Freewrite House Author Reading Contest 1

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

The long awaited author reading contest!!

Here it is. The long awaited author reading contest!!

This is hopefully one of our new initiatives we will have going on for a long time!

The most wonderful thing about this contest that we are in cooperation with OneLoveDTube! Two communities working together is always better than everyone doing their own thing.

Right now, as with any brand-new things, we shall see where it leads us. My true hope is that we, as a community, will be shaping this contest - including

  • What kind of prizes or rewards we can offer.
  • Will it be a judged contest?
  • Random drawing.
  • Or shared rewards for all participants?
  • Will we try to find sponsors.

Also, at a future time, I want to create a Freewrite House podcast that will feature selected readings as part of the podcast. That will give the authors a much wider audience.

Other plans are to gather selected freewrites into e-books with an audio-book companion.

Those are ideas, dreams, plans at this point and together, we can make it happen!

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The How Toos of an Author Reading

  • First you have to write your story. For this first time, you may choose any freewrite prompt we have had in the past. In the future, we might change that to a specific prompt.

  • Rewrite and edit your story to your heart’s content. You also have no length constrictions - it is entirely up to you.

  • Read and record your story on video. Publish to DTube (and YouTube).

  • Use the tags: freeread, onelovedtube, and if you wish, family77

  • Drop a link to your reading in the comments section of this post.

Here are some hints:

  • Practicing your reading might be a good thing.
  • Choose a quiet environment to do your reading. Remember that AC units, heaters, dishwashers and such can be very disturbing in the background.
  • Check out the acoustics of the room - bare walls are not a good thing for audio.
  • If you are outside, make sure that the background noises fit into your story.
  • Get a tripod or something to stabilize your camera/phone.
  • Use a microphone if you can. A simple headphone with microphone can work well.
  • Do a test first and check your sound, background and so forth.
  • If you don’t want to show yourself reading the story, make sure that you have permission to use all images. Read the permissions carefully that they apply for video.
  • Have fun!!

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A Sample Process

I have Apple devices and will share here what I am doing.

  • I record the reading with my iPhone on a tripod and either a micorphone or the headphones with build in microphone that came with my phone.
  • I airdrop the vidoe to my laptop.
  • I import the video into iMovie and edit.
  • The graphics are created in Canva. I use custom dimensions 800x450
  • I upload the finished video to YouTube.
  • Then, I download the mp4 file from YouTube
  • Open DTube - remember, only your posting key is required
  • Upload the video, snap, and text.
  • Publish

Some great advice from @kaerpediem:

Another suggestion on recording audio
I record mine directly onto the laptop
iMovie and almost all video editors have the record function, just click on the microphone button and it records on the voice track and then you can edit accordingly :)

After all that, drop the link in the comments of the contest post.

If you are running into problems, make sure to check out the OneLoveDTube discord. On the discord, lots of tech support is waiting for you. They are a great bunch of people. Don’t hesitate to ask questions.

Here is your invite to the One Love DTube channel

They are working on an alternative uploader and such. It will also store the videos. It is not free but if you do a lot of videos, it might be the way to go. Here is some information

I am trying it out now and will let you know soon how I am doing. You all know that if I can do it, you will too. Not the tech wizard over here. So happy to have the OneLoveDTube discord for all my questions.

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Today’s Contest


10 SBI - to be shared between the entries

Depending on how many we get, we might round up.

  • Everyone gets a 100% upvote and a resteem from the Freewrite House.

  • Everyone will get some voting love from One Love DTube.

  • We will share your entry on twitter and facebook. Let me know if you will be part of the Freewrite Sharers!

  • Your entries will be resteemed by @mariannewest (and other sharers)

  • Your entries will be featured in the Daily Prompt.

You have until next Sunday evening Pacific Time to share your author reading.
You may enter more than once.

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Here is the YouTube version if needed.

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Make sure to participate in all the fun events at the Freewrite House

Regular Features

  • Announce the Adoptee -Monday
  • Recommend your Favorite Freewrite and Win SBI - Tuesday
  • We-Write and win SBI - Every other Wednesday
  • Recommend Your Favorite Freewrite Poem - Wednesday
  • Freewrite Favorites - Thursday
  • Adopt Me!! -Friday
  • Author Readings- Saturday
  • Poetry Digest - Sunday

* Month-long fiction contest
* Stories of Venezuela

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▶️ DTube

Hola de nuevo, esto es fantástico, me encanta... aquí les dejo otro, este es para el tema bushwhacked...

I am tentatively going to say that I'm going to give it a try! :D

I would love to get involved with this. I don't have a laptop so I'm not sure from start to finish how to do this but I think eventually I could figure it out. What is a snap? Is that just a photograph with the title that you do in canva? Resteemed.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think from android, you can do more. But I am not familiar how it is done. Join the OneLoveDtube discord. They can tell you. Or maybe @imajadelin and @elizacheng can. I think they do a lot from their phones.

Thank you! Jeff is working on loading a operating system on a laptop he has so I can use that, too.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yay!! Jeff rules!!

He sure is. I hope next time around it'll be a lot easier. If I'm lucky I'll have it by next weekend. My phone kept kicking me out of @freewritehouse while I was trying to correct some links. I think it would be much easier on a PC or laptop. So we will see!

Posted using Partiko Android

I am so sorry to hear that! Let's hope it will be easier - if not, we go back to the old method...

I'm not quite sure why it kicks me out of the phone when I try to login to freewritehouse but I wondered if that was going to be an issue. At least I've learned how to make links LOL they're just different than markup.

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome idea.

Posted using Partiko Android

Pity I can not join this one. I am not able to make videos and upload them, reason my connection.

Posted using Partiko Android

so sorry to hear that. Maybe someday, you find a good connection at a library or some place like that. It would be so much fun to see you!! Keeping my fingers crossed :)

Yesterday I informed. Only one was honest, said where we live it is hard. We will try out the connection by prepaid/phone first as soon as we can afford it. If that works there might be an option. But it is expensive and for 2 years at least. If there is no Internet (they can not guarantee it, so if it does not work I am not allowed to give it back) I need to contine paying for it for the whole 2 years :(

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh no! That is a huge risk! Internet is difficult here too if you are not living in a big city...

Well I try the new provider and it is as bad as the old one

Posted using Partiko Android

Another suggestion on recording audio
I record mine directly onto the laptop
iMovie and almost all video editors have the record function, just click on the microphone button and it records on the voice track and then you can edit accordingly :)

iMovie has a function to record video? I haven't found that. Now, I have to look for that and I will update the post with your suggestion!

Any cutting down of steps is a good thing!

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See the microphone on bottom left of your preview... that's the one. But you must have your pictures, video in already, then when you click on it, you will see the red record button, and the audio levels... click on it to record :)
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You may already know this, but just incase, click on the "Audio Bars" icon on the top to adjust your audio, and the "Sound" icon on the left of it too.
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Play around with all those icons on top. Hope this helps :D

Thank you!! Do you want to write a tutorial on this for the Freewrite House? Or may I use your text here?

I was trying to do video and audio and that didn't work - and sounds it is not possible. But if you are not just doing a straight video of you reading - then using iMovie sounds great!!

I am going to try it :)

I am terrible at teaching but I will give it a shot and hope I don’t confuse everyone in the process haha
Also of course you can use the text

You can even do this on the phones iMovie app
Doesn’t have as many functions but for a simple video, still can be done

seems like a good idea to try

I love it!!!

I know you guys and girls are going to do great, as Marianne said if she can do it so can you... that’s my message also! I started from scratch a year ago last year and look at me now! Still working on doing readings myself, it’s a big challenge for me but I have faith we can do this together!

Posted using Partiko iOS

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