Simply Put [Drop in the Ocean topic: Opinions]

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)

As a matter of fact,
hardly ends with a fact.

A term abused,
now feeling used.

In my opinion,
might be the better rebuttal.
When stating something,
formed in your butthole.

Opinions might seem simple.

Sure write one.
Sure all are formed equally.
Bite me!

Opinion is just another word for battle, internal until you feel schizo or IRL and depending on your opponent, here comes the tantrum.
Online they care to debate or so they lead you to believe, their mind has been made up and the "debate" is merely an amusing reprieve.

Over a beer it is fun, but wife beaters and sports mean run. Politics are ok unless the opposing has the IQ of clay.
Beliefs make for mockery and opinion reflects these, you will find people oppose when valid but shy away when the effort is wasted.

Simply put your opinion is moot until, in my opinion, it has a root. The respect or thought given will be equal to how I see you as a human, I will classify and judge because, in my opinion, most people aren't much. Your thoughts and actions show me to heed. As I expect the worst from your next deed.

My opinion might not be sound, instead of pushing with force I will insidiously devour and assimilate yours. You have no recourse but to shift or admit you have no rational cause.


I am Penderis and this was my post written for the Drop in the Ocean show for our @BuddyUp community.If you wish to join you can do this by following the SafeLink post here.

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Posted on my Blog thingy


Well, yes - it's obviously green
Am I overusing this?

or a picture, or white text that says it is not blue haha
I don't think you are overusing it might want to have it updated to the latest posts though, and I like the reminder to check the new stuff out since I don't always see them in my feed since I hardly ever view my feed.

Not sure how other people might feel about links on their posts but feel free on mine haha.

I actually meant the running joke 'bout the sky actually being green - I linked to both posts where I mentioned it.

But yeah, I usually don't feel too bad 'bout linking to my posts, mostly because I link to other random posts which entertain me more often.

Why do I keep writing 'bout instead of about?

But if you wanted those links - here and here

Well, that went right over my head. The shame, how will continue my existence. 🙈
Thanx, I actually followed the others then saw you posted again and made a mental note to go read, think I am in recovery after your reply on Thursdays comment haha. Feel free to add me to your subscribers' list eg.: tag me when you post oh wait I will add you to my gina and be notified. 🐒

All right, I'll try to remember to tag you. You could go ahead with the gina plan, but it might not work - I've heard she's been having issues.

I still like my oh yeah let's go check him out method, it seems to work ok then again a lot of my let's check him out method relies on him visiting my posts .... mmm seems a bit unfair but thus is life. I will do better about keeping up that is probably the right answer.

'bout that time of the month I expect so no worries she will be back.

Not blue at all. Oh well, thats just your opinion!! 😜

Posted using Partiko Android

"just" being the operative word. :)

Just take it and go!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha I love that skit. But sir you owe us 50cents, just take it.... and go

Admittedly, I sat and stared at this blue image for a couple minutes waiting for some monumental, profound image or word to pop out of the static. Why? Because I am always looking for the deeper meaning in everything.'s just all an 'illusion' ;) hehe

For these rather contentious topics, I tend to gravitate toward poetry myself - it's ART! ;) I loved your poem very much and couldn't help but see the deeper meaning (beginning to end) "As a matter of fact, Bite me!" LOL

Now I wish I did make one of those images, what they called steroscopics? messed up my eyes one holiday going through a whole book of them , never did need to read at school so was not so bad.

Glad to hear I have deeper meaning :)

You do have deep thoughts, Pen and then you have this humorous side which is a nice balance - I definitely appreciate that :)

Now I wish I did make one of those images, what they called steroscopics?

I'm not sure but once upon a time they were pretty interesting. Would that work online? I don't know

In my opinion,
might be the better rebuttal.
When stating something,
formed in your butthole.

All I can say is, that's some awesome wordsmithing there. Cracked me up! 😅

Thank you, I was quite proud of that I even paused to rephrase and I am super lazy so rephrasing is not something I care for haha.

I rephrase all the time on the spigot posts, since I have a limited time frame to get it all done before posting time. I write my drafts, then tweak once they're all written, then when I've put it all into the post I do another check and often change it even then if I have enough time. For my other poems, I do all of that while writing, because there's no time schedule. It's ll fun though!

The spigots I do think you would have to, and whenever I have attempted poetry I can see why I would need to rephrase, unlike my normal ramblings it can very quickly lose all meaning if I don't. Just because it rhymes doth not give it sense. Fortunately, even in poetry form, your spigots make more sense than the news. Mmmm why I would think it won't is something else. haha

Yep, meaning is why I get so much pleasure and fun writing poetry. Writing prose is difficult for me compared to writing poetry, giving me trouble at times when I'm trying to make a statement with meaning, and many times, even after I've checked before posting, once I post it, I see all kinds of mistakes. It's really weird.

The news poems have some of my opinion in the mix with each story. I really like sarcasm in the right places, that isn't so obvious that some readers will just scratch their head over it, while some others will get it. Of course I don't always achieve that, and I can be a bit rough at times, leaving no question my sarcasm is bordering on outright vilification.

this was an amazing write up and looks great on nogjt view, somehow i accidently turned that on. anyhoo worked out well for this colorful beauty. did you really say butthole and bite me? baha
gotta say those were my two fave words here :p

2 out of 200 is what I call a win, haha. Technically 3 words....
And I am shocked that you care to be blinded by not using nighmode, shame your eyes must be in constant pain. Glad you liked the layout and colours :)

well i am attracted to very raunchy words what can i say. ya holy cow you are a visual writing genius! even those 2 column 4 paras and the blue para was awesome. :)

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