From a slave to a master, chapter # 12 - The Dualistic Structure of relationships, part IV

in #duality6 years ago

A Memoir

Excerpt: In this last article of the serious about dualism in relationships, I am further elaborating on the meaning of living as a couple in the duality; how married and not-married spouses conduct their years together. In the end, I stretch the term “dualism” to somewhat far regions of our daily reality.


Credit: Murilo Maciel

The Inter-gender inherent conflict that expressed itself so gravely throughout the courting period of time does not vanish once the bond becomes official, i.e. the woman and the man choose to get married.

I refer to a "woman" and "man" in a heterosexual relationship but it should be clear that the duality exists in same-sex relationships as well. The male and female attributes are independent of the physicality.

Although the wedding ceremony itself may be thrilling, euphoric and extremely promising as far as the common future is expected to be, the hard-core facts of life dawn upon the happy couple very quickly soon after the joyous moment is over. In most cases, neither one of the spouses is willing to admit – at least not to his/her peer - that s/he does not feel any longer the oneness that categorized their early times together. They both indeed feel that ‘something’ has changed but they somewhat refuse to admit, even to themselves, that they had been wrong and prince charming or princess bride are not what they got in the deal.

The more the spouses are aware of the nature of the current events in their lives and the more they are exposed to cultural influences such as self-help literature, the sooner they conclude that their relationship lacks something basic. They also understand that the small and mild arguments that they have had during the courting period of time are now becoming enormous boulders on their common path, which put an immediate threat to the continuation of their relationship. Many of the divorces that take place in the first years of the marriage, are caused by this same reason, that is, one of the spouses becomes fully aware, perhaps for the first time, of the built-in and serious difficulty in their personal relationship; an adversity of which they both have ignored and refused to deal with, either because their spouse was not collaborating or lack of alertness from his/her part.

In the recent times, we are witnessing a general inner awakening of humans which its causes can be related to the feminist agenda. This recent trend has come to the front mostly by middle-aged women who after raising a family have woken up to a very unsatisfying romantic relationship and a poor love life. Such women realized that their lives lack a substantial emotional essence. They have noticed that although the man in their lives is supportive, understanding, caring and loving, something meaningful is still missing. Such lack, often unconscious, is still critical enough to make the woman miserable.


Credit: magravenart

The collapse of marriages

Due to the above-described situation, many of the old-aged relationships that were built on a dualistic structure are now falling apart or undergo a tremendous chaos and disorder. Some have chosen the way out, but in more than just a few cases, spouses have chosen to remain together and not divorce. Then, following many years of struggles, fights, arguments, and hell, they have managed to find the golden trail on which they walk bruised but content. Such a trail has several different alleys which on one of them I wish to further elaborate:

Some couples have accepted their dire situation only because they had no alternative. And there comes a time when together they realize that the emotional-mental-physical conflict with its daily hassles is not worth it and that the on-going suffering exhausts them and literally destroys the gentle fabric of their family life. Throughout the years they have managed to raise children and build a nest. However, all those achievements were created on an unstable ground which collapses as soon as an external catalyst comes to sweep them into a charged vortex of emotions and desires.

Such catalyst can be a spouse’s betrayal, a too demanding career or a tragic health event that change the power balance in the relationship. Whatever the case may be, it usually causes a fast and serious deterioration in their life together which by now becomes almost unbearable, with no meaningful conversations or ones which often end with frustration and bitterness. Naturally, such situation cannot last forever and the couple realizes, at last, that they must make a decision one way or the other.

Because of their fear of the consequences of dismantling their family they, choose to remain together, unhappy as they are, accepting the fact that “this is how life is” and “all the couples eventually compromise”, and “the happiness of the family is more important than my own”. They do remember though that their inherent conflict has not been solved but they are so weary and hopeless that they welcome the peace and quiet they have managed to create.

Such an attitude in itself evokes within them positive characteristics like patience, understanding, compassion, restraint, and self-control. The loss of passion and desire between them is a reasonable price they are willing to pay for achieving the serenity, security, and peace in their old age.

It is not so rare to hear about golden-aged couples who seemingly conduct a pleasant and peaceful relationship. The man may declare that he loves his wife more than ever before, and such a statement will be justly expressed because the man has finally found his place in the relationship. The woman as well is content with her place. That being the case they now free and available to develop their intimacy under circumstances of harmony and peace. Such a state of being is blessed as long as it is real because if the couple only repressed unsolved conflicts they would lock themselves in a box and would not be able to reach real love.

No one can ever judge a couple who decides to sacrifice its own happiness for others, be it relatives or the children. However, such spouses should remember that their issues have not disappeared and eventually will demand full attention and care. Deluding oneself that one’s relationship is fine while one’s soul keeps knocking on the chambers of one’s heart might only delay and accelerate the inevitable distress. It is worth mentioning as well that inner unhappiness is seen and felt by the surrounding people and can never be concealed, no matter how deceiving the mask that one wears is.


Credit: Kazuya Akimoto Art Museum

Duality in other spheres

Duality may present itself also in surprising fields where we normally would not expect to have a dualistic pattern of thought. Contemplate the notion of “True Love”, is it good or bad?; are values and behaviors, such as fidelity, caring, thoughtfulness good or bad? is depression good? Bad? What if your dear and powerful spouse would suddenly burst into tears at the dinner table, collapsing emotionally and physically? What would you do? How would you feel? If you are the kind of humans who watch the world and your relationship in particular solely through dualistic and rose-colored lenses you would probably freak out in front of such occurrence. You would surely describe the situation as sad, depressing, threatening, frightening, and confusing and you would also add that you have no idea what has happened to your spouse and why s/he has fallen apart like that.

Nonetheless, the wide crack that has just appeared in your safe, warm and tranquil family-atmosphere must be dealt at once else a tragic crisis might follow it sooner than later. It is a cry from your soul and you better listen.

The best way to deal with such situation is to examine the perception and beliefs system that govern your life. I will address this issue in the following articles. Here and now I wish to note that hadn't the person hold a dualistic perspective about life in the first place, they would haven't judged the events in terms of “good” Vs. “bad”. Rather they would have understood that each event – even the most difficult one – is an experience in the complete essence called ‘life’ and the moral or ethical judgment is merely limiting and useless.

The non-dualistic approach to life

In fact, when one adopts an all-embracing attitude and an expanded broad view which is non-dualistic, many of the dualistic occurrences never happen in the first place. They simply slide away next to one’s reality and never penetrate one’s reality. And in those cases where one finds oneself in the midst of the drama, their wisdom helps them to understand their role in the scenario, They then release the attachments and move on.

In the above example, a mature and broad approach to life would make one feel securable and confident in their reality and by that would enable one to treat the spouse’s outbursts with patience, compassion, and love. One would know that nothing is wrong with crying or ‘losing the nerves’ and therefore one could approach the unbalanced spouse from a much more tranquil position.

In conclusion

The main point that I have stressed in the last four articles was that most of the contemporary relationships - and romantic relationships in particular – are based on the duality that is well-rooted in the mass-consciousness web of conflicts. In future articles, describing my path, I will elaborate and explain the meaning of dualism and some common beliefs that structure humanity’s current reality.



the collapse of marriage according to my own because it did not trust each other and will be in a conflict so the divorce. I have not yet understood what it "dualism "?

Good question my friend. I will explain in my next memoir post, next week.
I first wanted to give the hard core evidence. Hence the four last articles.

...have chosen to remain together and not divorce. Then, following many years of struggles, fights, arguments, and hell, they have managed to find the golden trail on which they walk bruised but content.

Unfortunately in many cases you might be right. But on the other hand would you be alone when your time comes. If you were alone at your last day, your last breath, without someone who had always been there for you, in bad or good times. I believe, it would be the saddest day of your entire life. That’s what my vision of dualistic life is. Going through amazing times, good times, even bad or tough times. Just growing together. And to me it’s worth it to grow old together. That’s my vision of growing old. However, I, as well can understand people reaching the complete bottom where even their health, their life could get destroyed while being together. In this cases, sad, drastic and regrettable choice has to be made... Only faith can help them to get through this instead of making these drastic choices.

Your path is honored of course.
Since my blog is about enlightenment and realization I focus on that. So for me, a separation is a small price to pay on the path.
Obviously, there is no right or wrong.

Hi @nomad-magus!

Just checking in to say thank you again, and that I've been using your generous gift to the fullest, and making sure to keep a steady posting rate. I was wondering if you had any guidance about how to best utilize the SP. I've mostly been using it to upvote comments on my posts (to encourage people to come back, but also to express appreciation, of course), supporting the authors I already supported with my formerly insignificant upvote, and doing some additional manual curation. I know you said that upvoting you wasn't mandatory, but I'm doing it anyway. Do you recommend self-upvoting? I wasn't doing it anyway before the delegation because it wouldn't have made a difference anyway, but I haven't been doing it now because I don't want to disrespect your delegation.


because I don't want to disrespect your delegation.

It will not disrespect. I for one do upvote my posts. If one does not appreciate one's own posts then who will? Get my point?

Enjoy the delegation 👍

Okay, in that case, I will. :) Might as well try to accumulate my own SP as much as possible before the delegation runs out.

Have a great rest of your weekend!

For a relationship to last, there must be love, trust, and communication. Most often they think the love is the only vital factor for a couple but there should always be trust which is needed to lessen jealousy and envy in both parties. And of course, open communication to share events, feelings and pain. Thank you @nomad-magus for sharing the dualistic structure of relationships to us. I am learning a lot. :) ♥

Finally, I found a great philosopher like you. I think duality is not applicable to all situations. Especially in the field of politics. As a man, we should consider everybody same value. Thanks for your interesting post.

Interesting to note that any battles of powers, in politics for instance, comes from duality.

Married couples, in General, have a desire to be able to maintain a relationship forever. For those who have not, generally expect to have a lasting marriage in the future. But in fact it was not all couples can successfully defend his relationship. But there's also that can keep his relationship until he arrived.

In this case, we can do it as follows;

-Building of community by sharing the intimacy and identity, while at the same time maintaining boundaries in order to protect the identity of each-Have a fun sexual relationship and attempted to keep the sex is always maintained Despite whatever in work and family atmosphere.

-Face and insoluble challenges facing life's inevitable.
-Maintain intact marriage despite the high difficulty. The wedding was supposed to be a safe haven, where each can express (in a good way of course) dissent, anger, and conflict
-Use humor or laughter in the completion of tasks or conflict, and to avoid boredom and a sense of kesepia.
-Treat each other with kindness (kindness) and give a sense of comfort, satisfy the needs of physical or emotional and uplifting as well as giving support.
-Dress for the romantic as always at the beginning of the relationship, with the goal of ideal continue to feel in love, but also consciously face the reality that it will change to romantime as time goes by.

Thanks @nomad-magus

In recent times, we are witnessing a general inner awakening of human beings, the causes of which may be related to the feminist agenda. This recent trend has been led mainly by middle-aged women who, after raising a family, have awakened to a very unsatisfactory romantic relationship and a poor love life. These women realized that their lives lack a substantial emotional essence

I see that in the past, women (my mother, grandmother, aunts, godmothers) maintained their husbands, houses, children, etc. because they were designed for this purpose, while within themselves, they lived stormy relationships, where there was an abundance of disrespect in many aspects, but the tradition was to keep their lives linked to that man who normally brought all the economic contributions to the house. However, after the female upliftment, where women work, we take care of the children and the house, it is less common to see couples together, speaking in my particularity, I can not be in a situation where I am not comfortable, much less for the economic stability that this relationship can give me. How do women evolve that idea, how do men still live close to the love that a woman should give her just for the sake of economic stability, how long does it take for a man to awaken and give much more than he currently gives?

Translated with

I as well see many women who adopt different attitude. They love themselves more and therefore demand more from life. With that, change within men will come.

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The post is quite informative and helpful to get rid of certain uneven situations that develop in our day today relationships..The post is upto date,,because such consequences are mostly seen in present times of relations if we will see and understan the conclusion the post i that is enough for us to livein a happy relationship..

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