DTube ZNAP Seven77 // Curation: Is Politics or Religion Appropriate Topics?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

Hello Fam,

Here is a video expressing my feelings on a Taboo Topic many bloggers are discouraged from writing or speaking about, mainly for curation purposes. Additionally, many people think or say these topics do not want to be heard. What do you think?

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Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I an a Certified Indian Blood member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Reiki Master-Teacher, Medicine woman in-training, paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and create quality content. I am especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, and energy work. Additionally, I'm the creator of Red Radio, #FreedomFriday, and #MedicineCardMonday so if you are interested in receiving Native American Medicine stop by my blog every Monday to say hello!

A'OO, Eagle Spirit

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▶️ DTube

I'd actually love to see more people write/talk about politics. I get why some people choose not to delve into that subject, since it could alienate part of their followers, but I think it's important.

I also find myself not wanting to discuss certain topics, despite having pretty strong opinions about them. One example is the somewhat prominent antivax movement here on Steemit. I just tend to avoid looking at those posts altogether, because the only sort of comment I can give on those posts would be a fairly negative one.

In the end, I'm afraid that it could set some pretty powerful people here against me. Not going to name anyone for that reason.

I know my example isn't really about politics, but it's somewhat related.

Very true words! I do not even know there was an Antivax group and who is for or against. You never know though... some people become famous after getting in the middle of things. If only for a short time 🤣😂

"Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides." - Margaret Thatcher


I have often felt censored because of the attitudes of local Steemians. I do not push my views on anyone, but if I dare go against the grain of their political or religious views, I get mocked for it. There's a lot I could say on DTube, but I doubt that it would get upvoted. Should I just cater to the crowd, or should I just be honest?
Personally, I think that you should have the freedom to say and do what you like here. But I also think that it should be good to challenge some of the stuff we are seeing
in various forms of media. What is the truth on the ground, etc.?

I think you should speak your truth regardless of the crowd or if it receives upvotes. If it’s important info to share for you, you have the freedom. You can be mocked, but not censored. You can be downvoted and greyed out, but overall what you speak is still etched in blockchain forever.

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Thank you.

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I’m in total agreement and this topic runs strong with me because I want to see more of it. IF I were a selected curator for Nathan’s 777 I would look for these videos. This is where I feel there is a need. If we have people waking and baking and sometimes many people not making any sense, why not have politics and religion? I’m in agreement #zap+

They are two Subjects that I generally try to avoid not just on here but in general except with close friends and family members, Just a personal choice more than worried about them being taboo subjects

Thank you @eaglespirit for your vlog post.

So what am I seeing lately ?? I know Iam seeing a Religious Sect here in the US that is selling out it's principles of Decorum and Decency to support a demagogue just because that particular demagogue supports their radical ideology. Mainly of the anti abortion flavor.

Anyway, I too love talking Politics and Religion. And love people to use critical thinking when analyzing the two.


The problem is many don’t use critical thinking to analyze the two. They are too busy being offended to have discussion or debate. We see this on many hot issues discussed on Steem, not just religion or politics.

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Ya! Fk the offended and grow up is what I feel. Having a discussion or saying words if someone is sane do not hurt. There was a huge discussion on this when I first got on steemit, if someone says a word and hurts someone’s feelings do we apologize just because we hurt? That line is very fine or can be interpreted and manipulated. Sick sheet.

There is a world of difference (and it's pretty obvious to any observer) between civilized disagreement and a diatribe of mocking, belittling, insulting personal attacks. But that's what too many of these "discussions" turn into. (I may do some research into why these are such irrational topics.)

You can say "I don't like tuna" or "I really love the color green" and people don't go ballistic. But if you say things like "I don't agree with the right-to-work laws" or "I think the Bible is mostly made up of myths" in the wrong circles ... you risk starting a riot.

It may have to do with the fact that people identify so strong with their political persuasions and religious beliefs that disagreement feels like a personal assault that turns into a fight for survival ... and it sure doesn't take much.

People also like to be able to point fingers and fix blame for things that are wrong and that they don't have the power to fix individually ... so it may set off some kind of release when suddenly they get the chance to say ... "Oh, you're one of those people who has caused all these problems. (So here's what I think of you and your stupid ideas!!!)"

It may sound simplistic to put it that way -- but at least in a real brawl of an argument you've got a solid opponent -- and that could be missing from the actual problem, like some vague governmental policy you feel is causing all kinds of misery ... or a set of "deeply held beliefs" people fall back on without really thinking things through for themselves.

I've probably gotten myself in trouble already. So, I think I'll just STFU -- like I usually do.

(To answer your question. Do I think we should be able -- even encouraged -- to discuss these topics? Absolutely. Do I think there's much chance they will be gracefully received and treated respectfully? Not as long as the sun will shine, or as long as the grass will grow. )

Excellent! I’d love to see more of this on dtube and steemit period. For over a year I’ve felt way too restricted into what others feel should be on steemit and I’ve never been in full agreement.

I think this is #zap 😂🤣

I think religion and politics need to be talked about in specific spaces, like a dedicated blog or vlog, such as this. Work on the other hand is not one of such spaces. Debates should be encouraged and conducted and so it's good to have this post for comments. I am not sure, however, that this will be a good place for the establishing of a meaningful conversation on either one of the topics. Keep up the good work!!

Yes it’s a tough call but when done tastefully I feel we can incorporate it. Many of us are aware of what’s going on in our part of the world and would love to share it. It’s not an argumentative tone as much as informative investigative type videos. If you know Greg hunters work, he’s a pretty good example.

Personally myself @eaglespirit. I don't talk about religion or politics very much if at all. There are way too many differences of opinions and some people are very passionate about their choices. I feel that if I do talk about it that it may cause others to feel uncomfortable or even make them upset in some way.

Even when I am with my friends, I avoid these subjects most of the time. I would rather have pleasant conversations about things that we enjoy or memories we have shared or would like to share in the near future. Talking about "Art in any form" is also great subjects to help avoid these two sensitive subjects. Because they are very sensitive and can strike up bad feelings or angry thoughts. Just my Two cents. May you always be blessed. #zap

Hey Jer, thank you for you opinion. I appreciate any comment, would this then mean these topics are ofc limits for those that wish to engage? Would it be looked upon as not a citation for Seven77? Personally as stated I feel we all should be able to discuss all issues especially if happenings are occurring worldwide and many like myself want to hear or see eyewitness truths. Something to think about as we develop family777. Not all of us just want to see art tho I do love it too.


I don't have a problem listening to people talk about it. I just won't engage in the conversation. I always love to hear what is happening in the world with others. What I mean by me not engaging in these two subjects is that I will try to keep my beliefs and opinions to myself. I wouldn't want to upset anyone with my beliefs or opinions.

They really are very sensitive subjects. I prefer to keep peaceful conversations as much as possible. If someone really insists, I may let them know a little about my belief system but in a very polite and respectful way. May you always be blessed. #zap

i appriciate your topic friend but i usualy not talk about religion.

But if we are talking about bible it would be great :)

For many people talking about the Bible is talking about religion

I, for one, do not talk about politics although it is not a taboo for me. It is just not something I could talk about. Like blank. Lol...

As for religion, I don't take it as my main niche to talk about too. Even if I blog on religion, it will more of what God has done to and I am grateful for that, instead of implying everyone should believe in what I believe.

But yes, I do know for curation purpose, we stay away from politics and religion topic, so that the platform will not be targetted by government of various countries as an issue to want to close it down.? I am not sure... The world is not entirely decentralised yet. Maybe... We will see how it evolve...:)

Baha! I love that #blank

Yeah not really enforcing but yes if I wanted to talk about a goddess or bible passage or Torah reading etc. it’s sorta cringy material on steemit and my question is why? Shouldn’t we be open as curators to upvote all info when presented in love or uplifting?
Just a thought.
Not sure that’s the reasoning ... we are allegedly Decebtalized and a blockchain so cannot be shut down like that. Allegedly.
This is all beta .. every last bit so if we are going to Twitter, YouTube , Instagram etc it’s good to talk about. There are plenty of people who speak about facts that aren’t censored because it’s done tastefully. Get me?

Are you zapping?

Thanks for another znap.
Basically I do not want to talk about religion because I think its fully personal matter and I do not intention about that. But yes in the world every where making politics that we do more and more. We like to play politics and trying to everything for our self. Resteem it.

Yes everything can definitely be personal depending on a person. I love seeing self expression in all forms but that’s just me and as a curator do we judge a NO citation of Let’s say $2-$5 Upvote because it may not be a subject we like but many others do?


Well as per my thinking we should follow the religion on which we are born, if you want to follow some other religion then definitely you can as it's your choice 😊😊. As some people don't believe on religion I think they forgot that “If there's a creation then there must be a creator”. For me God exists :) that's what I wanna say about religion :)

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