A Story Worth Reading With An Unexpected Twist. Monsters and Truth. A Fable for Life - With Narrated Audio.

in #earthnation7 years ago (edited)

We recommend listening while reading.

All you can remember is being here, in this place filled with darkness and shadows. A place where only firelight shines, where sounds echo and ripple and distort, where smells are overpowered by an indiscernible stench. You can barely understand what happened to you. Many of those you remember that were once close to you are no longer with you. Stories of monsters, suffering, and fear are most of what you hear from the others who are with you now.

You do what you can to stay safe, to stay alive, to survive and protect yourself from the monsters you’ve heard so much about.

Suddenly, you are finally being attacked by one of these monsters you’ve heard of.

You attack back with everything you have, and the monster runs away.

Later, two more monsters attack you. These ones too run away from your fierce-some power.

Then, another monster attacks you with a blinding light.

You awake sitting.

A blazing fire roars between you and this bright light in the shape of a man sitting across from you.

It Speaks

“Why did you attack the others?”

What? What others? What is this thing talking about? What does it want with me?

“I need to show you something. Will you please come with me?”

WHY? What does it want with me? Whats going to happen to me? Is this another monster? I have no choice ill play along for now. “Yes”

You follow the being of light to a place you have never been before. In the distance is more of the same blinding light that surrounds the one you are following.

The light burns, it hurts. Your body screams RUN. Fear is all you can feel. You break free of the being of light and run back towards your place of safety.

Days go by, Weeks, then Months. More monsters come, yet they all leave in fear of you.

Once again, the dazzling figure returns. It speaks

“You must come with me”


Before you know it, you are unable to move and being carried, back to the place with the dazzling light that you ran from before. This time there is nothing you can do, no way to run. You must face whatever awaits you beyond the blinding pain.

The most pain you have ever experienced rushes through your body. Your mind screams death and the end of everything. You are finally dying.

Or so you thought.

Opening your eyes, you see sunlight for the first time. Trees, flowers, life. You hear the trickling of a stream, the songs of birds and the symphonies of insects. Then you start to hear the howling sound of a monster. Looking back to the source of the sound, the place where you came from, you see a dark cave.

Where am i?

“At long last, You are finally outside of that damned cave”

What? What is a cave?

“The world you have left behind is just a hole. A place of shadows and darkness. You were born there to learn how to be alone.”


“You were never alone. You only thought you were. Do you remember the monsters you’ve fought?”


“They weren’t monsters. Those were your teachers. We sent them to make sure you learned everything you need to know to leave the cave behind forever”.


“That’s not important now. I’ll tell you what’s important. Everyone you love is in that cave behind you. What are you going to do about it?”


“That’s the best answer. Go then, and know we are with you always”.

You venture back into the cave. The first person you find you start to tell about the world outside of the cave. Suddenly, they attack you as if you are a monster. After defending yourself from the horrendous assault you run away.

Why did that person react that way?

You find another person, once more you tell them about the world outside of the cave. Once more they attack you. What is this nonsense?

Now you avoid everyone else you see, looking for your family whom you’ve lost in the cave. It’s been so many years since you’ve seen them, your often not sure of who your real family is.

Everywhere you go, people attack you. All claiming that you are a monster. You search and search until finally, you find your brother. You tell him about the world outside of the cave but he doesn’t believe you. You tell him he must come with you to see it, and he reluctantly agrees.

As you walk with him towards the exit of the cave, your brother grows terrified. Mumbling in pain from the blinding light he accuses you of being a monster and trying to hurt him. He attacks you and runs back into the depths of the cave.

In deepest sadness, you walk out of the cave in shame and defeat.

Outside waits the man that rescued you from the cave.


“They are like how you used to be. All they can see is darkness, shadows, and fear. The monsters you once attacked were those who came before you to bring you into the light.”


“Now get back in there and go get your family. Do whatever it takes. It doesn’t matter what they do to you. We will not leave without them.”


Very interesting story

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
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Fiction of reality.

He who has the true only can believe in it then others believe he is a nuisance.

Many people needs to be rescued, they need to see the light, they need to see beyond their thinking. The question now is how long can be tolerate the ridicule and insult we get while trying to help them.

we need to keep persuading them in other to make them believe in their potentials.

A good story, really interesting. the narrative touch with sound makes it really special. you have my upvote and reestimed. Congratulations and continue publishing more work, I will gladly read them.


Have you heard of Author Repubic? They can distribute your audiobook with 30 companies:


Great story, reminds me of platos cave parable but more interesting.

A modifyed version of; Platos Alegory of the cave.
One that brings into the picture; monster alegorys. Cant say its reminisent of all paths, but its a good refrance story to lead peope into realisation :)

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