to ignore the magical nature of reality. Consequently, many peopl have a inward ban on the movement of attention in this way.

But we know that our attention is closely linked to our strength, vitality. Can to remember the famous tip of the ancient chinese masters: “where attention is, there is qi”. This means that intellect should be tamed to implement interactions with the world at the level of the nature of things, the so-called magical interactions, and to be taught to act not only on the basis of information obtained through the usual sensory organs, but on the basis of subtle sensations, vibrations of the universe, signals of another sensors system. And for receiving and processing this we should be given proper amount of attention. We all know what the “magic” opportunities transmitted easily in family practitioners. For example, the son of a shaman is likely to inherit her father's gift, because from his childhood he will encounter behavior of parents which accompanies their interaction with the magical nature of the world. His intellect would not fight to this behavior.

Who as a child dreamed of becoming a magician? Back for a second in time: these are the children we read fairy tales, and not very smart, but favorite, dads, moms and other teachers - they was gifted us a good sense, and a heap of need and not so necessary things for our life... We had to learn very difficult things. For example - a walk. Here kid - you - take their first steps. One, two... Oops, dropped. Tears, the mom is hugging, warm...

Remember dancers, gymnasts, runners, passers-by that they are smart doing now, was so difficult? And so we learned a little bit about everything, and dear adults taught us the hard science to make the world same as them... World not only boring and filled with problems, but and happy, filled with love. Adults taught us the best he had - himself, and this is a difficult science to grow up... And they taught us so much, but - not to be wizards...

The daughter said: 'Mom, look, a mop is flying!'. Mom said, 'Nonsense, mops can't fly!'. And the mop fell... (a Russian Parable)

But, it should be noted that any person, whose goal is to develop a perception, is capable for this, training oneself to commit a 'magical attempt' by directing their attention into the nature of things.

It is worth to mention safety. The buildup of the 'magic attention' by itself in the end will lead to a change of thinking. Intellect will have to rationalize their own behavior, to make it clear, consistent and logical, and it will do it. In the process of learning the adept starts to change thinking and the persistence of social adequacy should be not the last task in this way. It is also worth deliberate approach to the issues of retention, maintaining warm relationships with loved ones. There is a good rule of thumb is to be the 'head in space, feet on ground, heart with person'. In addition, in order not to lose touch with the real world, we should not forget about the principle of confirmation. It is, in fact, main rule for the experiment in the first stage, so that the result of the exercise we can to check immediately. For example, with guessing the suit of the card, adept must to check immediately, he is mistaken or not, but when he sketching out portraits of the inhabitants of the other world, he has no such ability to check. (Although, such an experience can be its own valuable, especially when you have enough evidence in those experiments where confirmation was possible.)

The skills of dowsing can be useful for mastering at the initial stage of self-training (I wrote an article about it), but in principle, you can skip this step, especially if you have a talent or when training with an instructor.

Now, you should understand that the training of perception is not training in a work break. And not even qigong at the morning. It's a habit to pay attention to that relationships between events and phenomena what are invisible to ordinary sight. This is the way to acquire the skill, inexpressible way.

Next, we will talk about those forces and principles, the observance of, the cultivation of which and care which creates a personal spiritual 'Perpetuum mobile', when the quantity of received resource begins to exceed the amount spent.



There will be the most practical things from the world of esoteric and psychophysical practices always for you here.

I will also be grateful for comments on the quality of my English with the amendments. My native language is Russian, and I really want to learn English better. You can read about me here. Thank you for your attention.


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