Delegations My 50 SP Promise

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

Image Source- Pixabay

What Has Gotten Me To This Point?

Having just celebrated my one year anniversary on the steemit platform, I have been looking forward to what the next 12 months will be bringing to the Golden D Homestead Table.

What do I envision? What will I accomplish? Who will I help (more like who WON'T I help)?

For the past month I have really sat back and analyzed how I got to where I am, all the people who have lifted me up and who have been mentors and my biggest supporters. Let me tell you... the list is long

Some days, as I sit down to my laptop, sipping my hazelnut coffee and reading Discord messages, new posts that @ginabot has alerted me to or just opening up documents to get started on the @qurator Daily newsletter, I release an elongated breath and thank the Heavens above for my good fortune, the support I receive from fellow steemians and how blessed I am to be where I am at the moment.

Keep in mind, all I do over the course of my steemit work day can feel like a juggling act, an endless to-do list and even that I'll never get caught up... but I always do.

From finding five Qurites for the Daily Newsletter for #qurator to getting statistics for the @ghscollective reports to getting my own posts in order for the day or week, I am constantly at the laptop pecking away. And when I wrap up the day, I can look at all the tasks I've completed and feel fulfilled.

But I remember the early days of steemit when I was fumbling around... trying to figure out what to say and write, or how to make my formatting just a little better; I felt discombobulated.

Now I spend my days in between newsletters, curation, commenting and posting and chatting it up on Discord. Golden D Has Got Her Groove!

But still... more was missing.. and I figured it out. D-E-L-E-G-A-T-I-O-N

In the past I have delegated to people... and now I am turning my delegation sights on groups... communities... organized pages with challenges... I want to make sure anyone on the platform can reap the rewards I have to offer.

Image Source- Pixabay

I have found five groups, pages or communities to delegate to. The amounts are different and the delegations will stay where they are indefinitely; unless something drastic changes or the delegations are used to cause harm upon others and in a way I would consider malicious.

  • @qurator-tier-1-2 has received 100-SP from me - Simply because I have been a part of the @qurator staff team for over eight months now and I 100% stand behind what qurator stands for, what the qurator witness is doing and how many members (over 1400 now) we have helped along the way.
  • @altlife has received 100-SP from me- This is a page run by @pennsif who hosts a Friday night Alternative Lifestyle MSP-Waves radio show; which I have been a guest on numerous times and LOVE the format and all the engaging guests (and host). The topics are unusual and the guests share their lives- you need to check it out!
  • @canna-curate has received 75-SP from me - some of you know I recently came out of the cannabis closet and started sharing my grow tents and room as well as being an official MMMP (Michigan Medical Marihuana Program) card holder. As a sufferer of an auto-immune disease I can see how cannabis can help those in pain; whether chronic or acute.
  • @cookwithus has received 50-SP from me- EVERYONE knows I love my kitchen on Golden D Homestead and I am always in there cooking up a storm and inventing new creations. While I have never participated in one of the #cookwithus challenges and weekly contests, I have been a supporter of the group for months and I feature many of the recipes on my Saturday curation post.
  • @ghscollective has received 300-SP from me. This was actually a transfer of delegation from @freedompoint to the page where they want to Unite, Educate, and Encourage individuals in all aspects of self reliant living around the globe. I am a homesteader at heart and lover of all things self-sufficient, self-reliant and about helping others.. so this was an easy delegation choice.

So now what for future delegations?

EVERY time my personal SP goes 50 over my personal baseline set of 2000, I will be delegating 50-SP to either a new group, page or community on steemit and in Discord.

ie. Right now I have 2801 SP less the 786 I have out in total delegations, leaving me with about 15-SP (which keeps me above the 2000-SP base line). Once my SP account reaches 2837, I will delegating another 50-SP.

But why do I have to keep 2000-SP in my account at all times?
Call it my OCD in high gear... I like even numbers and that is the number I want to keep as my base line... for now.

So now.. my new goal is to gain SP over the next few weeks and month(s)... so every time I have that 50-SP, I will be contacting someone and saying, "Hey, you want an SP delegation?"

I may choose to add to a current and existing delegation, or I may find a new group, page or community; one never knows. After deciding to take this route in the upcoming months, I am content with my conclusion on how I want to start the second year of my steemit life. I will be making quality posts, continuing to advance and all the while helping others along the way. yeah, I am feeling good about this decision

So in preparation for my next 36-SP coming in, hopefully sooner rather than later... who would you recommend I consider a 50-SP delegation to? Are you involved in a group? Page? Community? Could they use 50-SP to help reward their members and followers? Tell me who and why I should add them to my short list.


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This post is sponsored by @SteemitBloggers in collaboration with @appreciator. Just keep up the good work.

You are doing good things on Steemit and helping some great communities. I wish people would think more about delegations because SP just sitting in your account does not help the platform at all. Keep up the good work!

Thank you! I am always looking for ways to give back and pay it forward. I know some may think... 50-SP? That's not much.. but to me.. that 50-SP could push an account over their next milestone to have more voting power. It could give them the boost to continue what they are doing. Every li'l bit helps in my mind.

Yes, that is very true! If every member of the group delegated only a small amount of SP to their community it would make a big difference to the community and what that community could do.

Happy belated Anniversary to you my friend, I'm really sorry this is coming very late but it is better late than never. I really wish you more stellar success in all your endeavors on this platform. You have been a great source of inspiration to me in few months we met during DM's research for @fulltimegeek
Enjoy your day...

Thank you!! My anniversary was just this past Friday and YES FTG was huge reason for where I am today; without his philosophy and delegation early on... I am truly grateful to him and all the other SOGs I have come to meet along the way. I am using his thinking in all that I do on here.. instead of saying WWJD?.. I say "What would FTG do?"

Wow, lmao!
It is really nice to hear that he is doing great and amazing thing on the steem blockchain. He's such a great and amiable man. Besides, I saw him finally when he released a video on his next step towards helping the community. Hope you saw that post?
He is really funny...
I guess I would adopt that too, What would FTG do?
You ain't on discord again, hope all is fine?

You are a very busy girl @goldendawne. We appreciate your time and support greatly. Thanks for everything you do to help us and others in the steemit community! 💗

YOU'RE VERY welcome! I was thrilled when I came across your page and Discord group!
Looking forward to some great future plans and curation!

Can you suggest me we're can I delegate my small sp?

As I mentioned in a previous comment above.. you have to have your heart into the group, page or community you'd like to delegate to. See my comment above to tonymullins.

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Well done @goldendawne! Awesome to see someone creating their own success on here. I'm very new to all this and trying to understand it all. I'm really enjoying the learning curve and connecting with people along the way. For me, it is more of a creative outlet, and a way to try produce content I feel will help people out.

Very well said! When I started on steemit last year, it was a place for me to write again. A blog for me to return to my writing passion. From there it has blossomed into so much more; more than I could have ever imagined.

You are one generous soul here on Steemit, @goldendawne!! I have seen and came across many of your Curation on the q-blog. Your delegations have definitely benefited many. Having 2000SP (and more) within a year here is crazy, to me it's huge!!! Congrats on that and also thank you for what you are contributing to this platform to keep it going! 👍👏😉

Now to suggest a group for you to consider your next delegations, I would want to propose @steemitmamas who are a bunch of mamas learning and writing on this platform for a variety of topics, from parenting to crytocurrency involvement. We also strive to highlight awesome posts from the mamas in a small humble weekly curation, encouraging quality posts and engagement. We support mamas from across the globe to empower ourselves that mamas can write and mamas (who work and stay at home) have great things to offer! :) You may check us out at @steemitmamas to see if we are worthy of your delegation. It is still a rather new community.

So glad you got the member-boost today!


Oh I have definitely heard about @steemitmamas! SO MANY great writers in there! I believe I was in the Discord group too.. I'll have to double check on that.
THANK YOU for your suggestion and I'll most definitely keep them o my list!

Also thank you for your kind words!!

You have heard of us? That's so cool!!! We welcome any mamas!!!

Happy anniversary Dawne.

Keep doing great stuff. And thank you for your support of the radio show and @altlife.

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

You're ALWAYS AND FOREVER welcome @pennsif!
We've been through some ups-and-downs on the platform since our time joining steemit last summer, haven't we? Prices see-saw, retention goes down... but we have stuck in there

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