@polebird VLOG: ✨My superhero power! ✨

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

What superhero power would you choose if you could have just one?? Some people may want super human strength, xray vision, invisibility.... there are so many to pick from!

Watch my dtube video below by clicking the image to see what power I would choose!

I believe I can fly!

giphy (2).gif

I hope you enjoyed watching my video about my superpower choice! I really want to get to know my fellow Steemians more. I would love if you could leave your superpower and why you want to do it in the comments below or better yet, make a post for me to read/watch and tag me in it!

IMG_5172 2.PNG

JESS (Your friendly Steemit polebird)

▶️ DTube

If you're looking for a drone that's pro quality enough, easy to fly, and just easy enough to pack and carry and not be easily blown away by the wind. I'd suggest a DJI Mavic Pro, I am a professional (freelance now) drone pilot for huge industrial drones but if i do get a drone myself, it's going to be the Mavic Pro. Unless something comes up that's better in 2018.

You can get a DJI Spark though, but be careful not to fly too far or too high. It's light enough that a strong gust of will definitely blow it away under the right (bad) condition.

As for powers.. well... the power to see things ahead of time. Knowing to do the right thing at the right place in the right time is a big plus for me.

Awesome! Thanks for the suggestion, that is the one I am leaning towards. Any opinions on the pro vs the pro 2? Oh what a neat idea for a super power, would definitely be pretty beneficial!!

Well while we dont know the full spec of the Mavic Pro 2. I do certainly think the mavic pro is good enough value for money for the average drone videographer.

However if you wanna max out your spec you can take a look at the Mavic Pro Platinum. A tad bit expensive though but worth the performance bump.. WAY quieter and last longer.

But if you dont mind waiting. you can go for the Mavic Pro 2. there is no release date yet and specs but my assumption is that it will be better than the Mavic pro 2. Which will be a HUGE improvement than the mavic pro.

I also want to be like super man so that i can fly high in the sky and also save lots of people under attack or in any kind of bad situation. I also believe i can fly @polebird.
Nice post,i like it.

Aww yeah!! That’s my type of super hero 😜

Mine will be invisibility!! :) Great Video!!!

Haha I just got an image of myself sitting down to eat cake and an invisible person eating it before I could eat it! Thanks for sharing :)

Mine would be the ability to make unhealthy foods healthy and make them calorie-free.

omg what a useful and unique power!! :D cake for breakfast!

Pizza more like it.

Oooh, there's a world of possibilities! Being able to fly is amazing and super tempting. Ever had any of those dreams where you fly?

heheh I don't remember having any of those, one of the coolest vivid dreams though was swimming underwater with the dolphins! I guess I either dream of being in the air or in the sea! <3 Have you had a flying dream?

Ooh, I never had one of those!

When I was a kid I used to dream a lot that I was flying the staircases in my house.

The most recent flying dream was that I was flying above this jungle, mountainy scenery and I kept falling now and then. Causing my stomach to go whooopie. I could fly real high though!

Wow that sounds like one awesome dream! The best part about dreaming is that you are living it in your head in the moment

Yeah exactly. It was pretty crazy, haha

I like the super power of Spiderman where I can throw my spider in the middle of the jungle jeje

lol that would be really cool! You would be swinging around on all the trees @vidafitnessfeliz

Love your birdie.

Is there anything you have not done yet?
You have done pole, surfing, rock climbing, and flying and I think I remember you even diving or snorkeling (I think it was your post, too many of them I get confused sometimes).

heheheh thanks! I usually like to try new things... so I guess I end up having a wide variety of activities I've tried. :P definitely a lot more out there to try tho!

i would say shes gifted with flexibility

Hey @polebird! I love your vibe! First off your pole moves are freakin' amazing. You must be a pole teacher, eh? That or you just really love that pole haha.

My partner and I actually just put up a pole in our house! You can see it in the video at the top of my post here if you want. We had this huge space in our living room that wasn't being utilized and we couldn't figure out what to do with it for the longest time...then the answer became obvious... a pole lol. My gf has taken a bunch of pole classes down here in Austin so she's really into it and I don't mind admitting that it's fun to swing around on it from time to time :P

And you should totally get a drone. I promise you it will feed your fantasy of flight!

Looking forward to seeing more. Followed :)

Thank you so much!!! :D I am not an instructor, but I just been loving pole since I found it two years ago! Awesome to hear you are from Austin! I went to school there - definitely love it. They have awesome pole studios there I heard! Which one does she go to? Most people love swinging around on it once they try! Men of pole of awesome, would love to hear if you get more into it!

She's right here and says she's "been to brass ovaries, sky candy, and currently at vamps." I showed her your pole video and she also said you are so pretty and have great form ;-)

oh awesome! I want to check them out if I have a chance and am back in Austin. I didn't find pole till after I moved. :P Please tell her thank you so much! <3 Does she have a steemit account? would love to see her pole stuff if she has a social media account!

I'm working to get her on here! I currently work from home and we're in the process of getting her off the 9-5 too. When that happens, I'm sure she'll be posting some pole stuff on here. I'll be sure to let you know when it happens :) She's got a few pole pics on her instagram account though: @pimpdanii

Ahh alright! 😆 yay!

I wish i have the power to read people’s mind. I know it can be scary but i wish i can understand people better. Also i can know when they are being honest or not. 😂 but the power of mind reading must come with an on and off switch tho. I dont want to constantly hearing people’s thought. I want to able to choose who and when 😂

hahaha very interesting THOUGHT - pun intended! the on and off switch would definitely be a smart move for something to have along with that power!

Nice one! 🤣
To be able to control people's mind would be a cool power too! Gosh I'm getting greedy 🤣

If I could choose any superpower that would be reading people`s mind!I think it would be fun:)

heheheh totally would be very interesting to hear whats going on all day!

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