I'm Starting to PAY OUT | dreamvlog #30 [DTubeDaily]

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

Vlog #30 snap.png

Now that I have finally reached my short-term goal of 500 SP I decided to start paying out some SBDs within the next months.
Everything that I have earned on this platform within the last two months I have completely reinvested plus I made an investment in January with some fiat money which brought me roughly around 220 SP.
My goal now is to get my original investment back that I can at least say I didn't lose any money on this project no matter what may happen with or within this platform or how my interests may change within time.
Because nobody of us really knows where all of this is heading and what the future will bring.

Persuade those sceptics

Another reason why I want to pay out right now are the people that I regularly talk with about the steem blockchain.
And every time when I have a conversation about this platform and I want to motivate somebody to join our community we come to a point where people keep asking me how much money I have earned so far on this platform.
And because I'm honest I keep telling them that I'm reinvesting everything at the moment and I haven't earned any money right now which I could use to buy something with.
The reaction I keep getting is always pretty similar. They kind of smile at me and say things like "Okay, well than come again with your invitation when you can show me some real money that you've earned".

Time to show those sceptics that steem is real money that you can actually use to buy something.

This was my quick update for today. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, make sure to upvote and follow. Don't mind to resteem as well and what's most important…

…live your dream!

▶️ DTube

Nice! I didn't know that 500 sp is where you get the slider!
It's weird how they don't believe in Steem. I have so many friends that I have told about it. Even showed that I have earned something. But they just have no trust in this new age thing.
But the train is picking up speed...

In a while they will regret not listening :D

Yeah, you’ll get the slider somewhere around 500SP. It’s not the exact amout where you get it but in general that’s the point. Yes the may regret this at some point but you have told them ;)

Sorry, I'm still new to this platform, but what is a 'slider' and what does it do for you, with respects to voting up or down? Thank you in advance. :)

When you are voting you’re always doing it with 100% until you reach 500 Steem Power. Every 100% vote drains your overall voting power by 2% but it will refill again slowly (20% every 24 hours).
This means you can make every day 10 votes until you have reacharged again completely.
With the slider you can adjust to not vote every time with your full power. You can set it individually from 1 to 100%. A 10% vote for example will then only drain your overall voting power by 0.2%.
I hoped this answer helped you out. I wish you a lot of fun and success on this platform. If you have any further questions don’t mind to ask. I’m always willing to help :)

Danke. I enjoy your content, and your helpfulness!

congratz on your achievement!

i hope i am able to grow to the point where there is actually a decent amount of profit from blogging etc :)

Hey @darkdrake thank you! I also started with blogs and I really enjoyed them. I guess I still do, that's why my DTube video descriptions always turn out a little bit longer because I want to show something not only the people who like to watch a video but also for those who want to read something.
I realized that it can be really tough with only blogging to get some attention and I enjoy even more to experiment with the camera. Of course the love from DTube is always a huge motivation boost for me.
But I guess no matter what you do if it's video or written blogs as long as you do it with passion, you have some valuable content and you stay consistent it will pay out some day ;)

It’s a shame that people need actual cash in front of their faces in order to believe in the potential of something even when you explain what a great platform this is! I’ve had the same sort of response when talking about it myself.

It’s good that you are minimising the risk associated with investing your own money, it’s a smart move, especially as you have already earned a great amount to float your account with. Good move!
Personally I played around with a lot of my early earnings by buying alt coins and such but ended up just converting back to Steem, but I hold a little outside of the platform just in case of a rainy day, you never know!
I like the short intros followed by the logo, it’s good break between the welcome and the content, but whatever feels most natural to you is what will appear more natural.

Thanks for your feedback, Tim! Yeah, you know when it comes to investments or risks in general I’m a very careful and save guy. That’s why I know want my investment back no matter what may happen in the future.
It definitely is a shame and even when you tell them that no matter how little money they will be earning at the beginning it’s still better than nothing compared to Facebook or Instagram they somehow stay sceptic. Well, in Germany we say “You can’t force people to happiness” ;)

That's a good cautious move mate. I am also going to be cashing out. My initial goal was to beat the non-existent interest rate I was getting in the bank. If I get my original investment back, that would be great too haha.

There is a Dolphin follow, I can now see she's a Minnow - because she powered down a little, which scared me a bit haha.

Congrats on the 500 sp 😉 the next 500 will come up way faster eheheh you are awesome.

I think it is just fine to take some funds out to invest back into Matthew. A bit of reward for all your hard work honestly. I say trust your instincts, or as my Dad used to say, follow your gut.

Personally, I think this community is great. I started with nothing, if it all ended and I had nothing, what I gained was an amazing experience and education that no amount of money could have purchased :) Not to mention, look at amazing friendships I've found with folks just like yourself that I would hope would go beyond just this platform if something were to happen.

I guess for me, it's all about the relationships. Thanks for being one of those :)

Thank you so much for your kind words. We should definitely talk more often on the voice chat. And you’re so right.
The experiences, the friendships, that whole community feeling is something that is priceless. I keep repeating myself but when I was at Winny’s place I kept saying one thing to him “This could be the time of our lives”. And I really mean it!

Congratulations. It is definately a game changer when you get that cold hard cash in your hands! Be well!

Thank you, I appreciate your love :)

lol I just watched Winny's 500 SP video and I hit mine about a week ago. I guess it's that time of the year! Congrats bro!

I like how grounded and honest your perspective is. It seems very well rounded. I'm happy to hear you've been reinvesting in the platform. I invested about 200 SP in fiat as well and am happy I did.

Oh and I think I prefer more energetic intros but it really depends on the context imo. Sometimes laid back intros are nice with a laid back video. For this one, it seemed right.

Thanks for the feedback! In this situation the intro felt definitely correct. I guess I will do just like you said, make it dependent on the context.

Well done mate, I know you’ve worked exceptionally hard on dtube and it is really good to see you being able to take some returns. In any investment, taking some money off the table(your original investment) is a good idea. Friggin awesome buddy !!

Instead of cashing down to fiat, to show them, ask them when they're going to cash up, to steem :)

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