Does the candle burn at both ends?

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)


How do you encourage those around you?

Is it through showers of praise?

Giving somebody a lift to a higher place?

Dishing out money, rewards, a potential raise?

Is it just a phase?

Are you willing to put your neck on the line?

You're just there to listen.

Wait... maybe you know somebody, someone they've been missing.

Have you questioned what encouragement does?

The Good. The Bad.

Your own perspective mixed with theirs...

will that be ironclad?

Do you understand this person enough, to advise them so strongly?

Are you willing to take the blame, if your advice is given wrongfully?


source - photo by devin avery

Do you need encouragement?

Is this a two way street?

You're prepared to give it back, to every person that you meet?

Will you select carefully

and consider your own energy?

Or be slightly reckless in your approach, looking outward selflessly?

This is indeed a two way street

Encouragement is reactive.

choose those genuine and full of hope;

Don't become inactive.

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source - photo taken from

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top image: source - photo by alex holyoake


Different people would need different types of help, as one situation various from another. There's no one-size-fits-all approach. Listening without judging is the first step. ;0)

I totally agree. Being able to detach yourself well enough, so you can advise without judging is definitely the most important step :)

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts @lymepoet!

Loved hearing you read this on PYPT. Excellent poem! Thoughtful. Keep writing. (Also, keep talking, 'cause that accent is a treat for me on this side of the pond.) 💖

That’s excellent! Nuggets of truth in there:

Do you understand this person enough, to advise them so strongly?

Are you willing to take the blame, if your advice is given wrongfully?
Love how your brain works. Lucky to get to learn from such a wise person!

That's one of my favorite lines, to be honest! Having full responsibility for yourself is massive and it's important to take the blame when you're in the wrong. That's genuine :)

Thank you! My brain has its moments hahaha.

don't become inactive.

that's good... no need to swing the pendulum from one end to the other right?

no need to be inactive. just be sensitive to each person's needs and find where your limitations are

great poem - and i love the formatting hehehe

Tick tock, tick tock! I like how you've kept the analogy going. The swing doesn't have to be strong, just enough so it doesn't stop. Much like the little flicker of a fire as it slowly burns.

Thank you for dropping by @dreemsteem :)

Slowly burns???? Oh no.... That reminds me of an awful video someone once posted to my comment section!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


looks around...

yeah, this is my comment section.....

hmmmmmmmmm have full liberty here!!!! 😂😂😂😂 Go for it!!!! Hahahahhaa

Great Initiative my friend :) and yes many of us need encouragement, at least once a week I wanna rage quit truth be told, lol

Ahhh, rage quitting is for losers ;) Can't be having that.

I really liked this poem! There's a really good flow to it, as well as a positive message, so I'm here for it. I like the way you portrayed encouragement as a two-way street. We shouldn't be selfish and neither too selfless. There's a balance that we must strike -- mutual relationships which will push each other upwards.

I'm glad you appreciated it mate! Thanks very much for the feedback and help when editing it. You're right, finding that balance between the two will determine how well we progress forward. It's all about energy :)

Thanks for stopping by mate!

Have you questioned what encouragement does?

Very true one should question what encouragement does since this has a lot to do with intentions also, not just those of the encourager but also once encouraged what does the recipient intend to do when they have reached their goal, thanks to your encouragement?

Or without knowing the bigger picture of things did you just help them from the sidewalk into a ditch?

Encouragement can be as dangerous as good, and knowing that only two perspectives can't be ironclad will help avoid many pitfalls.

Very interesting thoughts on that. I'm glad you elaborated on that. The two sides of the coin are very interesting and it's difficult to know in the present moment whether your help will lift them up or bring them crashing back down.

I guess it comes back to what I was saying with @CoachJJ, even if you do advise someone wrongfully, at least own it and take the responsibility on your shoulders rather than shying away from it. I believe that in itself is a representation of two people being ironclad. Even if the advice is bad, they're still protected by each others support for one another.

I’ve given bad advice before, but you’re right @calumam owning up to it and accepting responsibility is a sign of maturity and willingness to grow. I am learning so much from everyone’s perspectives on this topic.

It's so much fun! I feel like I'm learning so much each week from this and I'm instantly excited for the following week once it's done hahaha!

Very thought provoking poem, I like the way you laid this one out as well. How do you encourage others - that's a very good question and one I often think about. I don't know the answer really, but any feedback you can give people good or bad can help push them forward if you take the time to share it.


Well, you just encouraged me with your comment bud. Knowing that somebody from @thealliance has dropped by to check out my post shows me that my thoughts about the community were true. Encouragement comes in many ways, it's nice to consider the various types :)

Thanks for leaving your thoughts bud, I'm glad you enjoyed the post!

We are a solution. The problem becomes less important when we face our solutions with a good heart.

Choosing to see ways forward and finding the support we need is always an option. People become conditioned into isolation. But the connections are real and always present once we open our hearts and minds to their presence they are with us.

Learning to be an active listener is a goal for me.

I completely agree, up until....

connections are real and always present

The last line kind of hits onto that point and what @dreemsteem mentioned above. It's like a pendulum swinging, you have to keep at least some level of connection/bond going, even if it's once every few months. I know what you mean, just to clarify it somewhat.

Actively listening is a great thing to improve. I'm sure you had a good listening workout yesterday at Talk of the Line on The STEEM Engine.

Thanks for stopping by buddy (Y)

I enjoy listening. I find that people always have something to share. Most of the time it's something I didn't know. Active listening is rewarding for both the listener and the speaker.

Thanks for making me think....yet again. Darn that hurts! Great have made all very valid points.

Hahaha! I'm glad it's causing a little bit of thinking, as long no headaches are included!

Thanks for stopping by @artemisnorth!

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