Delegation Experiment | Courtesy of @adetorrent | What will I become?

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

I got a nice little shock earlier when I was about to upvote a post.

My 100% upvote value went from $0.06 to $1.44

I did a double take and checked my wallet and saw this

And then I remembered why...

Watch the video!! (There are some surprise appearances in this vid!)

Back Story

At the last Steem Meet up, I proposed an idea to @adetorrent as a joke.

He had just delegated to a few people, and so I said he should delegate his SP to me for a week as an experiment

He thought it was fun, so we did a video about it that we could post if we really decide to do it

Watch the video above

We talked about it after the meetup, but at the time, I wasn't even an active poster or curator, so the delegation would have been pretty meaningless

I committed to being more active, and since then, I've been consistently posting daily for more than 3 weeks, which is a massive achievement for me!

@adetorrent and I never agreed on a date to start this, and frankly I had already kind of forgotten. Until today....

I'm glad he decided to surprise me with the delegation, it really makes it a great way to start this experiment!

So stay tuned, and watch what kind of monster I become, now that I have more Steem Power, thanks to @adetorrent ;)

I'm definitely going to do some upvote "parties" with this, in fact, I'll start now.

If you're reading this, then you're in luck.

To get a $1 upvote from me:

  • Comment below and tag @adetorrent, with a funny comment or gif. Anything that will entertain me.
  • Follow him if you don't already
  • I will upvote your comment (or more!)

Edit: yea.. I drained my vp being too upvote happy last night. Maximum $1 comment upvotes now reached! I'll still upvote other comments but not at $1 ;)

Have fun! More upvote parties to come :)

Much Love from Red

▶️ DTube


@adetorrent... @redrica gon' be like...

(ace idea, super fun reaction video and loved how your kids crept in on the action haha!)

Haha thanks Ash.. I do love me some fun, so loving it all so far.

And love that gif! Such magic, much wow!

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All that power?

I'm watchng.. so use it wisely.., I remember what happened to the last delgatee.. @adetorrent.

The SP is cursed mate.

So cursed. I feel evil already

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It does seem that way.

Hahha this is all for science, so we'll see eh? And honestly I feel so out of touch, because I only vaguely know what happened with all of that.

Also! This will be the last comment I upvote at $1, which my 100% upvote doesn't even give at the mo because I drained it already, so I'll come back to upvote later ;)

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honestly I feel so out of touch, because I only vaguely know what happened with all of that.

I cant say I dug too much, none of my business really.

Also! This will be the last comment I upvote at $1, which my 100% upvote doesn't even give at the mo because I drained it already, so I'll come back to upvote later ;)

Yeah, dont go too crazy it takes ages to recover if if < 80%.

I'm defo learning that now :P Took me restraining from upvoting all day to get back to almost 80%. I'll get the hang of it soon

You’re like a young man with is first ever girlfriend. 😭

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Your kids are the sweetest.

Hahaha they just want to be "famous"

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With great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely!

Screw that...go nuts lol

@adetorrent @redrica

Instant Dolphin Karma


Source @steemitboard

Thanks for the generous upvote @redrica and @adetorrent

I'm just back spreading the word on my other account. This is an amazing and inspired initiative.


Haha no worries... We're just doing it for fun, and it's been fun to see how I can make the most of this new found "power" ;)

I'm sure everyone will be following your progress while you play with the 'new found power' just remember:-

Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely

I'm pretty sure you will be fine? Pretty sure 🤣

Fantastic guy he is by all means, @adetorrent basically loves the individualistic empowerment, I think @mediahousent got one too, I mean congratulations guys, and thanks to @adetorrent man you're Robin Hood, (just joking) 😂😂😂😂

Your girls are so cute
Well, congratulations!!
That's very generous of @adetorrent
I guess your beast mode is on :)

Hehe thanks! Lots of fun to be had now ;)

Well done guys!
I'm very curious to see how the experiment will develop.
@adetorrent I do not think Red can become a monster.
Well...... we'll see : )
Red !!! I'm kidding

Hahah thanks Rod! I was already a monster, so nothing too bad will come of this, don't worry ;)

See you later hopefully!

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Wow, congratulations dear

To you too!! Just letting my VP recharge a bit (I went a bit upvote happy yesterday, and now it's only 65% haha) and will go upvote some of your posts :)

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I know the feeling right 😁
But that’s good, more curation rewards for you. Thanks in advance dear

Ha, ha, ha. That's hilarious!

Great move @adetorrent! You must have a hell of a lot more SP then when we last talked about it. Are you an orca yet?

Have a fun time with it @redrica. I'm sure you will.

How long is it for? I can't be assed to go check. 😍

Hahaha. I like how you're like "yeah, I'm too lazy, whatever" :)

Yeah. I like how I'm like "yeah, I'm too lazy, whatever" at least in regard to Steemit. It's not always the best in other areas of my life but "hey, ho" and all that! '' 😂

Haha yes will have so much fun with this ;)

No clue how long it'll be for... a week at least? I just hope I don't get too used to it haha

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yeah. you wouldn't want to get used to it. But you'll get over it. 😂

If it gets too hard you can ask @lloyddavis or a few pointers as that's what happened to him. 😁


Hey termite! Did you see my post about the Meetup this Friday??? Come join us if you're free for a bit :)

Posted using Partiko Android

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