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RE: DTube ZNAP Seven77 // Curation: Is Politics or Religion Appropriate Topics?

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

Thank you @eaglespirit for your vlog post.

So what am I seeing lately ?? I know Iam seeing a Religious Sect here in the US that is selling out it's principles of Decorum and Decency to support a demagogue just because that particular demagogue supports their radical ideology. Mainly of the anti abortion flavor.

Anyway, I too love talking Politics and Religion. And love people to use critical thinking when analyzing the two.



The problem is many don’t use critical thinking to analyze the two. They are too busy being offended to have discussion or debate. We see this on many hot issues discussed on Steem, not just religion or politics.

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Ya! Fk the offended and grow up is what I feel. Having a discussion or saying words if someone is sane do not hurt. There was a huge discussion on this when I first got on steemit, if someone says a word and hurts someone’s feelings do we apologize just because we hurt? That line is very fine or can be interpreted and manipulated. Sick sheet.

There is a world of difference (and it's pretty obvious to any observer) between civilized disagreement and a diatribe of mocking, belittling, insulting personal attacks. But that's what too many of these "discussions" turn into. (I may do some research into why these are such irrational topics.)

You can say "I don't like tuna" or "I really love the color green" and people don't go ballistic. But if you say things like "I don't agree with the right-to-work laws" or "I think the Bible is mostly made up of myths" in the wrong circles ... you risk starting a riot.

It may have to do with the fact that people identify so strong with their political persuasions and religious beliefs that disagreement feels like a personal assault that turns into a fight for survival ... and it sure doesn't take much.

People also like to be able to point fingers and fix blame for things that are wrong and that they don't have the power to fix individually ... so it may set off some kind of release when suddenly they get the chance to say ... "Oh, you're one of those people who has caused all these problems. (So here's what I think of you and your stupid ideas!!!)"

It may sound simplistic to put it that way -- but at least in a real brawl of an argument you've got a solid opponent -- and that could be missing from the actual problem, like some vague governmental policy you feel is causing all kinds of misery ... or a set of "deeply held beliefs" people fall back on without really thinking things through for themselves.

I've probably gotten myself in trouble already. So, I think I'll just STFU -- like I usually do.

(To answer your question. Do I think we should be able -- even encouraged -- to discuss these topics? Absolutely. Do I think there's much chance they will be gracefully received and treated respectfully? Not as long as the sun will shine, or as long as the grass will grow. )

Excellent! I’d love to see more of this on dtube and steemit period. For over a year I’ve felt way too restricted into what others feel should be on steemit and I’ve never been in full agreement.

I think this is #zap 😂🤣

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