A Question About Women...

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

Hey There SteemVerse Friends

I recently had a conversation with a Radio Head who pointed out the reason why one of the Stations I was with didn't make it was because it was catered to women. He went on to say according to research, women are critical and judgmental of each other, which would mean there would be resistance to the station from the very target market we were going for.

I did over time, give that a lot of thought. Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In Movement was about women supporting each other. And to have someone champion such a course with a best selling book and Women Groups all over the world taking the initiative to adopt this makes me wonder if this is indeed true. So much so, you needed to make it sexy for women to want in.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think women need to be encouraged to support each other?

While you ponder on that, I would like to shout out to all the women I have met on the SteemVerse who are supportive and encouraging to men and women alike. A heart felt thank you to
@xcountytravelers (Ren)

I am pretty sure I have left out some names and they are going to pop up in my head later. You know who you are, probably the ones are just as surprised as I was when I heard that a Women's Station will not work because the women are going to resist just because ....

Thank you all so much for being you.

Images & Videos are from my Photo Gallery unless stated

I Truly Appreciate Your Time Here :)

Till We Meet Again Over Text, Pics, Videos, Maybe Even Coffee ....

Live Life Loud & Steem On


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No gender bias, enjoy sharing many persons outlook, debate or definitions on life. Personally I lean more toward topics that are technical, environmental, wildlife, photography or financial, I visit to read/hear what the person has to say, have met very talented/learned people along the way.

When facing content written by a person who is not using English as a first language be supportive. Gender preference, not really other than I don't go down certain roads, I avoid them at all cost such as religion, politics, knitting, sewing or discussions about being PC (Politically Correct) in this modern day.

I have never joined any woman's groups (not intentional, just never happened), help others grow, we all have life lessons to teach. Treat people as you would like to be treated.

Sewing and knitting? Sounds like me and housework except I can’t get away from it :)
That last line, that’s my go to every single time.
Thank you so much @joanstewart for your thoughts <33

Personally I think the difference between men and women is being overrated. I think people should encourage people, no matter if they are a man or a woman.
It's one of the great things about SteemIt... if you want to, you can be without gender. There are so many people of whom I thought they were female, and after a long while I found out they were not - and the other way around, lol.

I prefer to be supported because I'm me, because of the qualities I have or the support I need. Not because I'm a woman. There's a lot of gender-related discrimination in the world, both positive ánd negative. I don't approve either. I think gender is the absolute least of factors that should be taken into consideration.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! :)
Yeah, you definitely had me confused at the start...
I'm all in for support and lifting each other up
Looking forward to doing my bit for the Minnow Project :)

Good to see a list of Steem wonder women and I have interacted with almost everyone.......I believe still there are many....need to have a consolidated list of all

Posted using Partiko Android

There are many other names that I have seen mentioned but have not had the chance to get to know them .... and I am pretty sure more names will pop in my head
Also amazing men on the SteemVerse
This is a good place to be 😊


Posted using Partiko Android

Sadly, I do believe that there are many people...in general, men and women alike who have the "crab in the bucket" mentality.

However...I also believe that we choose where we want to be. I shy away from people (men and women alike) who tend to be discontent with their own lives and want to drag you down with them.

When I find a gem (and I see a lot of them in your list and could add just about every single person that usually shows up to @shadowspub's PYPT hehehe just cuz I KNOW how supportive that group is and why I OFTEN find myself there hehehe) ...I tend to stick where there is genuine support.
We can tell the difference,as humans.

I don't know if I believe that an entire station will go down because of a higher concentration of women supporters. I don't really concern myself with such things.lolol. If something is awesome , I support it. If it's not... I don't. Lol
Regardless of gender.

I think (in general.. NOT in every case) women tend to be more emotional than men, so when they disagree- how it's viewed might be different than a disagreement between men.

But I really think he's talking about a specific type of woman. One that loves drama and loves to be vocal about it. They aren't the majority, but they tend to create such a ruckus about anything that they sure seem like the majority.

But that kind of behavior isn't exclusive to women and I think anything done well has an opportunity to succeed.

The key is doing it well and garnering genuine supporters. Quality over quantity.

Just my opinion and thank you for listing me among that group ❤️

You would definitely be listed in mine!!!

part of the problem is a tendency by a lot of men to dismiss out of hand anything that leans toward women's interests while women would not think twice about supporting the flipside.

women can be judgemental, so can guys. Dismissiveness is a form of judgement.

I heart that

That women wouldn’t think twice

Thank you @shadowspub for swinging by to share your thoughts on this
I truly appreciate it <33

I thought the crab analogy was an Asian story. Now I have to find the origin ;p
I truly appreciate your opinion @dreemsteem
Thank you for taking your time <33

@shadowspub is definitely one I keep hearing too ... not just from you ...:)

That is probably Hobo telling stories again. She’s getting carried away with that keyboard

Posted using Partiko iOS

I rarely join anything women-centric. I have not had got luck with the effort for the most part. I'm in 100's of fb groups and a lot are about making money online. The women's groups do not help much and everyone struggles. The groups with more men in them are much more goal centered and people are more successful there. But those are hard for me to relate to sometimes as I AM a woman.

I get out if I am in anything talking about feminism. I think we all need to work together with our different strengths.A lot of woman's groups seem to be negative to me and I seek positivity where ever I go.

Talking about woman's issues keeps me off my path. Woman do not want to talk about being fat in groups and I have been banned from many over the years just for this reason. My one-track mind keeps me from seeing too much else of what they are talking about in woman's groups anyway. I normally scroll past anything that is not health-related.

Thank you for the feedback Sharon
I know you are supportive of your mission first and foremost <33

Haha! I stay the course in my goals, even if my execution is not great :)

In my opinion I don't think women have a high trust for each other. We can be very judgmental and unkind to one another. Once we get each other then we can be very supportive, but it can be a hard chore to fit in with our own gender. This has been my experience anyway.

I have had some unpleasant encounters with women. But also with men.
I have to say though, here on the SteemVerse, I have found plenty of heart from both men and women :D
Thank you so much for your feedback, truly appreciated <33

Feeling so honored to be mentioned. Coming from you it is a tremendous compliment. Now on the topic, throughout life I have found that insecurities can cause women to act and think out of emotion, especially when one feels threatened in some way. I try to put myself in another persons shoes if possible and have compassion and understanding for why they may respond in a negative way. If someone is relentless and unwilling let go of negative emotion then I am one to move on. I love to support other women, and intelligent and more seasoned women tend to have less insecurities imo. I have always heard that the media (tv, radio, commercials, ads) tend to make women feel they have to fit a mold and in return it has made a vast majority of women feel inadequate I do feel this has become less and less common since so many these days are awakening to more and more realities beyond the typical programming. My experience in the past 207 days here in the steem community has been a pleasant one for the majority and very eye opening for me because previously I was very introverted and kept to myself. I am enlightened and encouraged by this community. Out of all the interactions I have had only 1% of the female population here has been rude to me. That's one out of how many? So I think it's went quite well and says a lot about the majority of mindsets. I've seen so many women uplifting each other and many I have noticed and looked up to are on your list. I am a firm believer that we should all treat each other the way we want to be treated. I am glad you have opened this up for discussion, I think it's healthy and a good reminder that we all should do our best to be kind and set an example and by doing so expands on a more loving and giving community. Nothing is perfect, but we can all strive to think of others first, leave resentments at the door, and communicate effectively. I also believe a firm backbone in place is needed for times when we run up on a person of a true nasty character. I try to be civil in hairy situations, but once in awhile a girl has to do, what a girl has to do. But for everyday general interactions, I say love, lift-up and look out for one another :) ♥

Great comment
Thank you so much for this :)
There is a special lot here on the SteemVerse... some who have kept me in the game 💗

In a way, I think that was an awful thought to have. Even though it says in research that women are critical and judgemental, I would like to see what background this comes from. Some people are just judgemental because of how they were brought up or no one showed them how to be more open minded. Who knows. Some people might need encouragement to support but it always takes a fine teacher to lead the way.
In the kind of world that we have, it is better to start planting a positive seed, feed it and watch it grow and bloom or not bloom, rather than plant it and then talk it down without the feeding of chances at success.

I think that is most likely what this person you were talking to was actually doing. Why wouldnt it be ok to have a show that catered to women? There are shows that cater to men and good for them! They have something that they feel is good for them.

Before I continue on, making a colossal of a comment here, the first thing that is needed is respect for each other and let things be, rather than fishing to crush and destroy whether it is intentional or not. Negative feedback in this manner shouldn't be welcomed and that's when things should push through harder.
We are who we are and if there is a radio show that caters to women and some women that go there in a state of closed mindedness, then perhaps there is something that they hear that will change their minds even just a little and make their lives that much better. You never know, and that is why it is worth it!
Men can be just the same. It is proven in that statement above in your post....

He wasn't confrontational about it or anything
Just like nonchalantly stating some research finds and throwing it out there with all my reasons of why the station didn't work
Of course, when we discussed the reasons during all those Board Meetings before shut down, this was never a consideration... so I was a little surprised
I guess it takes all kinds

Thank you for sharing your thoughts
And sorry for the tardy reply :D

The fact that he said it in that fashion, like nothing to it, is already a problem :(

Yeah, I know what you mean....

Thanks for the mention ❤️❤️❤️ women being judgemental and cutting each other down is a farse that few still believe. My personal life experience has been of only loving and helpful women. Here on the Steem blockchain my interactions have been very positive and most are with other women ☀️😘🥳

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Same same <33
Thank you for the feedback @metzli :D

good question! While there are indeed loads of women who criticize each other, I would say that these are not the most representative of our kind, and probably also not the smartest =). Personally, I like to uplift other women around me, because we have to stick together.

I keep telling people there are gems on Steem
Crypto with Heart :)
Thank you so much for your comment @evecab

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