Where is your Attention ?

in #dtubedaily6 years ago (edited)

Yo yo my steemies, wattup?

Today, I was strolling through the Darebin Parklands, in Melbourne's northern suburbs, taking in the natural beauty around me,and giving some conscious attention to my surroundings, when it occurred to me, that I really wanted to share my thoughts, about attention, with you.

So, no spoilers here, please just enjoy my vlog.


If you enjoyed this vlog, may may also wish to check out my vlog series;

Beginners LUCK - Labouring Under Correct Knowledge.

Part 1. Intro.

Part 2. To Vote, or Not To Vote

Part 3. Steemit Worldmap

Part 4. Curation, The Community of Quality

Part 5. Your Intro Blog, and Vlogging on @dtube

Part 6. Finding Your Krewe (Community)

Part 7. Vlogging on @Dtube

Part 8. Stepping Out

▶️ DTube

Loved the message and the vibe. Good to know that so many other dtubers are focusing at this level.

Attention, our real currency

So true and yet so easily forgotten!

I think what this video is reminding me is that since attention is a currency I can save and spend a little bit here and there. Instead of needing to block off huge chunks of time to creating videos I can just do smaller chunks here and there. Or record and edit later. Putting those small chunks to use will give me better results then just veging out on Reddit for a half hour because I don't have enough time to do real work.

Thanks @joshbillings , maybe instead of veging out on Reddit, if you know what you want to do next, but don't know how, just think about the tags that you would likely be putting on your post, then go check out the "new" as opposed to 'trending' tags in that area of interest. I often find that what's trending isn't necessarily good quality content, just disproportionately upvote weighted ^^ There is a lot of unsung talent coming out every minute :)

Great idea! Though my main challenge is not a lack of ideas for implementing my videos, it's finding the time (or practicing good time management / spending less time perfecting) to follow through on my ideas. I think I just have to get in the habit of getting in motion more easily, so that I can create momentum that will potentially sweep me up into wanting to finish what I'm creating. I know it will get easier over time as I improve my process. Maybe I should just be lowering my expectations in the meantime, until I can more easily meet those higher expectations.

The Spanish word for habit is costumbre. I think there's something it that for all of us :)
I literally have a thinking cap. I put it on when it's time to create :)

"What are you buying with your attention."

LOVE that! Makes me think of what Gary Vee always says: "I day trade attention."

Fully agree with your statement here brother. And you're very right, it doesn't take much to make the shift, but it does require a choice! Today has been one of those days where my attention was beginning to feel a bit diluted and thus, I took the necessary time to bring it back towards my body again. It's amazing how much that can make a difference and re-ignite the creative mind!

Everything is a choice. You just need to make sure that you're the one making it :)
Thanks for your support, love your work.

I absolutely agree with your view of reality! Reality is constructed on, both, micro and macro level.
I also appreciate your term 'sentient co-creators' - we are all parts of each others' and our collective realities, and our realities are as much independent as interconnected.
We're in this world to CREATE and share our perspectives. By listening to what the other thinks about something, we get a step closer to understanding the essence of that something. By giving attention to others we are not just rewarding the other person with our focus energy, but we are also broadening our understanding of this world.

Thank you for your kind words. I believe that nothing is separate, what is interpreted as separate, when viewed from far back enough, is simply a pixel in a bigger picture. I wrote a 2 part blog called The Pixels of God, that you might enjoy :)Pt 1 pt 2

Great vlog seems different then others and worthy enough for watch again :D @bobaphet

Thanks @cyberwarrior , yes, you are right, this is not a part of my LUCK series, just seizing, and sharing, a moment :)

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