"I raised to the surface of the water and pushed those sweet baby-sea turtles back to the sea" - Dream interpretation

in #dreams7 years ago (edited)

Excerpt: The more you open yourself to the dream world the stranger the dreams you will have, dreams that seem to be remotely connected to the regular reality. In many cases, there is a lot of symbolism in such dreams as well, but one that comes from deeper levels of the soul, meaning, it's less about the mundane issues that bother you and more about the big questions of your life.



I am 37 years old woman. I dreamed that I was living in the very depths of the sea together with my sister-in-law, and my brother sat on the beach and called us out. Then I saw myself simply rising to the surface of the sea, swimming with my head looking up at the water. When I reached the surface, there was a kind of layer where I had to reach out and move it so I could get out. I did that, moved that layer and took my head out. Then my sister-in-law went up too, and we went out to the beach. We saw that there were lots of babies sea turtles there, waiting to be released back to the sea. And we began to move them from the beach to the sea.What does all this mean?

The dream presents the two worlds in which you live. On the one hand, the earthly world. This is the conscious part of you that is directed at reality - the normal, ordinary part that takes care of the family, the raising of the children, the work, earning money. This is the part that connects with the people around you and makes sure you can live on the physical plane. This part is represented your brother.

The second part is the world of the spirit, your soul, where the source of yourself is, from which you feed. In this dream, this part is represented by your sister-in-law.

The dream wants to tell you that there is really no big barrier between the two worlds. It's a thin membrane that you can remove, tear apart and rather easily. Apparently, you hold a perception that there is a separation between these two world worlds and the dream suggests that you change the belief, so that you can continue to grow.

For what purpose?

Here comes the part of the baby-turtles that represents an act of nourishment and cultivation. It is related to the fulfillment of your vocation in life. In other words, once you allow a merger of the worlds of spirit and matter, you will find the way you can contribute to the world, how you can be of service. And you are right on time, for in the fourth decade of our life we usually begin to walk the path of our set-destiny. Your sister-in-law is a key factor in your dream. What does she represent for you? What is her place in your life? What is your attitude/feelings towards her?

Answer to these questions and you will understand more the meaning of your dream.


March contest is on for four more days. Can you interpret the dream?


I think in my dream it's sometimes "I'm in my job, but I dream that I have never dreamed real nightmare in myself." The dream is actually a dream " @nomad-mag

These are probably Lucid dreams, when you are aware you are dreaming. Very nice!
Check on Google for more info.

yes i will search on Google @ nomad-mag

I've clayed on Google earlier about nightmares @nomad-mag..
sometimes "true on Google but not all of it, my new dream is true" that happened a real our family or even our distant relatives dream of his teeth fell. it's a bad sign in our family, my mother already dream as I say this.

The beliefs have much infulence on our dreams. So it's probably a bad sing if you belivee it's a bad sing.

not this singing. we are the dream of falling teeth there is leaving us our family @nomad-mag

Thank you for sharing this. Sometime I'll share some of the stories of some prophetic dreams I've had and their aftermath. My dreams can be sometimes figurative, as in how you intepreted the one in this post. Or they can be quite literal, like a finger pointing at a map and a voice saying, "Start here." I even dreamed of 9/11/01 the night before it happened. (I was living in NYC at the time.)

Anyway, glad to find you through LFN discord and looking forward to seeing more of your posts.

You seem to be open to your inner worlds so we will be happy to be shared with your inputs.👍

I'd like to share this story with you on one of my adventures following the path led by dreams. I think you'll enjoy it. It was quite literal, and sometimes my dreams direct me in that very specific way. But notice how much else had to cooperate with what the dreams were showing me in order to deliver the full miracle.

this story
Is about the crypto world.
Perhaps you meant to share something what? ☺️

Whoops! I meant this one LOL

Ok, at a glance it looks very interesting. I'll read it thoroughly throughtoput the day.
By the way, could you drop me a line at:
[email protected]? I want to ask something.

I love this story. Thanks for sharing. :-)
It's typical for mind-oriented people to be knocked out, sometimes literally, or have such dreams like your "angelic" one, in order to deliver a message. Mostly when we do not listen to the inner voices.
So, you were fortunate enough to cast away the last remnants of doubt and allow that adventure.

I read about the dreams of people in your posts and I wonder why I dream very rarely and usually it is something related to a message.
Like the dream about my father that came to me, dressed so well and smiling and in my dream I told myself he is like going to a wedding.
I wanted to go toward him and I was confused thinking ..but he is dead already then its image had dissapeared and I woke up a little embarassed.
I told my sister about the dream and soon after in that day, my daughter announced us she is going to marry.
It was so amazing !

Lovely dream. :-)
And you Do dream every night, you just don't remember the dreams. This may help you:

Being with the sister in law rather than wife could be an issue... Couldn't the dream mean that the layer that hides the secret relationship between him and his sister in law is just too thin and it could be broken by anyone.... If he shares some secret relationship with his sister in law he should take care of this because he could be busted.... Busted in what way, maybe they have children soon in there life as shown by baby turtles.... I just tried interpreting but I for sure am no where near....

The dreamer was a woman. I made a correction to make this point clearer.

Now its totally different.... Now you are the master i quit😂😂

Hello @nomad-magus. I want to share a dream relating to your post.

My father is currently 41 years old. He is a baker here in Philippines. When my father is dreaming about seas, rivers or something like watery, he is always experience in difficulties in breathing during that dream. He feels that he is drowning or there us something pulling him downward. Is it a normal dream or something strange is happening? Although, the doctor said that he has a goiter. Is there any relation about his goiter to his dream?..

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and I do not have any official medical training. Any advice or suggestion must be taken with strict discretion

The goiter can certainly influence the dreams. If he feels breathing problems then he has less air and this is interpreted by the mind as drowning.
"something pulling him downwards" means that he is coming back to this earth world, to awaken, as his consciousness realizes the physical stress and wants to wake him up.
Try to change his sleeping posture, perhaps a different pillow, in order to allow free flowing of air.
There are medical ways to treat severe goiter. You may want to consult your doctor.
Good luck to your dad. Sleep is very important for the overhaul well being. It's good you are helping him. 👍

Have given excellent explanation. I agree with you
When I was young I almost dreamed that I was drowning in the water.
I always had a kind of dream. So I was afraid to see the water.
I still see this dream tune sometimes.
I do not know why this is happening with me.
I have a dream or a reality!

So will I really drown in the water?

No, the dream is not prophetic.
Probably a memory from a past lifetime.

I think this is a very interesting dream, I can interpret this dream is a sign of glory. where you do something noble, where you push the turtles into the sea, it is clear that you are a noble human being, who cares about the safety of other beings.

In my opinion here sea is nothing but the deepest world of your innerself and soul and it's reminding the relationship towards your sister-in-law in the deepest level of your soul, and sometimes dreams show the reality and sometimes dreams forecasts, and sometimes they show us mysterious dreams which sometimes difficult to interpret but we have to understand it because dreams are not just for that, we see the dreams with reason, dreams are nothing but, the understanding of subconscious mind and secret messages of subconscious mind because your conscious mind is limited viewer but your subconscious mind play an vital role in life and every action and beliefs are stored in subconscious mind, so we have to try to interpret the dreams because every dream consists something important. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Dreams doesn't necessarily have a symbolic meaning.
Bdw is she pregnant?
Pregnant women are likely to dream about turtles.

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